verb as in reconsider
Example Sentences
Google is the latest tech company rethinking how it approaches diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace as businesses face more political pressure from President Trump to roll back these initiatives.
In a thread on Mumsnet following the incident, one user said it was "time to rethink" the volunteer moderation system following "the truly awful photos... which I will never un-see".
One higher education expert has called for more taxpayer funding for universities and a rethink on how student loans are repaid.
"The sector desperately needs a funding rethink, starting with a guarantee from government that the recent rise will continue to be matched to inflation, not just a one-off increase," it said in a statement.
David TC Davies, who was Welsh secretary in Rishi Sunak's Conservative government, has called on employers to rethink the role of AI when recruiting.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.