noun as in competition
Strong matches
Example Sentences
When Homan raised this issue with Tucker Carlson last month, Carlson responded by one-upping him, reporting that every large construction site in America has child sex workers from Latin America on hand for the patronage of the labor force.
He said they often spoke “candidly about sobriety, sharing stories and one-upping each other. We could laugh about it all, because if you’re still there to talk about it, that means you’re moving in a good direction.”
With Amazon One, the company may be most concerned with one-upping its competitors, Apple and Google, which already collect retina and fingerprint data from millions of device users.
There’s the tiniest glint of guilt in his eyes as his protégé replaces him, one-upping him with a shamelessness that we still haven’t seen the depths of.
“People were one-upping each other on the ‘perfect’ scale,” Mr. Cho said.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.