WOS: 000319698900001As teeth and surrounding tissues have a different biological structure and an... more WOS: 000319698900001As teeth and surrounding tissues have a different biological structure and anatomy, there is no doubt that they are more reliable and available than other parts of a skeleton. Teeth are the easiest caries and wearing organisms although they are more resistant than other parts of the body. Pathological situations as dental caries, tooth wear, abscess, tartar and periodontal diseases deliver more information such as the eating habits and the general health status of the population than other parts of the skeleton. There is no doubt that there is rich material dealing with the odontological findings in the Mediterranean region because of the fact that the sites here hosted many civilizations throughout history. Kelenderis is one of these ancient sites. Food production, consumption and the economy in Kelenderis give us information on the dental health which is one of the major factors, directly affecting the quality of life and welfare of the individual. 719 Permanent teeth of 113 individual pieces were examined in Kelenderis. Periodontal diseases have been the most common exposured ones of the community. This lesion is observed in 78.94% of the individuals. 37.94% ante mortem teeth lose, 25.66% hypoplasia, 21.89% tartar, 10.32% dental caries and 3.37% apse are observed respectively. These rates show us the high amout of health problems among the people of Kelenderis. In addition, eating habits and lifestyle of the population were different from the ones of other ancient Anatolian people. While rates indicate significant information including the nutrition habits and the general health situation of the society, tooth wears reveal the comprehensive results regarding the individual's age, diet and cultural habits. Oral and dental health is one of the indicators of a good diet. The probability of occurrence of dental caries is highly due to poor nutrition at communities having poor socioeconomic status. The political and economic fluctuations in the Mediterranean region adversely affected eating habits and lifestyles of the Kelenderis population. Moreover, physiological stress, unbalanced and irregular eating, fever, and epidemic diseases had rather adverse effects on children and infants in Kelenderis. In this case, it appears that hypoplasia rates are indicators of systematic and traumatic diseases. It is certain that jaw and tooth diseases among the people of Kelenderis have been one of the biggest health problems
Although Anatolia includes a rich anthropological data source, studies based on nonmeasurable fea... more Although Anatolia includes a rich anthropological data source, studies based on nonmeasurable features are limited. Thus, this study, aiming to contribute to this field, compares 30 nonmetric features belonging to 47 skeletons from the Datça Peninsula, dated to the Roman period, with 19 nonmeasurable features on the skulls of individuals belonging to 9 different populations that lived in different geographical areas between the Early Bronze Age to the first quarter of the 20th century. Biological relations between Ancient Anatolian populations were investigated by multivariable statistical processes. Use of epigenetic features is an informative method for determining the degree of biological proximity or distance in ancient populations. The non-measurable features of the cranium are of great value to researchers for the assessment of both hereditary and environmental factors when studying such populations. In this study, 30 nonmetric features of 47 skeletons, dated to the Archaic and Roman periods, excavated from the Datça Peninsula between 1993 and 2001, were investigated. The parietal foramen was the most frequently observed feature (43.7%). The lambdoid bone (23.5%), bone on the asterion (20%), zygomaticofacial foramen (16.6%), foramen ovale (14.2%), and bone on the lambda (12.5%) were among the most frequently encountered epigenetic characters. Cluster analysis showed 2 different groupings. Those findings are remarkable and show the presence of biological and environmental similarities between ancient Anatolian populations.
Amac: Gunumuzde yaslanma ile birlikte ortaya cikan hastaliklar ve tedavileri ile ilgili bircok ar... more Amac: Gunumuzde yaslanma ile birlikte ortaya cikan hastaliklar ve tedavileri ile ilgili bircok arastirma yapilmaktadir. Fakat gecmiste yasamis insan topluluklari ile ilgili arastirmalarin sayisi oldukca sinirlidir. Bu calismanin amaci Neolitik donemden 20. yuzyilin ilk yarisina kadar yasamis olan Eski Anadolu Topluluklarindaki yasli bireylerin incelenmesi ve o donemlerde yaslilarda gorulen saglik problemlerinin ortaya konulmasidir. Materyal: Anadolu’da yapilmis olan arkeolojik kazi calismalarinda ele gecirilen iskelet serileri icerisinde, yasli bireylerin belirtilmis oldugu topluluklar orneklem grubu olarak secilmistir. Metot: Bu calisma literatur calismasi seklinde hazirlanmis olup, 25 Eski Anadolu topluluguna ait 3184 iskeletin verilerine ulasilmis ve bu iskelet serileri icerisinde tespit edilebilmis 311 yasli bireyde ortaya cikan patolojik rahatsizliklar incelenmistir. Bulgular: Insanlarda yasam uzunlugunun, yerlesik hayatin baslamasiyla arttigi paleodemografik calismalar ile or...
Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi
Miyosen döneme tarihlendirilen Anadolu’da 22, Yunanistan’da 30 ve İran’da 2 formasyondan ele geçe... more Miyosen döneme tarihlendirilen Anadolu’da 22, Yunanistan’da 30 ve İran’da 2 formasyondan ele geçen bovidlere ait taksonomik bilgiler paleobiyocoğrafik ve paleoekolojik dinamiklerle birlikte bu çalışmada analiz edilmiştir. Anadolu-İran-Yunanistan provinsindeki lokalitelerde ortak bulunan sekiz farklı bovid (Gazella cf. capricornis, Gazella sp., Miotragoceros sp.,Oioceros rothi, Palaeoreas sp., Prostrepsiceros houtumschindleri, Prostrepsiceros rotundicornis ve Tragoportax amalthea) bu bölgeler arasında büyük ölçüde paleoekolojik ve paleobiyocoğrafik benzerlikler bulunduğunu göstermektedir. Aynı zamanda bu türlerin Anadolu’nun kıtalar arası geçişte bir köprü görevini gördüğü ve bunun sonucunda da söz konusu Anadolu’da Avrupa’da temsil edildikleri seviyelerden daha yukarı seviyelerde olduğu görülmüştür. Vallesian döneme kadar sınırlı sayıda bovid ailesine ait cins ve türler mevcutken, Geç Vallesian ve Erken Turolian ile birlikte bir artış söz konusudur. Birçok bovid türünün açık otlak ...
Ilısu Barajı gölalanı altında kalan Diyarbakır/Salat Tepe kurtarma kazılarından ele geçen 12 adet... more Ilısu Barajı gölalanı altında kalan Diyarbakır/Salat Tepe kurtarma kazılarından ele geçen 12 adet iskeletin paleopatolojik, paleodemografik, morfolojik ve non-metrik açıdan incelemesi yapılmıştır. Analiz sonucunda Orta Tunç Çağına tarihlendirilen Salat Tepe insanlarının tarıma dayalı küçük sosyo-ekonomik bir yapıya sahip oldukları ve zor hayat koşulları içinde mütevazi bir yaşam sürdükleri elde edilen arkeolojik ve antropolojik bulgulardan anlaşılmaktadır. İleri bir tarım toplumundan ziyade küçük ve yerel tarımcılıkla uğraşan Diyarbakır/ Salat Tepe insanları dönemin eski Anadolu toplumlarının genel karakteristiğini yansıtmaktadır.During the rescue excavations at Salat Tepe site in Diyarbakır , which is currently under the lake of IIisu dam region, 21 skeletons were unearthed; the paelopathological, paleodemographical, morphological and non-metrical aspects of the seskeletons were analyzed. The results of the archaeological and anthropological findings indicate that the inhabitants o...
This study focuses on examining caprine herding strategies during Early and Middle Bronze periods... more This study focuses on examining caprine herding strategies during Early and Middle Bronze periods, throughout the analysis of the faunal materials that belong to Anatolian and upper Mesopotamian sites. The main argument of this paper is assessing the role of both environmental factors and socio-economic strategies in the development of caprine herding patterns. The zooarchaeological research methods which were applied on several faunal assemblages assisted us in evaluating the frequency of herded species in each settlement, the distribution of age groups and the variation of animal’s size. While conducting a comparative study among several archaeological sites situated in two distinctive geographical regions, will give us the chance to illustrate if environmental or socio-economic factors lead to the adaptation of certain herding patterns. Consequently we will able to shed new light on the developments of early urban societies.
Kaman/Omerhacili Koyundeki kurtarma kazisi neticesinde Gec Roma mimarisi ozelliklerini gosteren s... more Kaman/Omerhacili Koyundeki kurtarma kazisi neticesinde Gec Roma mimarisi ozelliklerini gosteren sapel olarak degerlendirilebilecek bir yapinin icinde inhumasyon ve dorsal tarzinda 2 yetiskin, 6 cocuk ve 4 fetuse ait gomulere rastlanilmistir. Her ne kadar populasyon toplumun genelini yansitamayacak kadar az sayida olsa da bulgular oldukca onemli ve dikkat cekicidir. Aneminin sorumlu oldugu porotic lezyonlarindan cribra orbitalia, porotic hyperostosis ve ek olarak cevresel stresin veya genetik faktorlerin ya da her ikisinin bir gostergesi olarak kabul edilen gelisim bozuklugunu iyi yansitan hypoplasia ve kok displazisi onemli patolojik bulgulardandir. Agiz ve dis sagligina ait ilk veriler bin yil onceki Omerhacili toplumunda tarimsal agirlikli bir beslenmenin hâkim oldugunu gostermektedir. Ele gecen buluntular arasinda cocuk ve bebek olum oranlarinin yuksek olmasinin yani sira, yetiskinlerde de gorulen genel saglik sorunlari Omerhacili bireylerinin yasam kosullarinin saglikli olmadigi...
In this study, 21 skeletons, obtained from rescue excavations conducted in Diyarbakır/Salat Tepe ... more In this study, 21 skeletons, obtained from rescue excavations conducted in Diyarbakır/Salat Tepe (Salat Hill) flooded by a lake formed by the Ilısu Dam, were examined in terms of paleopathology, paleodemography, morphology and non-metric features. The analysis of archaeological and anthropological findings reveal that the Salat Tepe people dated back to the Middle Bronze Age. Their small socio-economic structure based on agriculture, and the inhabitants lived a modest life in harsh conditions. The evidence of small and local agriculture, rather than being an advanced agricultural society, shows that Diyarbakır/Salat Tepe people share the general characteristics of ancient Anatolian societies of the period.
The excavations conducted at Van Castle Mound, East Anatolia, between 1987 and 2010 uncovered a t... more The excavations conducted at Van Castle Mound, East Anatolia, between 1987 and 2010 uncovered a total of 328 human skeletons dating back to the Medieval period. Thirty trauma cases were identified within the collection, constituting 9.14% of the entire population. Typology and distribution of the trauma among different sexes indicated that depression fractures, oblique fractures, comminuted fractures, and head deformation were more frequently observed in male skeletons, while a post-fractural infection appeared only in a female skeleton. Trauma cases were more common on post-cranial bones. In addition, a trepanned cranial specimen belonging to a mature individual is identified in which grooving technique was performed. Most of the observed trauma cases were related to heavy labor, unsafe working conditions, and challenges of everyday agrarian life. Previous paleopathological studies from the Medieval Van Castle Mound also indicates an insufficient nutritation and high physical stress.
WOS: 000319698900001As teeth and surrounding tissues have a different biological structure and an... more WOS: 000319698900001As teeth and surrounding tissues have a different biological structure and anatomy, there is no doubt that they are more reliable and available than other parts of a skeleton. Teeth are the easiest caries and wearing organisms although they are more resistant than other parts of the body. Pathological situations as dental caries, tooth wear, abscess, tartar and periodontal diseases deliver more information such as the eating habits and the general health status of the population than other parts of the skeleton. There is no doubt that there is rich material dealing with the odontological findings in the Mediterranean region because of the fact that the sites here hosted many civilizations throughout history. Kelenderis is one of these ancient sites. Food production, consumption and the economy in Kelenderis give us information on the dental health which is one of the major factors, directly affecting the quality of life and welfare of the individual. 719 Permanent teeth of 113 individual pieces were examined in Kelenderis. Periodontal diseases have been the most common exposured ones of the community. This lesion is observed in 78.94% of the individuals. 37.94% ante mortem teeth lose, 25.66% hypoplasia, 21.89% tartar, 10.32% dental caries and 3.37% apse are observed respectively. These rates show us the high amout of health problems among the people of Kelenderis. In addition, eating habits and lifestyle of the population were different from the ones of other ancient Anatolian people. While rates indicate significant information including the nutrition habits and the general health situation of the society, tooth wears reveal the comprehensive results regarding the individual's age, diet and cultural habits. Oral and dental health is one of the indicators of a good diet. The probability of occurrence of dental caries is highly due to poor nutrition at communities having poor socioeconomic status. The political and economic fluctuations in the Mediterranean region adversely affected eating habits and lifestyles of the Kelenderis population. Moreover, physiological stress, unbalanced and irregular eating, fever, and epidemic diseases had rather adverse effects on children and infants in Kelenderis. In this case, it appears that hypoplasia rates are indicators of systematic and traumatic diseases. It is certain that jaw and tooth diseases among the people of Kelenderis have been one of the biggest health problems
Although Anatolia includes a rich anthropological data source, studies based on nonmeasurable fea... more Although Anatolia includes a rich anthropological data source, studies based on nonmeasurable features are limited. Thus, this study, aiming to contribute to this field, compares 30 nonmetric features belonging to 47 skeletons from the Datça Peninsula, dated to the Roman period, with 19 nonmeasurable features on the skulls of individuals belonging to 9 different populations that lived in different geographical areas between the Early Bronze Age to the first quarter of the 20th century. Biological relations between Ancient Anatolian populations were investigated by multivariable statistical processes. Use of epigenetic features is an informative method for determining the degree of biological proximity or distance in ancient populations. The non-measurable features of the cranium are of great value to researchers for the assessment of both hereditary and environmental factors when studying such populations. In this study, 30 nonmetric features of 47 skeletons, dated to the Archaic and Roman periods, excavated from the Datça Peninsula between 1993 and 2001, were investigated. The parietal foramen was the most frequently observed feature (43.7%). The lambdoid bone (23.5%), bone on the asterion (20%), zygomaticofacial foramen (16.6%), foramen ovale (14.2%), and bone on the lambda (12.5%) were among the most frequently encountered epigenetic characters. Cluster analysis showed 2 different groupings. Those findings are remarkable and show the presence of biological and environmental similarities between ancient Anatolian populations.
Amac: Gunumuzde yaslanma ile birlikte ortaya cikan hastaliklar ve tedavileri ile ilgili bircok ar... more Amac: Gunumuzde yaslanma ile birlikte ortaya cikan hastaliklar ve tedavileri ile ilgili bircok arastirma yapilmaktadir. Fakat gecmiste yasamis insan topluluklari ile ilgili arastirmalarin sayisi oldukca sinirlidir. Bu calismanin amaci Neolitik donemden 20. yuzyilin ilk yarisina kadar yasamis olan Eski Anadolu Topluluklarindaki yasli bireylerin incelenmesi ve o donemlerde yaslilarda gorulen saglik problemlerinin ortaya konulmasidir. Materyal: Anadolu’da yapilmis olan arkeolojik kazi calismalarinda ele gecirilen iskelet serileri icerisinde, yasli bireylerin belirtilmis oldugu topluluklar orneklem grubu olarak secilmistir. Metot: Bu calisma literatur calismasi seklinde hazirlanmis olup, 25 Eski Anadolu topluluguna ait 3184 iskeletin verilerine ulasilmis ve bu iskelet serileri icerisinde tespit edilebilmis 311 yasli bireyde ortaya cikan patolojik rahatsizliklar incelenmistir. Bulgular: Insanlarda yasam uzunlugunun, yerlesik hayatin baslamasiyla arttigi paleodemografik calismalar ile or...
Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi
Miyosen döneme tarihlendirilen Anadolu’da 22, Yunanistan’da 30 ve İran’da 2 formasyondan ele geçe... more Miyosen döneme tarihlendirilen Anadolu’da 22, Yunanistan’da 30 ve İran’da 2 formasyondan ele geçen bovidlere ait taksonomik bilgiler paleobiyocoğrafik ve paleoekolojik dinamiklerle birlikte bu çalışmada analiz edilmiştir. Anadolu-İran-Yunanistan provinsindeki lokalitelerde ortak bulunan sekiz farklı bovid (Gazella cf. capricornis, Gazella sp., Miotragoceros sp.,Oioceros rothi, Palaeoreas sp., Prostrepsiceros houtumschindleri, Prostrepsiceros rotundicornis ve Tragoportax amalthea) bu bölgeler arasında büyük ölçüde paleoekolojik ve paleobiyocoğrafik benzerlikler bulunduğunu göstermektedir. Aynı zamanda bu türlerin Anadolu’nun kıtalar arası geçişte bir köprü görevini gördüğü ve bunun sonucunda da söz konusu Anadolu’da Avrupa’da temsil edildikleri seviyelerden daha yukarı seviyelerde olduğu görülmüştür. Vallesian döneme kadar sınırlı sayıda bovid ailesine ait cins ve türler mevcutken, Geç Vallesian ve Erken Turolian ile birlikte bir artış söz konusudur. Birçok bovid türünün açık otlak ...
Ilısu Barajı gölalanı altında kalan Diyarbakır/Salat Tepe kurtarma kazılarından ele geçen 12 adet... more Ilısu Barajı gölalanı altında kalan Diyarbakır/Salat Tepe kurtarma kazılarından ele geçen 12 adet iskeletin paleopatolojik, paleodemografik, morfolojik ve non-metrik açıdan incelemesi yapılmıştır. Analiz sonucunda Orta Tunç Çağına tarihlendirilen Salat Tepe insanlarının tarıma dayalı küçük sosyo-ekonomik bir yapıya sahip oldukları ve zor hayat koşulları içinde mütevazi bir yaşam sürdükleri elde edilen arkeolojik ve antropolojik bulgulardan anlaşılmaktadır. İleri bir tarım toplumundan ziyade küçük ve yerel tarımcılıkla uğraşan Diyarbakır/ Salat Tepe insanları dönemin eski Anadolu toplumlarının genel karakteristiğini yansıtmaktadır.During the rescue excavations at Salat Tepe site in Diyarbakır , which is currently under the lake of IIisu dam region, 21 skeletons were unearthed; the paelopathological, paleodemographical, morphological and non-metrical aspects of the seskeletons were analyzed. The results of the archaeological and anthropological findings indicate that the inhabitants o...
This study focuses on examining caprine herding strategies during Early and Middle Bronze periods... more This study focuses on examining caprine herding strategies during Early and Middle Bronze periods, throughout the analysis of the faunal materials that belong to Anatolian and upper Mesopotamian sites. The main argument of this paper is assessing the role of both environmental factors and socio-economic strategies in the development of caprine herding patterns. The zooarchaeological research methods which were applied on several faunal assemblages assisted us in evaluating the frequency of herded species in each settlement, the distribution of age groups and the variation of animal’s size. While conducting a comparative study among several archaeological sites situated in two distinctive geographical regions, will give us the chance to illustrate if environmental or socio-economic factors lead to the adaptation of certain herding patterns. Consequently we will able to shed new light on the developments of early urban societies.
Kaman/Omerhacili Koyundeki kurtarma kazisi neticesinde Gec Roma mimarisi ozelliklerini gosteren s... more Kaman/Omerhacili Koyundeki kurtarma kazisi neticesinde Gec Roma mimarisi ozelliklerini gosteren sapel olarak degerlendirilebilecek bir yapinin icinde inhumasyon ve dorsal tarzinda 2 yetiskin, 6 cocuk ve 4 fetuse ait gomulere rastlanilmistir. Her ne kadar populasyon toplumun genelini yansitamayacak kadar az sayida olsa da bulgular oldukca onemli ve dikkat cekicidir. Aneminin sorumlu oldugu porotic lezyonlarindan cribra orbitalia, porotic hyperostosis ve ek olarak cevresel stresin veya genetik faktorlerin ya da her ikisinin bir gostergesi olarak kabul edilen gelisim bozuklugunu iyi yansitan hypoplasia ve kok displazisi onemli patolojik bulgulardandir. Agiz ve dis sagligina ait ilk veriler bin yil onceki Omerhacili toplumunda tarimsal agirlikli bir beslenmenin hâkim oldugunu gostermektedir. Ele gecen buluntular arasinda cocuk ve bebek olum oranlarinin yuksek olmasinin yani sira, yetiskinlerde de gorulen genel saglik sorunlari Omerhacili bireylerinin yasam kosullarinin saglikli olmadigi...
In this study, 21 skeletons, obtained from rescue excavations conducted in Diyarbakır/Salat Tepe ... more In this study, 21 skeletons, obtained from rescue excavations conducted in Diyarbakır/Salat Tepe (Salat Hill) flooded by a lake formed by the Ilısu Dam, were examined in terms of paleopathology, paleodemography, morphology and non-metric features. The analysis of archaeological and anthropological findings reveal that the Salat Tepe people dated back to the Middle Bronze Age. Their small socio-economic structure based on agriculture, and the inhabitants lived a modest life in harsh conditions. The evidence of small and local agriculture, rather than being an advanced agricultural society, shows that Diyarbakır/Salat Tepe people share the general characteristics of ancient Anatolian societies of the period.
The excavations conducted at Van Castle Mound, East Anatolia, between 1987 and 2010 uncovered a t... more The excavations conducted at Van Castle Mound, East Anatolia, between 1987 and 2010 uncovered a total of 328 human skeletons dating back to the Medieval period. Thirty trauma cases were identified within the collection, constituting 9.14% of the entire population. Typology and distribution of the trauma among different sexes indicated that depression fractures, oblique fractures, comminuted fractures, and head deformation were more frequently observed in male skeletons, while a post-fractural infection appeared only in a female skeleton. Trauma cases were more common on post-cranial bones. In addition, a trepanned cranial specimen belonging to a mature individual is identified in which grooving technique was performed. Most of the observed trauma cases were related to heavy labor, unsafe working conditions, and challenges of everyday agrarian life. Previous paleopathological studies from the Medieval Van Castle Mound also indicates an insufficient nutritation and high physical stress.
Doğu ve Geç Doğu Roma (Bizans)-İslami Dönem Çokköy insanlarının
diş aşınma dereceleri genel anlam... more Doğu ve Geç Doğu Roma (Bizans)-İslami Dönem Çokköy insanlarının diş aşınma dereceleri genel anlamda tarımsal bir beslenme şeklinin ipuçlarını vermektedir. Diş taşlarının derecelerinin yanında periyodontal rahatsızlıklara ait oranların ise apse olgusu üzerinde oldukça etkili olduğu görülmüştür. Çokköy insanlarında periyodontitis’in oluşumundan yanlış ve yetersiz beslenme birinci derecede sorumlu tutulsa da diş çürümesi (%7.05) ikincil olarak bu hastalığın oluşumunda etkilidir. Çokköy popülasyonlarına ait hypoplastik çizgilerin frekansı ve şiddeti yüksektir. Muhtemelen bebeklerinin sütten kesilme döneminin bebekler için daha riskli bir durumda bulunduğuna işaret etmektedir. Düşük sosyo-ekonomik durumun getirdiği olumsuz yaşam koşullarının yanında enfeksiyonel hastalıkların yaygınlığı ve yoğun tarımsal faaliyetlerin bir sonucu olan ağırlıklı karbonhidrat tüketimi bu köy toplumunun özelliğini yansıtan önemli bulgulardır.
Domaniç ilçe merkezindeki Hisar Mahallesi’nde yer alan Anıtsal Tonozlu Mezar Odası’nda yapılan ku... more Domaniç ilçe merkezindeki Hisar Mahallesi’nde yer alan Anıtsal Tonozlu Mezar Odası’nda yapılan kurtarma kazısında karışık halde 3 bebek (0-2,5 yaş), 10 çocuk (2,5-18) ve 70 erişkin birey olmak üzere 83 bireye ait kalıntılar tespit edilmiştir. 70 erişkin bireye ait toplam 506 daimi dişi bu çalışmada incelenmiştir. Yapılan dental analiz sonucunda; diş çürüğü % 19,57, apse % 2,78, periodontal hastalıklar % 67,33, diş taşı % 35,38, hypoplasia % 17,19, ölüm öncesi diş kaybı % 13,39 oranlarında tespit edilmiş ve diş aşınması ise ortalama 3-4 derece değerindedir. Çağdaşı olan eski Anadolu toplumların ortalamaları ile karşılaştırıldığında çürük oranlarının yüksek, aşınma değerinin de bir o kadar düşük olduğu görülmüştür. Bu durum rafine edilmiş yumuşak besinlerle birlikte karbonhidrat ağırlıklı bir beslenmenin varlığının göstergesi olabilir. Ayrıca hypoplasia oranının çağdaşlarına göre düşük olması, Anıtsal Mezar’da bulunan bireylerin daha az strese maruz kaldıklarının bir göstergesi sayılabilir. Ağız ve diş sağlığı verileri bir bütün içinde analiz edildiğinde Anıt Mezar içinde bulunan insanların sosyo-ekonomik yapılarının daha güçlü ve beslenmeye bağlı yaşadıkları çevre koşullarının da olukça iyi olduğu sonucuna ulaşılabilir.
This study reports the first recorded discovery of three-rooted mandibular molars (3RM) from a Mi... more This study reports the first recorded discovery of three-rooted mandibular molars (3RM) from a Middle Age archaeological population unearthed in Van, Eastern Anatolia. A historical context is given for the research site, Dilkaya Mound, which has a history of approximately 2500 years. In total 462 permanent first and second teeth, 219 deciduous teeth, and a total of 682 mandibular teeth belonging to 358 individuals from Early Iron Age and Middle Age populations were included in this study. The earliest recorded population on site which dates to the Early Iron Age shows no sign of 3RM1 and 3RM2. The 3RM1 feature first appears in Anatolia at a rate of 1,05% by the Middle Age. The frequency of 3RM2 was found at a rate of 0,67%, and 3RM3 at a rate of 2,44 % in the population. Three rooted deciduous lower first molar teeth (3rm1) were observed at a rate of 2,44%; a new feature in the literature. The results of our study support the existing explanation that genetic drift plays a significant role in the distribution of 3RM via the wave of migration to the west from Asia during the Middle Age.
In this study, 21 skeletons, obtained from rescue excavations conducted in Diyarbakır/Salat Tepe ... more In this study, 21 skeletons, obtained from rescue excavations conducted in Diyarbakır/Salat Tepe (Salat Hill) flooded by a lake formed by the Ilısu Dam, were examined in terms of paleopathology, paleodemography, morphology and non-metric features. The analysis of archaeological and anthropological findings reveal that the Salat Tepe people dated back to the Middle Bronze Age. Their small socioeconomic structure based on agriculture, and the inhabitants lived a modest life in harsh conditions. The evidence of small and local agriculture, rather than being an advanced agricultural society, shows that Diyarbakır/Salat Tepe people share the general characteristics of ancient Anatolian societies of the period.
Papers by Cem Erkman
diş aşınma dereceleri genel anlamda tarımsal bir beslenme şeklinin
ipuçlarını vermektedir. Diş taşlarının derecelerinin yanında periyodontal
rahatsızlıklara ait oranların ise apse olgusu üzerinde oldukça etkili
olduğu görülmüştür. Çokköy insanlarında periyodontitis’in oluşumundan
yanlış ve yetersiz beslenme birinci derecede sorumlu tutulsa da diş
çürümesi (%7.05) ikincil olarak bu hastalığın oluşumunda etkilidir.
Çokköy popülasyonlarına ait hypoplastik çizgilerin frekansı ve şiddeti
yüksektir. Muhtemelen bebeklerinin sütten kesilme döneminin bebekler
için daha riskli bir durumda bulunduğuna işaret etmektedir. Düşük
sosyo-ekonomik durumun getirdiği olumsuz yaşam koşullarının yanında
enfeksiyonel hastalıkların yaygınlığı ve yoğun tarımsal faaliyetlerin bir
sonucu olan ağırlıklı karbonhidrat tüketimi bu köy toplumunun özelliğini
yansıtan önemli bulgulardır.