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Churchill and Thatcher were especially vocal critics: They felt there was something a bit pinko about the whole enterprise.

It's a classic scare tactic, that your hard-earned dollars are being spent to turn your kids into pinkos.

From Salon

His comments on issues like fighting in hockey, female sports reporters in dressing rooms, French-Canadians and "pinkos" that "ride bicycles and everything" have frequently landed him in hot water.

From BBC

It’s a curious sentiment for her to feel like she should be doing more, considering her activist history eclipses pretty much the entirety of Hollywood’s, but it’s a genuinely heart-warming notion from our pinko grandmother.

All three of those writers were positive pinkos compared to Campbell; even Robert A Heinlein, who was an anti-communist rightwinger who proselytised the positives of nuclear weapon testing.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


