OZET Asagidaki makalede Hellenistik Donem’e ait bir Buyuk Iskender portresi, ilk defa yayinlanara... more OZET Asagidaki makalede Hellenistik Donem’e ait bir Buyuk Iskender portresi, ilk defa yayinlanarak bilim dunyasinin ilgisine sunulmaktadir. Attika tipi bir migferle betimlenmis portre ayrica Plutarkhos’un Makedonyali Kralinin hayatini anlattigi eserindeki bir anekdotla da iliskilendirilebilir. Bu haliyle, bu portre kendisine kesinlikle nadir Iskender portreleri arasinda bir yer edinecektir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Buyuk Iskender, Plutarkhos, Antakya, portre, migfer. ABSTRACT In the following article a Hellenistic portrait of Alexander the Great is for the first time published and thus presented to the scientific world. The portrait, with an attic helmet, also may be associated with a passage from the Life of Alexander by Plutarch. Keywords: Alexander the Great, Plutarch, Antioch, portrait, helmet.
2018 yilinda, Side’de mermer bir mimari blok uzerine yapilmis olan antik cizimler dikkati cekmist... more 2018 yilinda, Side’de mermer bir mimari blok uzerine yapilmis olan antik cizimler dikkati cekmistir. Guclukle ve sadece belirli bir isik altinda gorulebilen bu cizimler, ilk olarak 2002 yilinda Ulku Izmirligil tarafindan tiyatronun sahne binasinin onunden kaldirilan blok taslarin arasinda kesfedilmistir. Cizgiler, puruzsuz mermer uzerinde, yuzeyden yaklasik yarim milimetre derinliginde, cok ince ve keskin olarak calisilmistir. Ion basligina ait bir volut, sutun kaidesi profilleri ve bir yasam cicegi motifini iceren cizimler yaklasik 1,60 m2’lik bir alani kaplamaktadir. Cizimde, eksik olan kismi tamamlandiginda, volut gozunun merkezinden gecen yatay bir eksen vardir. Bu ekseni dik aciyla kesen, biri yine volut gozunden, digeri ise volutun en genis yerinden gecen, birbirine paralel iki eksen daha mevcuttur. Son iki eksen, ayni zamanda sutun kaidesi profillerine ait cizimleri sinirlamaktadir. Muhtemelen onceden hazirlanmis olan bu eksenler, gercek cizimlerin yapilmasini kolaylastirmak ...
Ancient drawings on a marble block in Side came to public attention in 2018. Barely seen under ce... more Ancient drawings on a marble block in Side came to public attention in 2018. Barely seen under certain light conditions, those drawings were first discovered by Ülkü İzmirligil in 2002 amongst the block stones being removed from in front of the skene building of the theatre. The approximately 5-millimetre-deep lines were engraved on smooth marble surface in a fine and sharp fashion. Composed of an Ionic volute, profiles of column base, and a flower of life pattern, the working drawings cover a 1,60 m2 space. When the missing part in the drawings is completed there appears a horizontal axis passing through the centre of the eye of the volute. There are two other in-parallel axes in perpendicular to the foregoing axis, one passes through the eye of the volute, again, and the other passes through the widest section of the volute. The last two axes also constrain the drawings of column base profiles. Having probably been prepared in advance, those axes might have served to the purpose of facilitating the original drawings. It is likely that the drawings were scribed by the masons, who worked in the construction of the skene building of the theatre. Therefore, the theories of Roman architecture can be associated with an ancient drawing for the first time in Side; and may shed light on the relations between design, production, and construction in Side during the Ancient Period. The fact that the marble block housing the working drawings bears multiple usage traces may provide information as regards the construction process of the skene building of the theatre.
OZET Asagidaki makalede Hellenistik Donem’e ait bir Buyuk Iskender portresi, ilk defa yayinlanara... more OZET Asagidaki makalede Hellenistik Donem’e ait bir Buyuk Iskender portresi, ilk defa yayinlanarak bilim dunyasinin ilgisine sunulmaktadir. Attika tipi bir migferle betimlenmis portre ayrica Plutarkhos’un Makedonyali Kralinin hayatini anlattigi eserindeki bir anekdotla da iliskilendirilebilir. Bu haliyle, bu portre kendisine kesinlikle nadir Iskender portreleri arasinda bir yer edinecektir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Buyuk Iskender, Plutarkhos, Antakya, portre, migfer. ABSTRACT In the following article a Hellenistic portrait of Alexander the Great is for the first time published and thus presented to the scientific world. The portrait, with an attic helmet, also may be associated with a passage from the Life of Alexander by Plutarch. Keywords: Alexander the Great, Plutarch, Antioch, portrait, helmet.
2018 yilinda, Side’de mermer bir mimari blok uzerine yapilmis olan antik cizimler dikkati cekmist... more 2018 yilinda, Side’de mermer bir mimari blok uzerine yapilmis olan antik cizimler dikkati cekmistir. Guclukle ve sadece belirli bir isik altinda gorulebilen bu cizimler, ilk olarak 2002 yilinda Ulku Izmirligil tarafindan tiyatronun sahne binasinin onunden kaldirilan blok taslarin arasinda kesfedilmistir. Cizgiler, puruzsuz mermer uzerinde, yuzeyden yaklasik yarim milimetre derinliginde, cok ince ve keskin olarak calisilmistir. Ion basligina ait bir volut, sutun kaidesi profilleri ve bir yasam cicegi motifini iceren cizimler yaklasik 1,60 m2’lik bir alani kaplamaktadir. Cizimde, eksik olan kismi tamamlandiginda, volut gozunun merkezinden gecen yatay bir eksen vardir. Bu ekseni dik aciyla kesen, biri yine volut gozunden, digeri ise volutun en genis yerinden gecen, birbirine paralel iki eksen daha mevcuttur. Son iki eksen, ayni zamanda sutun kaidesi profillerine ait cizimleri sinirlamaktadir. Muhtemelen onceden hazirlanmis olan bu eksenler, gercek cizimlerin yapilmasini kolaylastirmak ...
Ancient drawings on a marble block in Side came to public attention in 2018. Barely seen under ce... more Ancient drawings on a marble block in Side came to public attention in 2018. Barely seen under certain light conditions, those drawings were first discovered by Ülkü İzmirligil in 2002 amongst the block stones being removed from in front of the skene building of the theatre. The approximately 5-millimetre-deep lines were engraved on smooth marble surface in a fine and sharp fashion. Composed of an Ionic volute, profiles of column base, and a flower of life pattern, the working drawings cover a 1,60 m2 space. When the missing part in the drawings is completed there appears a horizontal axis passing through the centre of the eye of the volute. There are two other in-parallel axes in perpendicular to the foregoing axis, one passes through the eye of the volute, again, and the other passes through the widest section of the volute. The last two axes also constrain the drawings of column base profiles. Having probably been prepared in advance, those axes might have served to the purpose of facilitating the original drawings. It is likely that the drawings were scribed by the masons, who worked in the construction of the skene building of the theatre. Therefore, the theories of Roman architecture can be associated with an ancient drawing for the first time in Side; and may shed light on the relations between design, production, and construction in Side during the Ancient Period. The fact that the marble block housing the working drawings bears multiple usage traces may provide information as regards the construction process of the skene building of the theatre.
Papers by Serap Erkoç
Therefore, the theories of Roman architecture can be associated with an ancient drawing for the first time in Side; and may shed light on the relations between design, production, and construction in Side during the Ancient Period. The fact that the marble block housing the working drawings bears multiple usage traces may provide information as regards the construction process of the skene building of the theatre.
Therefore, the theories of Roman architecture can be associated with an ancient drawing for the first time in Side; and may shed light on the relations between design, production, and construction in Side during the Ancient Period. The fact that the marble block housing the working drawings bears multiple usage traces may provide information as regards the construction process of the skene building of the theatre.