A veterinary professional, an academician par excellence, a prolific writer, a chief consultant veterinary public health expert, with interest among others in antimicrobial residue research, food safety, animal health, and small animal medicine and surgery Address: Nigeria
An experiment was conducted at the Akwa Ibom State University, Department of Animal Science resea... more An experiment was conducted at the Akwa Ibom State University, Department of Animal Science research farm to determine the effect of graded levels of toasted Jackfruit seed (JFS) meal on growth performance, haematology, serum biochemistry and cost analysis of West African Dwarf (WAD) bucks. The experiment lasted 90 days. Sixteen bucks aged 7-9 months and averaging 8.0± 0.01kg in weight were divided into 4 groups of 4 with each group randomly assigned to one of the treatments in a completely Randomized Design. The four treatments were formulated to contain 0, 7.5, 10 and 12.5% of jackfruit seed meals respectively. The values for growth parameters were not significantly (P>0.05) different except for feed conversion ratio (FCR). The bucks on treatment 3 (10% JFS meal) have the least FCR (3.82) and the least cost/kg weight gain (₦293.00) though not significantly (P>0.05) different with a corresponding increase in gross margin (₦4113.00) of the same treatment. The haematological and serum biochemical indices studied were significantly (P<0.05) different across all the treatments except for eosinophils. The highest total protein (7.13g/dl) and calcium (5.76 mmol/l) content were recorded in T 3. This result has indicated safe nutritional regimes of JFS meal and its inclusion up to 10% is ideal for optimum cost/kg weight gain which is suggestive of enhanced buck production.
Medwell Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances , 2006
This study reports a natural outbreak of acute coccidiosis in a broiler flock of 250 birds, in th... more This study reports a natural outbreak of acute coccidiosis in a broiler flock of 250 birds, in the hot and humid region of Nigeria. The birds which had, on day 10 received infectious bursal disease vaccine started dying a day after the administration of Newcastle disease vaccine. The clinical signs, postmortem findings and response to treatment were used to confirm coccidiosis. The rapid onset of the clinical disease and the high modality rate (33% over a period of 4 days) was considered to have been induced by the Newcastle disease vaccine administration. A diagnosis of sub-clinical coccidosis and institution of prophylactic anticcocidial therapy before Newcastle disease vaccination would have obviated the clinical disease.
Analyses for four antinutritional Constituents of mature Archachatina marginata, Archatina achati... more Analyses for four antinutritional Constituents of mature Archachatina marginata, Archatina achatina were were determined. Results showed low values of cyanide, oxalate, phytic acids and tarnins, which poses no adverse effects to consumers. The presence of these Constituents were inferior when compared to other foodstuff consumed in Nigeria.
analysis of infection and treatment method (ITM) using the Muguga cocktail vaccine with the fifty... more analysis of infection and treatment method (ITM) using the Muguga cocktail vaccine with the fifty percent reduction in acaricide use on pastoralists cattle in Narok County, Kenya. The study was carried out in Osupuko and Loita sub-counties in Narok County. Partial budgeting analysis recorded positive net returns an indication of profitability of the ITM technology with fifty percent reduction in acaricide use. The ITM with fifty percent acaricide use realized a net return of Ksh.708.9 per immunized animal. This was significant because the information was generalized to the expansive Narok County. Thus, it can be concluded from the study that it is economically worthwhile to immunize cattle against ECF with fifty percent reduction in acaricide use in the Narok County. Key words: Infection and Treatment method, Partial budgeting analysis
In a retrospective study of BTB incidence in cattle slaughtered for meat in Abak Ab... more In a retrospective study of BTB incidence in cattle slaughtered for meat in Abak Abattoir. It was discovered that a total of 4196 cattle were slaughtered of which 277 showed signs indicating BTB. This figure represents about 6.60% of the total numbers of cattle slaughtered during the period. The highest rate of the BTB prevalence was recorded in 2013 with 98(6.89%) and the lowest incidence was recorded in the year 2012 with 84(5.76%) reported cases. These figures present BTB as major problems to successful livestock business as well as threat to public health and food safety. The paper further describes in facts, figures, tables and charts about the subject matter. This therefore calls for action and cooperation among stakeholders in all sectors to ensure that the threat of BTB is contained and possibly eradicated.
An overview of effects of nutrition on haematology of pigs has been presented in this paper. Pig ... more An overview of effects of nutrition on haematology of pigs has been presented in this paper. Pig production remains one of the veritable sources of supply of animal protein. The importance of nutrition in pig production cannot be overemphasized and meeting the nutrient requirement of livestock is a major concern to nutritionist. Most pig farmers are ignorant about the nutrient requirements of pigs and how feed ingredients can be manipulated to satisfy these requirements and thus, feed their animals with various feed products without recourse to the health and physiological implications for the animals. Although, nutritional status of an animal is independent of dietary intake and effectiveness of metabolic processes, feed quality is particularly a major factor that ensures the success or failure of pig production. Diets have been established to have measurable effects on blood components and the latter in turn are widely used in nutritional evaluation and survey of animals. Systemic...
British Journal of Applied Science & Technology, 2014
The effects of different diets on haematological parameters of different species of poultry have ... more The effects of different diets on haematological parameters of different species of poultry have been examined in this review. In Nigeria, different poultry species contribute to the animal protein supply of the populace in terms of eggs laid and meat produced. Feeding poultry for optimum growth production requires that the birds consume appropriate balanced diets for the health and productivity, it is important that they be fed diets that meet their nutritional requirements. Dietary components affect the blood profile of healthy birds. The blood transports or conveys nutrients and materials to different parts of the body. Therefore, whatever affects the blood, either nutrition or drugs will certainly affect the entire body adversely or moderately in terms of health, growth, maintenance and reproduction. Thus, a readily available and fast means of assessing, clinical and nutritional health status of animals on feeding trials may be the use of blood analysis, because ingestion of dietary components have measurable effects on blood composition.
American Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 2015
This study was conducted to evaluate growth rate and haematological profiles of crossbred weaner ... more This study was conducted to evaluate growth rate and haematological profiles of crossbred weaner males rabbits fed cassava and yam peels meal diets. Thirty - six crossbred weaner male rabbits aged 5 - 6 weeks were randomly allocated to 4 dietary treatments. Each treatment having 3 replicates with 3 rabbits per replicate in a completely randomized design. Diet 1 was composed by 37% of maize (control group), diet 2 - 37% of yam peel, diet 3 - 37% cassava peel and diet 4 - 37% yam - cassava peel mix. The experiment lasted for 12 weeks. Results obtained revealed that rabbits that received diets 2 performed better (P 0.05) among the groups. It is concluded that yam peel, cassava peel, and yam – cassava peel mix could successfully replace maize in rabbits diets.
The aim of this study was to determine and compare some morphometric characteristics of Microtus ... more The aim of this study was to determine and compare some morphometric characteristics of Microtus species occurring in the central Anatolia region of Turkey. This study is based on 209 specimens belonging to four species of the genus Microtus collected in this region of Turkey between 2003 and 2010. Some features concerning pelage coloration, cranial characters, tooth morphotype and baculum morphology of the species were recorded to determine their taxonomic characteristics. It was determined that four species of the genus Microtus occur in the study area, including Microtus dogramacii, Microtus guentheri, Microtus hartingi and Microtus mystacinus. Microtus hartingi has been found to be widespread throughout central Anatolia. Microtus guentheri is located in the type locality and nearby provinces. M. guentheri and M. hartingi were not found to be sympatric. M. hartingi has the longest hind-foot and M. mystacinus has the longest tail. The UPGMA trees were constructed for each sex, usi...
This study specifically modeled poultry litter equation among Telfairia occidentalis farmers in I... more This study specifically modeled poultry litter equation among Telfairia occidentalis farmers in Ikot Ekpene area of Akwa Ibom State in Southern Nigeria. One hundred and twenty Telfairia (fluted pumpkin) farmers were randomly sampled and used for this study. Structured questionnaires were used to collect the data needed for the analysis. Logit model regression based on the maximum likelihood estimation was specified and used to analyze the data collected. The choice of the Logit model was based on the nature of the dependent variable which was a probability or decision based variable. The explanatory variables used in this study were derived following a careful review of the literature and observed characteristics of the respondents. The result of the empirical estimation revealed that age, education, farm size, previous year’s harvest, farming practice adopted, farming experience, soil management practice, farm income, off-farm income and household expenditure were important determi...
This review examined haematological parameters as indicators of the physiological status of farm ... more This review examined haematological parameters as indicators of the physiological status of farm animals. Blood is important and reliable medium for assessing the physiological and health status of farm animals and haematology is the study of the morphology and physiology of blood. Haematological parameters are those parameters that are related to the blood and blood forming organs. Haematological analysis involves the determination of the various blood parameters and the parameters include erythrocyte (red blood cells (RBC)), leucocyte (white blood cells (WBC)), Packed Cell Volumes (PCV) among others. Haematological examination is among the methods which may contribute to the detection of some changes in health and physiological status, which may not be apparent during physical examination but which affect the fitness of the animal. Thus, haematological parameters are good indicators of the physiological status of farm animals. Furthermore, there is a great variation in haematologi...
This study was designed to ascertain the prevalence of tick parasites on dogs found in five (5) l... more This study was designed to ascertain the prevalence of tick parasites on dogs found in five (5) local communities of Abak Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. At the end of the research, it was discovered that there is a high prevalence of tick parasitization on dogs in the study area. This therefore calls for a need for further investigation and information on these parasites from other areas so as to enable animal care givers and Veterinarians formulate a master plan that will aid in tackling and managing ticks and their associated diseases.
Journal of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, 2017
There is a growing concern about the impact of increased used of Agro-pesticide on public health ... more There is a growing concern about the impact of increased used of Agro-pesticide on public health and safety issues especially in farming community who pursue high agricultural productivity. Pesticide pollution is a subject of global concern and the extent of its poisoning is considered to be grossly under estimated. This study was conducted to assess the concentration of heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Hg, Cr, As and Ni) in muscle, liver, kidney and lungs of matured locally reared chickens. Sampling was carried out in two cocoa producing areas (Ikom and Etung) and non-cocoa producing area (Odukpani) in Cross River State, Nigeria, over a period of one year (November, 2013 to October, 2014). Determination of heavy metals was carried out using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (ASS). Highest levels of cadmium (0.11±0.02 µg/g) and lead (0.26±0.11 µg/g) were recorded in liver simples from Etung and Ikom. The highest levels of chromium concentration (2.95±0.05 µg/g) was observed in kidney of chickens from Etung, while nickel (1.16-±0.0404 µg/g) was highest in lung samples from Etung and Odukpani recorded the highest nickel concentration values (1.16±0.04 µg/g). The results show that higher levels of heavy metals can accumulate in the body tissues/organs of chickens in cocoa producing area. These are no exception since Etung is a cocoa producing area and the metals were found highest in kidney and lungs of chicken from this area. Generally, livers and kidneys were found to have the highly significant (P<0.5) levels of the metals than the muscles and lungs the lowest. However, the concentrations of all the metals studied were within the tolerance limits with exception of chromium and nickel which were respectively higher than their 0.10 µg/g and 0.5 µg/g tolerance limit. The results obtained in this study will be useful in formulating guidelines and standards for heavy metals in chicken products in cocoa-producing and non-cocoa producing areas of Nigeria.
An experiment was conducted at the Akwa Ibom State University, Department of Animal Science resea... more An experiment was conducted at the Akwa Ibom State University, Department of Animal Science research farm to determine the effect of graded levels of toasted Jackfruit seed (JFS) meal on growth performance, haematology, serum biochemistry and cost analysis of West African Dwarf (WAD) bucks. The experiment lasted 90 days. Sixteen bucks aged 7-9 months and averaging 8.0± 0.01kg in weight were divided into 4 groups of 4 with each group randomly assigned to one of the treatments in a completely Randomized Design. The four treatments were formulated to contain 0, 7.5, 10 and 12.5% of jackfruit seed meals respectively. The values for growth parameters were not significantly (P>0.05) different except for feed conversion ratio (FCR). The bucks on treatment 3 (10% JFS meal) have the least FCR (3.82) and the least cost/kg weight gain (₦293.00) though not significantly (P>0.05) different with a corresponding increase in gross margin (₦4113.00) of the same treatment. The haematological and serum biochemical indices studied were significantly (P<0.05) different across all the treatments except for eosinophils. The highest total protein (7.13g/dl) and calcium (5.76 mmol/l) content were recorded in T 3. This result has indicated safe nutritional regimes of JFS meal and its inclusion up to 10% is ideal for optimum cost/kg weight gain which is suggestive of enhanced buck production.
Medwell Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances , 2006
This study reports a natural outbreak of acute coccidiosis in a broiler flock of 250 birds, in th... more This study reports a natural outbreak of acute coccidiosis in a broiler flock of 250 birds, in the hot and humid region of Nigeria. The birds which had, on day 10 received infectious bursal disease vaccine started dying a day after the administration of Newcastle disease vaccine. The clinical signs, postmortem findings and response to treatment were used to confirm coccidiosis. The rapid onset of the clinical disease and the high modality rate (33% over a period of 4 days) was considered to have been induced by the Newcastle disease vaccine administration. A diagnosis of sub-clinical coccidosis and institution of prophylactic anticcocidial therapy before Newcastle disease vaccination would have obviated the clinical disease.
Analyses for four antinutritional Constituents of mature Archachatina marginata, Archatina achati... more Analyses for four antinutritional Constituents of mature Archachatina marginata, Archatina achatina were were determined. Results showed low values of cyanide, oxalate, phytic acids and tarnins, which poses no adverse effects to consumers. The presence of these Constituents were inferior when compared to other foodstuff consumed in Nigeria.
analysis of infection and treatment method (ITM) using the Muguga cocktail vaccine with the fifty... more analysis of infection and treatment method (ITM) using the Muguga cocktail vaccine with the fifty percent reduction in acaricide use on pastoralists cattle in Narok County, Kenya. The study was carried out in Osupuko and Loita sub-counties in Narok County. Partial budgeting analysis recorded positive net returns an indication of profitability of the ITM technology with fifty percent reduction in acaricide use. The ITM with fifty percent acaricide use realized a net return of Ksh.708.9 per immunized animal. This was significant because the information was generalized to the expansive Narok County. Thus, it can be concluded from the study that it is economically worthwhile to immunize cattle against ECF with fifty percent reduction in acaricide use in the Narok County. Key words: Infection and Treatment method, Partial budgeting analysis
In a retrospective study of BTB incidence in cattle slaughtered for meat in Abak Ab... more In a retrospective study of BTB incidence in cattle slaughtered for meat in Abak Abattoir. It was discovered that a total of 4196 cattle were slaughtered of which 277 showed signs indicating BTB. This figure represents about 6.60% of the total numbers of cattle slaughtered during the period. The highest rate of the BTB prevalence was recorded in 2013 with 98(6.89%) and the lowest incidence was recorded in the year 2012 with 84(5.76%) reported cases. These figures present BTB as major problems to successful livestock business as well as threat to public health and food safety. The paper further describes in facts, figures, tables and charts about the subject matter. This therefore calls for action and cooperation among stakeholders in all sectors to ensure that the threat of BTB is contained and possibly eradicated.
An overview of effects of nutrition on haematology of pigs has been presented in this paper. Pig ... more An overview of effects of nutrition on haematology of pigs has been presented in this paper. Pig production remains one of the veritable sources of supply of animal protein. The importance of nutrition in pig production cannot be overemphasized and meeting the nutrient requirement of livestock is a major concern to nutritionist. Most pig farmers are ignorant about the nutrient requirements of pigs and how feed ingredients can be manipulated to satisfy these requirements and thus, feed their animals with various feed products without recourse to the health and physiological implications for the animals. Although, nutritional status of an animal is independent of dietary intake and effectiveness of metabolic processes, feed quality is particularly a major factor that ensures the success or failure of pig production. Diets have been established to have measurable effects on blood components and the latter in turn are widely used in nutritional evaluation and survey of animals. Systemic...
British Journal of Applied Science & Technology, 2014
The effects of different diets on haematological parameters of different species of poultry have ... more The effects of different diets on haematological parameters of different species of poultry have been examined in this review. In Nigeria, different poultry species contribute to the animal protein supply of the populace in terms of eggs laid and meat produced. Feeding poultry for optimum growth production requires that the birds consume appropriate balanced diets for the health and productivity, it is important that they be fed diets that meet their nutritional requirements. Dietary components affect the blood profile of healthy birds. The blood transports or conveys nutrients and materials to different parts of the body. Therefore, whatever affects the blood, either nutrition or drugs will certainly affect the entire body adversely or moderately in terms of health, growth, maintenance and reproduction. Thus, a readily available and fast means of assessing, clinical and nutritional health status of animals on feeding trials may be the use of blood analysis, because ingestion of dietary components have measurable effects on blood composition.
American Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 2015
This study was conducted to evaluate growth rate and haematological profiles of crossbred weaner ... more This study was conducted to evaluate growth rate and haematological profiles of crossbred weaner males rabbits fed cassava and yam peels meal diets. Thirty - six crossbred weaner male rabbits aged 5 - 6 weeks were randomly allocated to 4 dietary treatments. Each treatment having 3 replicates with 3 rabbits per replicate in a completely randomized design. Diet 1 was composed by 37% of maize (control group), diet 2 - 37% of yam peel, diet 3 - 37% cassava peel and diet 4 - 37% yam - cassava peel mix. The experiment lasted for 12 weeks. Results obtained revealed that rabbits that received diets 2 performed better (P 0.05) among the groups. It is concluded that yam peel, cassava peel, and yam – cassava peel mix could successfully replace maize in rabbits diets.
The aim of this study was to determine and compare some morphometric characteristics of Microtus ... more The aim of this study was to determine and compare some morphometric characteristics of Microtus species occurring in the central Anatolia region of Turkey. This study is based on 209 specimens belonging to four species of the genus Microtus collected in this region of Turkey between 2003 and 2010. Some features concerning pelage coloration, cranial characters, tooth morphotype and baculum morphology of the species were recorded to determine their taxonomic characteristics. It was determined that four species of the genus Microtus occur in the study area, including Microtus dogramacii, Microtus guentheri, Microtus hartingi and Microtus mystacinus. Microtus hartingi has been found to be widespread throughout central Anatolia. Microtus guentheri is located in the type locality and nearby provinces. M. guentheri and M. hartingi were not found to be sympatric. M. hartingi has the longest hind-foot and M. mystacinus has the longest tail. The UPGMA trees were constructed for each sex, usi...
This study specifically modeled poultry litter equation among Telfairia occidentalis farmers in I... more This study specifically modeled poultry litter equation among Telfairia occidentalis farmers in Ikot Ekpene area of Akwa Ibom State in Southern Nigeria. One hundred and twenty Telfairia (fluted pumpkin) farmers were randomly sampled and used for this study. Structured questionnaires were used to collect the data needed for the analysis. Logit model regression based on the maximum likelihood estimation was specified and used to analyze the data collected. The choice of the Logit model was based on the nature of the dependent variable which was a probability or decision based variable. The explanatory variables used in this study were derived following a careful review of the literature and observed characteristics of the respondents. The result of the empirical estimation revealed that age, education, farm size, previous year’s harvest, farming practice adopted, farming experience, soil management practice, farm income, off-farm income and household expenditure were important determi...
This review examined haematological parameters as indicators of the physiological status of farm ... more This review examined haematological parameters as indicators of the physiological status of farm animals. Blood is important and reliable medium for assessing the physiological and health status of farm animals and haematology is the study of the morphology and physiology of blood. Haematological parameters are those parameters that are related to the blood and blood forming organs. Haematological analysis involves the determination of the various blood parameters and the parameters include erythrocyte (red blood cells (RBC)), leucocyte (white blood cells (WBC)), Packed Cell Volumes (PCV) among others. Haematological examination is among the methods which may contribute to the detection of some changes in health and physiological status, which may not be apparent during physical examination but which affect the fitness of the animal. Thus, haematological parameters are good indicators of the physiological status of farm animals. Furthermore, there is a great variation in haematologi...
This study was designed to ascertain the prevalence of tick parasites on dogs found in five (5) l... more This study was designed to ascertain the prevalence of tick parasites on dogs found in five (5) local communities of Abak Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. At the end of the research, it was discovered that there is a high prevalence of tick parasitization on dogs in the study area. This therefore calls for a need for further investigation and information on these parasites from other areas so as to enable animal care givers and Veterinarians formulate a master plan that will aid in tackling and managing ticks and their associated diseases.
Journal of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, 2017
There is a growing concern about the impact of increased used of Agro-pesticide on public health ... more There is a growing concern about the impact of increased used of Agro-pesticide on public health and safety issues especially in farming community who pursue high agricultural productivity. Pesticide pollution is a subject of global concern and the extent of its poisoning is considered to be grossly under estimated. This study was conducted to assess the concentration of heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Hg, Cr, As and Ni) in muscle, liver, kidney and lungs of matured locally reared chickens. Sampling was carried out in two cocoa producing areas (Ikom and Etung) and non-cocoa producing area (Odukpani) in Cross River State, Nigeria, over a period of one year (November, 2013 to October, 2014). Determination of heavy metals was carried out using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (ASS). Highest levels of cadmium (0.11±0.02 µg/g) and lead (0.26±0.11 µg/g) were recorded in liver simples from Etung and Ikom. The highest levels of chromium concentration (2.95±0.05 µg/g) was observed in kidney of chickens from Etung, while nickel (1.16-±0.0404 µg/g) was highest in lung samples from Etung and Odukpani recorded the highest nickel concentration values (1.16±0.04 µg/g). The results show that higher levels of heavy metals can accumulate in the body tissues/organs of chickens in cocoa producing area. These are no exception since Etung is a cocoa producing area and the metals were found highest in kidney and lungs of chicken from this area. Generally, livers and kidneys were found to have the highly significant (P<0.5) levels of the metals than the muscles and lungs the lowest. However, the concentrations of all the metals studied were within the tolerance limits with exception of chromium and nickel which were respectively higher than their 0.10 µg/g and 0.5 µg/g tolerance limit. The results obtained in this study will be useful in formulating guidelines and standards for heavy metals in chicken products in cocoa-producing and non-cocoa producing areas of Nigeria.
Linear programming approach was used to analyse combination of food crop enterprises among gende... more Linear programming approach was used to analyse combination of food crop enterprises among gender in Fadama III beneficiaries in Adamawa State, Nigeria. Using multistage random sampling procedure, 278 respondents were selected. Analytical techniques used were simple descriptive statistics and Linear Programming techniques. Mean age for the male and female respondents were 40 and 41 years respectively. Respective mean farm sizes of the male and female respondents were 1.89 and 1.39 hectares. The result also reveals that 52% male respondents acquired their land through family inheritance and 42% through leaseholds while majority (85.3%) of the female respondents acquired their land through leaseholds. The acquisition of farm lands through inheritance favoured more male respondents (52%) than their female counterparts (11.6%). The implication of this is that gender disparity in terms of land acquisition was prevalent in the study area and this will limit the productivity of the female fadama crop farmers. Nine crop combination patterns or enterprises were identified to include sole maize, sole rice, sole sorghum, maize/rice, rice/sorghum, maize/sorghum, maize/rice/sorghum, maize/vegetables and maize/rice/vegetables. Theresult on the resource utilization pattern for male farmers showed that four of the resource constraints were fully utilized in arriving at the optimal solution. These are labour, agro-chemicals, inorganic fertilizer and seeds. The dual (shadow) prices of the fully utilized resources indicate the amount by which the objective function will increase if these inputs are increased by one unit. That is, total gross margin will increase by N369.32, N3384.95, N200.31 and N864.91 for one-man day increase in labour, one litre increase in agro- chemicals, one-kilogram increase in inorganic fertilizer and one kilogram increase in seed respectively. Similarly, for the female farmers, resource utilization pattern also showed three of the resource constraints were fully utilized in arriving at the optimal solution. These inputs are labour, agro-chemicals and inorganic fertilizer. This also means that total gross margin will increase by N65.57, N3671.84 and N279.27 for one-man day increase in labour, one litre increase in agro- chemicals and one kilogram increase in inorganic fertilizer respectively. The non fully utilized resources among the male farmers was land (452.72 ha) while the non fully utilized resources among the female farmers were land (183.83 ha) and seeds (1,016.02 kg), indicating that these resources were in-efficiently utilized by the male and female fadama crop farmers in the study area. The study recommended that a prototype combination of crop enterprises that emanated from the linear programming should be integrated into the extension education package of the male and female fadama farmers to enable them improve on their farm income. Keywords: Linear programming, Crop Enterprises, Gender, Fadama III.
Papers by Edem Offiong
Key words: Infection and Treatment method, Partial budgeting analysis
discovered that a total of 4196 cattle were slaughtered of which 277 showed signs indicating BTB. This
figure represents about 6.60% of the total numbers of cattle slaughtered during the period. The highest
rate of the BTB prevalence was recorded in 2013 with 98(6.89%) and the lowest incidence was
recorded in the year 2012 with 84(5.76%) reported cases. These figures present BTB as major
problems to successful livestock business as well as threat to public health and food safety. The paper
further describes in facts, figures, tables and charts about the subject matter. This therefore calls for
action and cooperation among stakeholders in all sectors to ensure that the threat of BTB is contained
and possibly eradicated.
Key words: Infection and Treatment method, Partial budgeting analysis
discovered that a total of 4196 cattle were slaughtered of which 277 showed signs indicating BTB. This
figure represents about 6.60% of the total numbers of cattle slaughtered during the period. The highest
rate of the BTB prevalence was recorded in 2013 with 98(6.89%) and the lowest incidence was
recorded in the year 2012 with 84(5.76%) reported cases. These figures present BTB as major
problems to successful livestock business as well as threat to public health and food safety. The paper
further describes in facts, figures, tables and charts about the subject matter. This therefore calls for
action and cooperation among stakeholders in all sectors to ensure that the threat of BTB is contained
and possibly eradicated.
Keywords: Linear programming, Crop Enterprises, Gender, Fadama III.