verb as in go back over
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George Gascón hired in 2021 to reexamine a number of controversial police shootings that the district attorney’s office previously declined to prosecute.
Giving him a face and a broken heart and Goldstein’s soulfulness asks us to reexamine our own hard lines — and wonder whether they’re protective or binding.
“Money counts and expenses matter. He’s probably coming in and looking at his budget. Hiring outside experts is often one of the first areas you reexamine and you cut.”
He enlisted doctors — including leading insulin researchers — to reexamine the medical files in the six known deaths.
Current Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón agreed to reexamine the case, and in late October, he recommended the brothers be resentenced to a lower penalty that would make them immediately eligible for parole.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.