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"I would also note that the sizeable in-year changes to spending plans in recent years have resulted from the lack of a new Spending Review to replan departmental budgets in the face of significant pressures which have materialised since budgets were set in 2021," Mr Case wrote.

From BBC

"And we wanted to connect the two, so that a robot would automatically know what stage it is in a task, and be able to replan and recover on its own."

“Every ship that gets rerouted has 10,000 containers on it. It’s a lot of emails and phone calls getting made to replan each of those container journeys.”

A statement from China Square said it was closing to "re-evaluate and replan our company strategy" and that it was "considering a possibility of co-operating with local traders".

From BBC

"With free refunds or ticket swaps available, our best advice is to stay home and replan your journey," he added.

From BBC


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


