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View definitions for Party member

Party member

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A newly joined party member said he was there because Farage "is a breath of fresh air" and current politicians were failing to give younger generations a chance to get on.

From BBC

Council leader Milan Radulovic, who had been a party member for 42 years, is among those walking away from Labour.

From BBC

Priyanka Gandhi, the daughter of former prime minister Rajiv Gandhi and a Congress party member, said that Singh was "genuinely egalitarian, wise, strong-willed and courageous until the end".

From BBC

Labour suspended the man, who had been a party member, after learning of his arrest.

From BBC

Allen's wife, Jacqueline - a party member for eight years - is also backing Badenoch.

From BBC


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


