adjective as in beautiful, marvelous
Strongest matches
brilliant, dazzling, devastating, gorgeous, great, impressive, lovely, ravishing, remarkable, sensational, smashing, spectacular, striking, wonderful
Weak matches
beauteous, bonny, comely, drop-dead, excellent, famous, first-class, first-rate, handsome, heavenly, number one, out of this world, pretty, royal, superior
Example Sentences
Trump took us back to perhaps the most stunning moment of a chaotic and tumultuous presidential campaign: his attempted assassination.
Saracens still had time to regain the lead but never looked like getting the score they needed, and the visitors were able to celebrate a stunning away win.
“Reconstruction: America After the Civil War” is stunning and might wake people up to the truth that America’s been here before.
Captured by Ann Johnson Prum’s high-speed cinematography and macro lenses, the hummingbirds are simply stunning: otherworldly creatures of shimmery hues and feathery beauty.
Some analysts have said bringing the epic story to Imax screens makes sense given the breadth of the fantasy world and anticipated stunning visual nature of the film.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.