This article discusses the results of verbal framing analysis of the conflict in news published o... more This article discusses the results of verbal framing analysis of the conflict in news published on Telegram channels by the Russian news agency RIA Novosti (RIAN) and the Ukrainian news agency (UNIAN) during the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022. The analysis, using the text mining method, shows differences between how a more authoritarian and more competitive regime uses social media to construct strategic narratives. RIAN benefits from a technical frame that has not changed throughout the war although the reality on the ground has been evolving dramatically. It focuses on military issues and international rivalry (e.g. sanctions) because the Kremlin focuses on it. UNIAN, on the other hand, uses the moralizing frame of conflict which is more flexible and has been developed in response to changes on the ground-from discussions about the possibility of the invasion to humanitarian tragedy to war crimes, and to creating a more essentialized image of the enemy ('rashists').
Badanie „Zdalne nauczanie a adaptacja do warunków społecznych w czasie epidemii koronawirusa” to ... more Badanie „Zdalne nauczanie a adaptacja do warunków społecznych w czasie epidemii koronawirusa” to badanie ilościowe z komponentem jakościowym. Realizowane było online łącznie w 34 szkołach podstawowych i ponadpodstawowych z całej Polski od 12 maja do 12 czerwca 2020 roku metodą sondażu diagnostycznego w trzech grupach funkcjonujących w społeczności szkolnej. W każdej szkole badani byli: • Uczniowie klas 6–8 szkół podstawowych oraz uczniowie szkół ponadpodstawowych (liceów, techników, liceów zawodowych); (N=1248) • Rodzice badanych uczniów - przy czym kwestionariusz badania wypełniał tylko jeden rodzic/opiekun w gospodarstwie domowym; (N=979) • Nauczyciele wszystkich przedmiotów prowadzący zajęcia w klasach badanych uczniów. (N=671)
The purpose of the study was to determine the level of knowledge and attitudes towards surveillan... more The purpose of the study was to determine the level of knowledge and attitudes towards surveillance capitalism and online institutional privacy protection practices among adolescents in Poland (aged 18-19), as well as to determine the relationships between these variables. Surveillance capitalism has emerged as a result of internet users' activities and involves the collection of all data about these users by different entities for specific benefits without letting them know about it. The dominant role in surveillance capitalism is played by hi-tech corporations. the aim of the study was to verify whether knowledge, and what kind of knowledge, on surveillance capitalism translates into practices related to the protection of online institutional privacy. the study was conducted on a sample of 177 adolescents in Poland. the main part of the questionnaire consisted of two scales: the scale of knowledge and attitudes on surveillance capitalism, and the scale of online institutional privacy protection practices. the results of the study, calculated by statistical methods, showed that although the majority of respondents had average knowledge and attitudes about surveillance capitalism, which may result from insufficient knowledge of the subject matter, this participation in specialized activities/workshops influences the level of intensification of online institutional privacy protection practices.
Advertainment – how to dull consumer's vigilance In a situation where the recipients are becomin... more Advertainment – how to dull consumer's vigilance In a situation where the recipients are becoming more and more tired by advertising, the advertisers are searching for new ways of affecting a consumer and reaching it, especially those that do not identify advertising messages as such. One of those ways is advertainment, which is making advertising messages. These messages are of the similar kind to entetainment species with whom consumers have contact most frequently. In such a situation so called " frame conflicts " phenomenon occurs because advertising does not comprise of indexes/features characteristic for this kind.
A human tendency to believe in divination arises from cognitive attributes
of human mind, includi... more A human tendency to believe in divination arises from cognitive attributes of human mind, including a narrative thinking. In the article, a divination is treated as a narrative story, made up by two participants of a media mediated encounter (a storyteller and a client). The story is developing within a predetermined framework and is consisting of the elements of the narrative scheme, determined by the content of a divinatory question. the author analyses TV divinations broadcast by EZO TV in terms of the elements included in the narrative structure such as: characters, intentions, complications preventing from an achievement of an objective and ways to overcome dificulties.
Media literacy (called also Digital Literacy) are one of the most important competences in XXI ce... more Media literacy (called also Digital Literacy) are one of the most important competences in XXI century. They not only condition an appropriate access to information and media content, but also their correct reception (understanding) as well as participation in cultural, civic and social spheres. For this reason, their diagnosis and survey are of important subject of a scientific discussion. This article signals key problems that stand before researchers planning to measure media literacy, such as: choosing a correct model of a literacy (together with specifying detailed components, levels etc.), supervisory institution and methods selection as well as a construction of a measurement tool. These indicated problems are also elaborated in the context of Polish proposals dealing with this issue.
This article discusses the results of verbal framing analysis of the conflict in news published o... more This article discusses the results of verbal framing analysis of the conflict in news published on Telegram channels by the Russian news agency RIA Novosti (RIAN) and the Ukrainian news agency (UNIAN) during the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022. The analysis, using the text mining method, shows differences between how a more authoritarian and more competitive regime uses social media to construct strategic narratives. RIAN benefits from a technical frame that has not changed throughout the war although the reality on the ground has been evolving dramatically. It focuses on military issues and international rivalry (e.g. sanctions) because the Kremlin focuses on it. UNIAN, on the other hand, uses the moralizing frame of conflict which is more flexible and has been developed in response to changes on the ground-from discussions about the possibility of the invasion to humanitarian tragedy to war crimes, and to creating a more essentialized image of the enemy ('rashists').
Badanie „Zdalne nauczanie a adaptacja do warunków społecznych w czasie epidemii koronawirusa” to ... more Badanie „Zdalne nauczanie a adaptacja do warunków społecznych w czasie epidemii koronawirusa” to badanie ilościowe z komponentem jakościowym. Realizowane było online łącznie w 34 szkołach podstawowych i ponadpodstawowych z całej Polski od 12 maja do 12 czerwca 2020 roku metodą sondażu diagnostycznego w trzech grupach funkcjonujących w społeczności szkolnej. W każdej szkole badani byli: • Uczniowie klas 6–8 szkół podstawowych oraz uczniowie szkół ponadpodstawowych (liceów, techników, liceów zawodowych); (N=1248) • Rodzice badanych uczniów - przy czym kwestionariusz badania wypełniał tylko jeden rodzic/opiekun w gospodarstwie domowym; (N=979) • Nauczyciele wszystkich przedmiotów prowadzący zajęcia w klasach badanych uczniów. (N=671)
The purpose of the study was to determine the level of knowledge and attitudes towards surveillan... more The purpose of the study was to determine the level of knowledge and attitudes towards surveillance capitalism and online institutional privacy protection practices among adolescents in Poland (aged 18-19), as well as to determine the relationships between these variables. Surveillance capitalism has emerged as a result of internet users' activities and involves the collection of all data about these users by different entities for specific benefits without letting them know about it. The dominant role in surveillance capitalism is played by hi-tech corporations. the aim of the study was to verify whether knowledge, and what kind of knowledge, on surveillance capitalism translates into practices related to the protection of online institutional privacy. the study was conducted on a sample of 177 adolescents in Poland. the main part of the questionnaire consisted of two scales: the scale of knowledge and attitudes on surveillance capitalism, and the scale of online institutional privacy protection practices. the results of the study, calculated by statistical methods, showed that although the majority of respondents had average knowledge and attitudes about surveillance capitalism, which may result from insufficient knowledge of the subject matter, this participation in specialized activities/workshops influences the level of intensification of online institutional privacy protection practices.
Advertainment – how to dull consumer's vigilance In a situation where the recipients are becomin... more Advertainment – how to dull consumer's vigilance In a situation where the recipients are becoming more and more tired by advertising, the advertisers are searching for new ways of affecting a consumer and reaching it, especially those that do not identify advertising messages as such. One of those ways is advertainment, which is making advertising messages. These messages are of the similar kind to entetainment species with whom consumers have contact most frequently. In such a situation so called " frame conflicts " phenomenon occurs because advertising does not comprise of indexes/features characteristic for this kind.
A human tendency to believe in divination arises from cognitive attributes
of human mind, includi... more A human tendency to believe in divination arises from cognitive attributes of human mind, including a narrative thinking. In the article, a divination is treated as a narrative story, made up by two participants of a media mediated encounter (a storyteller and a client). The story is developing within a predetermined framework and is consisting of the elements of the narrative scheme, determined by the content of a divinatory question. the author analyses TV divinations broadcast by EZO TV in terms of the elements included in the narrative structure such as: characters, intentions, complications preventing from an achievement of an objective and ways to overcome dificulties.
Media literacy (called also Digital Literacy) are one of the most important competences in XXI ce... more Media literacy (called also Digital Literacy) are one of the most important competences in XXI century. They not only condition an appropriate access to information and media content, but also their correct reception (understanding) as well as participation in cultural, civic and social spheres. For this reason, their diagnosis and survey are of important subject of a scientific discussion. This article signals key problems that stand before researchers planning to measure media literacy, such as: choosing a correct model of a literacy (together with specifying detailed components, levels etc.), supervisory institution and methods selection as well as a construction of a measurement tool. These indicated problems are also elaborated in the context of Polish proposals dealing with this issue.
Ptaszek, G., Stunża, G. D., Pyżalski, J., Dębski, M., Bigaj, M. (2020). Edukacja zdalna: co stało się z uczniami, ich rodzicami i nauczycielami? Gdańsk: Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne., 2020
The book Media education 3.0. Critical understanding of digital media in the age of Big Data and ... more The book Media education 3.0. Critical understanding of digital media in the age of Big Data and algorithmization has a conceptual-problematic and descriptive character, especially where the author organizes certain issues. Its aim is to present the essence and main assumptions of media education 3.0, as well as the characteristics of selected issues in this area. It consists of four parts, of which the first three are theoretical and problematic, whereas the fourth one is more practical. The first part, titled Digital media environment, consists of two chapters, in which phenomena that constitute the context for understanding the concept of media education 3.0 are discussed and characterized. In the first chapter, Technologies. Media. Engagement the author focuses on showing changes in defining the term "media "(including discussing the original concept of media as a data extraction proposed by Joseph Turow and Nick Couldry). The researcher presents how technology and culture influenced the development of engagement and participation and they became their permanent specific programmers. In this chapter, the author also critically discusses the concept of digital natives and digital immigrants. In the second chapter Datafication and traceability, he describes the consequences of digital technologies development, as well as the activity and engagement that have contributed to the dynamics of the data-driven market that underpins many technology corporations and the advertising industry. As a result, digital data may have been dataficated, i.e. presented in a countable way, and through intelligent mathematical computing techniques, analyzed, correlated, and grouped into categories. The second part titled From Media Education 1.0 to Media Education 2.0 consists of two chapters that adequately deal with: the formation of media education in a historical perspective (foreign and Polish context) and a discussion of the most important concepts for media education (including genesis and the scope of meaning and two main concepts of competence). In the third part titled Media education 3.0. Outline of the problem and selected issues (containing five chapters) focuses on presenting several important from the point of view the concept of media education 3.0 phenomena resulting from the datafication and algorithmization described in the second chapter. It is in the fifth chapter Media education 3.0. The essence and assumptions, referring to interalia the principle formulated in the 1980s by Len Masterman, that media education must develop in parallel to changes in reality, the concept of "media education 3.0" is introduced as its next stage (wave). Although it may be arguable to use numerical terms to designate the next phases of the evolution of media education, this concept shows the transition from focusing on mass media (1.0), through an interest in new media and digital technologies (2.0), and data and algorithms, including artificial intelligence ending. Media education 3.0 due to media convergence and deep mediatization (including datafication) expands the area of interest to the entire technological sphere, which is invisible for the user (digital data, algorithms) and and refers to hidden and intelligent mechanisms for managing its activity, behavior, attention, content, information, and knowledge when using the media and new digital technologies. In turn in the fifth chapter titled The power of new media corporations in communication networks referring to the idea of the power of Manuel Castells' communication networks the author notes that the modern power of technology giants that manage the most popular products and services is the ability to program communication networks. The technological solutions introduced by them led to a change in the functioning of the entire media industry, especially news media, an example of which is the submission by traditional media corporations to the rules of algorithmic access to content and information. Events that took place in the last few years, such as the Cambridge Analytica scandal (2017-2018) or the introduction of a new Data Protection Regulation in the European Union (2018) show that the concerns of the academics who warned against growing technology corporations were justified. In this part, the author also discusses the effects of the development of online platforms, especially social networking, which led to the imposition of own rules to other actors of the network (media institutions, the advertising industry, users), what is called the institutional isomorphism. He also points out two other phenomena that are directly related to the business model of media platforms: profiling and computational propaganda. The last part of the fourth titled Key user competences in the area of media education 3.0: privacy management and critical thinking is a discussion of two competencies important for media education: privacy management and critical thinking. Privacy management should be understood as control over the sharing of content and not the opposite of sharing. In turn, the development of critical thinking in the context of such phenomena as computational propaganda should take into account the significant influence of cognitive psychological factors on the process of information evaluation, especially those inconsistent with our beliefs, which is at all overlooked.
Ze względu na duże zróżnicowanie i zakres zjawisk wynikających z wzrastającego udziału nowych tec... more Ze względu na duże zróżnicowanie i zakres zjawisk wynikających z wzrastającego udziału nowych technologii we współczesnym świecie rozdziały tworzące książkę zostały podzielone na cztery części. Pierwsza z nich skoncentrowana jest na ukazaniu przemian w prywatności i zacieraniu granic pomiędzy tym, co prywatne i publiczne w przestrzeni mediów cyfrowych. Druga część skoncentrowana jest na ukazaniu przestrzeni miejskiej z perspektywy technologii cyfrowych. Trzecia, najbardziej zróżnicowana pod kątem tematycznym, obejmuje zagadnienia rozwoju, gospodarki i pracy. Czwarta część porusza tematykę związaną z zagrożeniami w sieci, ochroną informacji i danych osobowych oraz prawnymi aspektami korzystania z zasobów sieciowych.
W tekstach składających się na monografię zostały zaprezentowane dylematy i wyzwania stojące prze... more W tekstach składających się na monografię zostały zaprezentowane dylematy i wyzwania stojące przed współczesną humanistyką w dobie zwrotu posttechnologicznego. W części pierwszej monografii autorzy podejmują zagadnienia dotyczące przyszłości człowieka w czasach posthumanizmu oraz konsekwencji socjologicznych i antropologicznych udziału nowych technologii w kształtowaniu rzeczywistości społeczno-kulturowej. Na drugą część składają się z kolei teksty ukazujące przemiany zachodzące we współczesnej kulturze i sztuce oraz szeroko pojętej aktywności o charakterze kulturalnym, kształtowanej na styku świata rzeczywistego i wirtualnego z wykorzystaniem mediów cyfrowych.
W artykule omówiono wybrane zagadnienia związane z wpływem nowoczesnych technologii,... more Streszczenie W artykule omówiono wybrane zagadnienia związane z wpływem nowoczesnych technologii, w tym inteligentnych maszyn, na różne aspekty życia człowieka u progu czwartej rewolucji przemysłowej. Autorzy wychodzą z założenia, że jakakolwiek skrajna postawa wobec technologii prowadzi na poznawcze manowce. Rozwój technologiczny przynosi bowiem różnorodne konsekwencje dla człowieka, społeczeństwa, gospodarki i środowiska. Z jednej strony pozwala on pokonać ograniczenia człowieka i wzmocnić jego potencjał, wymuszając zarazem rozszerzenie terminu podmiotowości i sprawczości na rzeczy, które stają się faktycznymi uczestnikami relacji społecznych. W rezultacie wzrastający udział nowoczesnych technologii we współczesnych społeczeństwach prowadzi do istotnych zmian w przestrzeni zarówno komunikacji, jak i w sferze konsumpcji, zmieniając dotychczasowe praktyki, poprzez wprowadzanie maszyn zdolnych do interakcji z człowiekiem oraz coraz łatwiejsze korzystanie z nowoczesnych urządzeń. Uspołecznienie technologii staje się dziś ważnym trendem w nowoczesnym społeczeństwie, które wymaga szerokiej analizy jego skutków. Rodzi bowiem szereg dylematów i problemów wymagających przedefniowania wielu klasycznych pojęć, które dotąd w naukach społecznych były zarezerwowane wyłącznie dla aktywności człowieka, a dziś muszą obejmować również technologie i superinteligentne maszyny. Procesy te wymykają się prostej opozycji technofobia–technofetyszyzm i stanowią nowe wyzwanie dla naukowej refleksji. Słowa kluczowe: nowoczesne technologie, superinteligentne maszyny, czwarta rewolucja przemysłowa.
Abstract In the article the selected issues related to the influence of new technologies on various aspects of life of a human being on the treshold of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, including inteligent machines, are discussed. The authors assume that any extreme attitude to technology leads up to a cognitive blind alley. Technological development brings different consequences for a man, society, economy and environment. On one hand, it allows to overcome human limitations and strenghten its potential, in the same time enforcing the extention of the subjectivity term and agency of things which become real participants of social relations. As a result, a growing contribution of modern technologies to contemporary societies leads to essential changes in the area of communication as well as of area of consumption, modifying the currect practises through implementing machines enabling to interact with a human being and use of modern devices increasingly easier. Socialization of technology is becoming today an important trend within a modern society that demandsa broaden analysis its consequences. This in fact rises a number of dilemmas and problems requiring a redefning classical concepts that in social sciences have been reserved so far for an activity of a man, and today must embrace technologies and superinteligent machines too. These proceses are out of a standard of a simple opposition: technophobia – technofetishism and represent a new challenge for a scientifc reflection. Keywords: new technologies, superintelligence machines, fourth industrial revolution.
W tekście zostały poglądowo omówione wybrane zjawiska wchodzące w obszar zainteresowania współcze... more W tekście zostały poglądowo omówione wybrane zjawiska wchodzące w obszar zainteresowania współczesnej humanistyki cyfrowej. Autorzy, wychodząc od koncepcji zwrotu w kulturze, zwracają uwagę na rosnące w XXI wieku zainteresowanie specyficznym typem sprawczości już nie tylko podmiotów ludzkich, ale i rzeczy (a nawet programów komputerowych). Ten zwrot jest niejako konieczny, ponieważ wzrasta rola technologii w procesach kulturowych, co określa się mianem technokultury. W tym kontekście opisywane są zróżnicowane formy tego oddziaływania, takie jak: algorytmy wyszukiwarek, proces cyborgizacji człowieka, rozwijający się nurt filozofii postludzkiej, nazywany transhumanizmem, oraz gry wideo – traktowane jako główne medium symulacyjne, które funkcjonuje w obszarze współczesnej popkultury.
Gałuszka, D..; Ptaszek, G.; Żuchowska-Skiba, D. (2016). Wyzwania i dylematy humanistyki XXI wieku, [w:] D. Gałuszka, G. Ptaszek, D. Żuchowska-Skiba (red.), Technokultura: transhumanizm i sztuka cyfrowa. Kraków: Libron, s. 9-21.
The International Encyclopedia of Media Literacy, 2019
The development of media literacy in Poland is closely related to the socio-political changes tak... more The development of media literacy in Poland is closely related to the socio-political changes taking place in this country. During the communist regime, the activities related to media literacy were limited to the educational role of television and treatment of media as tools for optimizing knowledge in the teaching process. With the fall of communism in 1989 and the ensuing reforms of the state, different milieus (academics, teachers, social activists, government officials) began increasingly to perceive the need for media literacy, but the lack of appropriate legal regulations prevented the creation of a coherent policy. Only after Poland's accession to the EU and financial support, media literacy gained momentum and took the form of cross-sectoral activity. Keywords: ML in Poland; ML policies in Poland; NGO's and media literacy actions in Poland Main text The socio-political situation had a significant impact on the development of media literacy in Poland. We can distinguish three phases: 1. latency and superficial activities (1963-1995), 2. theoretical and practical revitalization (connected with a struggle for media literacy presence in school curricula) (1996-2010), and 3. cross-sectoral activity and actions for lifelong learning media literacy (from 2011 to the present). When in the 60s in the US, Canada, Britain, and other Western European countries, attention was drawn to the role of media literacy in shaping a conscious and critical TV reception, Poland as a socialist country (official name: the People's Republic of Poland) had to realize ideological postulates of the political system in all areas of the state. Because mass media (radio, television, and the press) were ancillary to the interests of the state, as well as to the plans and directives of the
The International Encyclopedia of Media Literacy, 2019
Currently, measurement of media literacy outcomes is a challenge for media literacy researchers. ... more Currently, measurement of media literacy outcomes is a challenge for media literacy researchers. It results, i.e. from a lack of clarity among academics about what media literacy means. A process of measurement is a multistage, which requires of researchers, e.g. a definition of the measurement's area, a definition of assessing competencies, specifying their proficiency levels and performance criteria. Moreover, a success of measurement of media literacy depends on an appropriate selection methods and tools of measurement. Most of them are of quantitative and of self-assessment nature (carried out on small groups of respondents), what does not provide a right view on an accuracy of measurement of media literacy outcomes. Keywords: measurement of media literacy, tools of measurement, a framework of media literacy, quantitative and qualitative researches.
As described in the editorial of this special issue, each country has its own historical traditio... more As described in the editorial of this special issue, each country has its own historical tradition and approach to media literacy. How would you describe the Polish approach? In Poland we have actually not been talking about "media literacy" (kompetencje medialne) for a long time anymore but, instead, about "media education" (edukacja medialna). At the beginning of the 21st century, when the discussion about new lit-eracies in the world of digital media emerged, the concept of media literacy became more popular than the notion of media education. In my opinion, the dominance of the concept media literacy resulted, among others, from quite a wrong understanding of media education as only activities within formal education and related to the critical analysis of traditional media. Today, I think that media literacy education should be perceived more broadly and not only in the strictly limited meaning of using media as well as information and communication technology (ICT) in the classroom; it also remains in connection to related research areas focusing on various aspects of media and ICT, such as communication and media studies, cultural studies, as well as the concept of lifelong learning. As you may remember, the notion of "information" in media literacy was initially presented during the international forum organised in 2011 in Fez, Morocco, with the support of UNESCO. It was the initiative of the international community of information science researchers who were one of the first to start a discussion on searching and assessing information skills related to the Internet. They demanded that "information literacy" should be recognised as an equivalent to "media literacy", which, consequently, contributed to the dissemination of the concept of "Media and Information Literacy" (MIL). Since then, the idea of MIL has been adopted in a dozen countries around the world, mainly in those in which the national UNESCO committees have been promoting it dynamically. This also happened in Poland.
The rupture presented to mass media by the internet was more decentralization and some limited de... more The rupture presented to mass media by the internet was more decentralization and some limited democratization of the means of communication. This presented a welcome impulse to speak back to the dominant mass media, which had over the previous 100 years imposed values-ways of thinking and interpreting reality-and had ensured the centralized control of media production and distribution of content. The internet was supposed to not only democratize social space on a global scale, connecting people separated by technological barriers, but also, above all, enable free communication between connected users across a unified network. The horizontal exchange of information was supposed to become possible for anyone connected to the network: ordinary users, institutions, governments, and media corporations alike would share this space. The movement toward internet democratization began with the creation of search engines in the late 1990s. Search engines would organize online content, filtering out material by given criteria, and making it possible for both professional and amateur content creators to reach a global audience (the "many to many" model). Users would also be given easy access to the myriad resources distributed across the network. The emergence of Web 2.0 in the early 2000s brought an even greater hope for the democratization of the internet. It was a user-centered networking tool that could enable participation on a global scale. It had the potential to facilitate the exchange of experience and knowledge as well as undermining hierarchical social, cultural, and political control of information flows. This hopeful mood, associated with the participatory nature of Web 2.0, has been eclipsed by the emergence of an algorithmic, semantic Web 3.0 over a decade later. Web 3.0 is based on mass collected and processed data. It uses mechanisms based on artificial intelligence (AI), including machine learning and neural networks, to not only predict users' behavior and needs
At the root of the technological revolution associated with the spread of the internet-the first ... more At the root of the technological revolution associated with the spread of the internet-the first global medium on a mass scale-was a desire to create a space free from the dominance of the mass media industry, which imposed specific values, mindsets and interpretations of reality, and provided a centralised control of the production and distribution of content. The Internet, which founding was based on the concept of freedom 1 , especially personal, was supposed to democratise not only the social space on a global scale, plugging people separated by a technological barrier into a network, but above all to enable free communication between users connected in one network. It was also meant to make possible information exchange between everyone who was connected to the same, they being ordinary users, companies, media corporations, etc. The democratisation of the Internet was favoured by the creation of the first search engines in the late 1990s that sorted out content available on the web, filtering out what did not meet certain conditions. At the same time, it was search engines that enabled both professional and amateur content creators to reach wide audiences (the "many-to-many" model) on a global scale, while
Badanie „Zdalne nauczanie a adaptacja do warunków społecznych w czasie epidemii koronawirusa” to ... more Badanie „Zdalne nauczanie a adaptacja do warunków społecznych w czasie epidemii koronawirusa” to badanie ilościowe z komponentem jakościowym. Realizowane było online łącznie w 34 szkołach podstawowych i ponadpodstawowych z całej Polski od 12 maja do 12 czerwca 2020 roku metodą sondażu diagnostycznego w trzech grupach funkcjonujących w społeczności szkolnej. W każdej szkole badani byli: • Uczniowie klas 6–8 szkół podstawowych oraz uczniowie szkół ponadpodstawowych (liceów, techników, liceów zawodowych); (N=1248) • Rodzice badanych uczniów - przy czym kwestionariusz badania wypełniał tylko jeden rodzic/opiekun w gospodarstwie domowym; (N=979) • Nauczyciele wszystkich przedmiotów prowadzący zajęcia w klasach badanych uczniów. (N=671)
Papers by Grzegorz Ptaszek
of human mind, including a narrative thinking. In the article, a divination is treated as a narrative story, made up by two participants of a media
mediated encounter (a storyteller and a client). The story is developing
within a predetermined framework and is consisting of the elements of
the narrative scheme, determined by the content of a divinatory question.
the author analyses TV divinations broadcast by EZO TV in terms of the
elements included in the narrative structure such as: characters, intentions, complications preventing from an achievement of an objective and ways to overcome dificulties.
of human mind, including a narrative thinking. In the article, a divination is treated as a narrative story, made up by two participants of a media
mediated encounter (a storyteller and a client). The story is developing
within a predetermined framework and is consisting of the elements of
the narrative scheme, determined by the content of a divinatory question.
the author analyses TV divinations broadcast by EZO TV in terms of the
elements included in the narrative structure such as: characters, intentions, complications preventing from an achievement of an objective and ways to overcome dificulties.
The first part, titled Digital media environment, consists of two chapters, in which phenomena that constitute the context for understanding the concept of media education 3.0 are discussed and characterized. In the first chapter, Technologies. Media. Engagement the author focuses on showing changes in defining the term "media "(including discussing the original concept of media as a data extraction proposed by Joseph Turow and Nick Couldry). The researcher presents how technology and culture influenced the development of engagement and participation and they became their permanent specific programmers. In this chapter, the author also critically discusses the concept of digital natives and digital immigrants. In the second chapter Datafication and traceability, he describes the consequences of digital technologies development, as well as the activity and engagement that have contributed to the dynamics of the data-driven market that underpins many technology corporations and the advertising industry. As a result, digital data may have been dataficated, i.e. presented in a countable way, and through intelligent mathematical computing techniques, analyzed, correlated, and grouped into categories.
The second part titled From Media Education 1.0 to Media Education 2.0 consists of two chapters that adequately deal with: the formation of media education in a historical perspective (foreign and Polish context) and a discussion of the most important concepts for media education (including genesis and the scope of meaning and two main concepts of competence).
In the third part titled Media education 3.0. Outline of the problem and selected issues (containing five chapters) focuses on presenting several important from the point of view the concept of media education 3.0 phenomena resulting from the datafication and algorithmization described in the second chapter. It is in the fifth chapter Media education 3.0. The essence and assumptions, referring to interalia the principle formulated in the 1980s by Len Masterman, that media education must develop in parallel to changes in reality, the concept of "media education 3.0" is introduced as its next stage (wave). Although it may be arguable to use numerical terms to designate the next phases of the evolution of media education, this concept shows the transition from focusing on mass media (1.0), through an interest in new media and digital technologies (2.0), and data and algorithms, including artificial intelligence ending. Media education 3.0 due to media convergence and deep mediatization (including datafication) expands the area of interest to the entire technological sphere, which is invisible for the user (digital data, algorithms) and and refers to hidden and intelligent mechanisms for managing its activity, behavior, attention, content, information, and knowledge when using the media and new digital technologies. In turn in the fifth chapter titled The power of new media corporations in communication networks referring to the idea of the power of Manuel Castells' communication networks the author notes that the modern power of technology giants that manage the most popular products and services is the ability to program communication networks. The technological solutions introduced by them led to a change in the functioning of the entire media industry, especially news media, an example of which is the submission by traditional media corporations to the rules of algorithmic access to content and information. Events that took place in the last few years, such as the Cambridge Analytica scandal (2017-2018) or the introduction of a new Data Protection Regulation in the European Union (2018) show that the concerns of the academics who warned against growing technology corporations were justified. In this part, the author also discusses the effects of the development of online platforms, especially social networking, which led to the imposition of own rules to other actors of the network (media institutions, the advertising industry, users), what is called the institutional isomorphism. He also points out two other phenomena that are directly related to the business model of media platforms: profiling and computational propaganda.
The last part of the fourth titled Key user competences in the area of media education 3.0: privacy management and critical thinking is a discussion of two competencies important for media education: privacy management and critical thinking. Privacy management should be understood as control over the sharing of content and not the opposite of sharing. In turn, the development of critical thinking in the context of such phenomena as computational propaganda should take into account the significant influence of cognitive psychological factors on the process of information evaluation, especially those inconsistent with our beliefs, which is at all overlooked.
W artykule omówiono wybrane zagadnienia związane z wpływem nowoczesnych technologii, w tym inteligentnych maszyn, na różne aspekty życia człowieka u progu czwartej rewolucji przemysłowej. Autorzy wychodzą z założenia, że jakakolwiek skrajna postawa wobec technologii prowadzi na poznawcze manowce. Rozwój technologiczny przynosi bowiem różnorodne konsekwencje dla człowieka,
społeczeństwa, gospodarki i środowiska. Z jednej strony pozwala on
pokonać ograniczenia człowieka i wzmocnić jego potencjał, wymuszając zarazem rozszerzenie terminu podmiotowości i sprawczości na rzeczy, które stają się faktycznymi uczestnikami relacji społecznych. W rezultacie wzrastający udział nowoczesnych technologii we współczesnych społeczeństwach prowadzi do istotnych zmian w przestrzeni zarówno komunikacji, jak i w sferze konsumpcji,
zmieniając dotychczasowe praktyki, poprzez wprowadzanie maszyn zdolnych do interakcji z człowiekiem oraz coraz łatwiejsze korzystanie z nowoczesnych urządzeń. Uspołecznienie technologii staje się dziś ważnym trendem w nowoczesnym społeczeństwie, które wymaga szerokiej analizy jego skutków. Rodzi bowiem szereg dylematów i problemów wymagających przedefniowania wielu klasycznych pojęć, które dotąd w naukach społecznych były zarezerwowane wyłącznie dla aktywności człowieka, a dziś muszą obejmować również technologie i superinteligentne maszyny. Procesy te wymykają się prostej opozycji
technofobia–technofetyszyzm i stanowią nowe wyzwanie dla naukowej refleksji.
Słowa kluczowe: nowoczesne technologie, superinteligentne maszyny,
czwarta rewolucja przemysłowa.
In the article the selected issues related to the influence of new technologies on various aspects of life of a human being on the treshold of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, including inteligent machines, are discussed. The authors assume that any extreme attitude to technology leads up to a cognitive blind alley. Technological development brings different consequences for a man, society, economy and environment. On one hand, it allows to overcome human limitations and strenghten its potential, in the same time enforcing the extention of the subjectivity term and agency of things which become real participants of social relations. As a result, a growing contribution of modern technologies to contemporary societies leads to essential changes in the area of communication as well as of area of consumption, modifying the currect
practises through implementing machines enabling to interact with a human being and use of modern devices increasingly easier. Socialization of technology is becoming today an important trend within a modern society that demandsa broaden analysis its consequences. This in fact rises a number of dilemmas and problems requiring a redefning classical concepts that in social sciences have been reserved so far for an activity of a man, and today must embrace technologies and superinteligent machines too. These proceses are out of a standard
of a simple opposition: technophobia – technofetishism and represent a new challenge for a scientifc reflection.
Keywords: new technologies, superintelligence machines, fourth industrial revolution.
Gałuszka, D..; Ptaszek, G.; Żuchowska-Skiba, D. (2016). Wyzwania i dylematy humanistyki XXI wieku, [w:] D. Gałuszka, G. Ptaszek, D. Żuchowska-Skiba (red.), Technokultura: transhumanizm i sztuka cyfrowa. Kraków: Libron, s. 9-21.
podstawowych i ponadpodstawowych z całej Polski od 12 maja do 12 czerwca 2020 roku metodą sondażu diagnostycznego w trzech grupach
funkcjonujących w społeczności szkolnej.
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