Turk is ve sosyal guvenlik hukukunda onemli bir uygulama alani bulunan isveren vekilligi, calisma... more Turk is ve sosyal guvenlik hukukunda onemli bir uygulama alani bulunan isveren vekilligi, calisma yasamini duzenleyen baslica kanunlarda farkli sekilllerde tanimlanmistir. Bu farklilik ise uygulamada onemli gucluklere yol acmaktadir. Ote yandan doktrin ve yarginin belirtilen kavrama zaman zaman degisik anlamlar vermesi de yeni sorunlara yol acabilmektedir. Bu durum ise yerlesik bir uygulamaya olanak tanimamakta, ozellikle taraflarin yukumluluk ve sorumluluklari acisindan duraksamalara neden olmaktadir. Bu calismada cesitli kanunlardaki farkliliklardan ortak noktalara ulasilmaya, isveren vekili kavrami acisindan net ve uygulanabilir esaslarin belirlenmesine calisilmistir. Ayrica, isveren vekilinin calisma yasaminda yer alan isverenve iscilerle olan iliskileri de calismanin kapsamina dahil edilmistir.
Calisma yasaminda is ve aile yasaminin uyumu giderek onem kazanmaktadir. Calisanlar is ve aile ya... more Calisma yasaminda is ve aile yasaminin uyumu giderek onem kazanmaktadir. Calisanlar is ve aile yasamlari arasinda denge kurmakta zorlanmakta, bazen bir taraf ikinci planda kalmaktadir. Ozellikle kadinlar acisindan hem annelik gorevini yerine getirmek, hem evin idaresinden sorumlu kisi olmak, hem de calisma yasami icerisinde yer almak gucluklere yol acmaktadir. Bu noktada devlet tarafindan desteklenen, aile yasami ile is yasamini uzlastirici politikalar onemli bir gereksinim haline gelmektedir. Bu politikalarin uygulanmasi ise ancak yasal duzenlemelerin yapilmasi ile mumkun olmaktadir. Aile dostu is hukuku uygulamalari basligi altinda toplanan ve is ile aile yasamini dengelemeyi amaclayan yasal duzenlemeler ulkeden ulkeye farklilik gostermekle birlikte genellikle cocuk sahibi olunmasi asamasinda devreye girmekte ve calisanlarin is ile aile yasamini dengeleyici/duzenleyici rol oynamaktadir. Calismada oncelikle konuya iliskin kavram ve kapsam belirlendikten sonra ulke ornekleri uzerind...
Journal of Social Research and Behavioral Sciences
When developing countries and developed countries in the world were examined in terms of educatio... more When developing countries and developed countries in the world were examined in terms of educational perspectives, it was seen that the importance given by developed countries to the development of learning strategies and the expectation of educators who put forth this effort was quite high compared to others. Since there are students in the educational center, the functioning of educational institutions must also be organized for students. The importance given to educators requires taking care of them and getting the highest efficiency from them, as well as the importance given to students requires taking care of them and getting the highest efficiency from them. This spiral of education reveals how important it is to develop the learning strategies of educational institutions. For this reason, the approaches adopted in today's understanding of education, especially in the development of student-centered learning strategies, are concentrated on this axis. Key Words: Educational...
Marka Değerini Belirleme Süreci ve Bankacılık Sektöründe Bir UygulamaTez kapsamında marka değerin... more Marka Değerini Belirleme Süreci ve Bankacılık Sektöründe Bir UygulamaTez kapsamında marka değerini belirleme süreci konu alınmış, bu kapsamda; ilk bölümde, marka ve marka değeri kavramlarına, ürünler arsındaki farkın somut farklılıklardan soyut farklılıklara kayması sürecine, marka – ürün ve marka – tüketici ilişkisine ve markalamanın önemine yer verilmiştir.İkinci bölümde finansal ve algısal marka değerleme metotlarına yer verilmiş, ayrıntılı şekilde açıklanmıştır.Üçüncü ve son bölümde, algısal marka değerleme metotlarından Beklenti – Performans Analizi bankacılık sektöründe uygulanmıştır. İş Bankası, Garanti Bankası, Finansbank ve Oyak Bank’ın İstanbul Kent Nüfusu algısındaki marka değeri kıyaslamalı şekilde saptanmış, her bir markanın geliştirmesi gereken algısal alanlar tespit edilmiştir. Söz konusu dört bankanın kıyaslamalı şekilde bugün sunduğu ve gelecekte sunacağı ürün ve hizmetlerin satın alınacağı öngörüsü getirilmiştir. The Process Of Determining The Brand Equity and An A...
OBJECTIVE After cardiac surgery, acute kidney injury is observed at a rate of 5-30%, and the seco... more OBJECTIVE After cardiac surgery, acute kidney injury is observed at a rate of 5-30%, and the second most common cause of acute kidney injury in intensive care units is cardiac surgery. In this study, we aimed to investigate the effect of del Nido cardioplegia solution use on postoperative acute kidney injury development in patients who underwent coronary artery bypass grafting operation with cardiopulmonary bypass. METHODS Consecutive patients who underwent an elective coronary artery bypass grafting operation with cardiopulmonary bypass in our clinic between March 15, 2019, and March 15, 2020, were included in the study retrospectively. The patients were divided into two groups as those who received del Nido cardioplegia solution (Group 1) and blood cardioplegia (Group 2), and factors affecting the development of renal failure were examined. RESULTS A total of 350 consecutive patients were included in the study. There were 156 patients in the del Nido cardioplegia group and 194 patients in the blood cardioplegia group. Among the patient group, 74 (21.1%) patients developed acute kidney injury. The total acute kidney injury development rate was significantly higher in Group 2 (p=0.018). In multivariate logistic regression analysis, advanced age (OR 1.128; 95%CI 1.044-1.217; p=0.042), increased blood product use (OR 1.318; 95%CI 1.154-1.998; p=0.019), preoperative creatinine elevation (OR 2.434; 95%CI 1.655-4.639; p=0.005), and increased cardioplegia volume (OR 1.254; 95%CI 1.109-2.980; p=0.009) were independent predictors of acute kidney injury. CONCLUSION With this study, we showed that the use of del Nido cardioplegia solution can reduce the incidence of acute kidney injury.
Background There are opinions that telangiectasis and reticular veins are asymptomatic and consti... more Background There are opinions that telangiectasis and reticular veins are asymptomatic and constitute a cosmetic problem only. However, it has been proven that telangiectasis and reticular veins also affect the quality of life and are symptomatic. Methods Ninety consecutive female patients who were admitted to our outpatient clinic and did not have insufficiency in deep, superficial and perforating veins were included in this study. All participants were divided into three groups as the compression group (Group 1), medical treatment group (Group 2), and sclerotherapy group (Group 3). The initial complaint severities of all patients were noted. Except for patient compliance assessment, baseline, 1st month (T1), 3rd month (T2) and 6th month (T3) evaluation records were kept in all three groups. Results The study began with a total of 90 patients, 30 patients in each group. The mean ages of Groups 1, 2 and 3 were 39.73 ± 8.51 years, 39.30 ± 8.67 years, and 40.77 ± 9.45 years, respectiv...
Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2014
Bu calismada, Mus ve cevresinde kabuk icin kalite faktoru ve sogurulma katsayisinin bulunmasi ama... more Bu calismada, Mus ve cevresinde kabuk icin kalite faktoru ve sogurulma katsayisinin bulunmasi amaclanmistir. Hesaplamalar icin Ataturk Universitesi Deprem Arastirma Merkezi (AUDAM) Mus istasyonuna ait 56 adet yakin alan deprem verisi kullanilmistir. Deprem buyuklugunun hesaplamak icin Pn dalgasinin en buyuk genlik degeri kullanilmistir. Tum depremler icin olusturulan lineer denklem sistemi en kucuk kareler yontemi ile cozulmustur. Boylece Mus istasyonu icin genlik bagimli bir lokal buyukluk esitligi (ML=0.617logA+0.003A+4.404) bulunmustur. Genlikler uzerindeki buyukluk etkisini gidermek icin ML= 4'e gore buyukluk normalizasyonu islemi yapilmistir. Normalize edilmis genlikler yardimiyla bolge icin sogurulma katsayisi (y) 0.012 km-1, kalite faktoru (Q) 39.59 olarak bulunmustur. Anahtar kelimeler: Dogu Anadolu Bolgesi, Kalite Faktoru, Dalga Sogurulmasi, Lokal Magnitud
Bu calismada, Erzincan ve cevresinde kabuk icin kalite faktoru ve sogurulma katsayisinin bulunmas... more Bu calismada, Erzincan ve cevresinde kabuk icin kalite faktoru ve sogurulma katsayisinin bulunmasi amaclanmistir. Hesaplamalar icin Ataturk Universitesi Deprem Arastirma Merkezi (AUDAM) Erzincan istasyonuna ait 89 adet yakin alan deprem verisi kullanilmistir. Deprem buyuklugunun hesaplamak icin Pn dalgasinin en buyuk genlik degeri kullanilmistir. Tum depremler icin olusturulan lineer denklem sistemi en kucuk kareler yontemi ile cozulmustur. Boylece Erzincan istasyonu icin genlik bagimli bir lokal buyukluk esitligi (ML=0.5148logA+0.0039Δ+4.2104) bulunmustur. Genlikler uzerindeki buyukluk etkisini gidermek icin ML= 4’e gore buyukluk normalizasyonu islemi yapilmistir. Normalize edilmis genlikler yardimiyla bolge icin sogurulma katsayisi (γ) 0.0176 km-1, kalite faktoru (Q) 28.5 olarak bulunmustur.
This study was conducted to obtain basic information for soil improvement in flower crop cultivat... more This study was conducted to obtain basic information for soil improvement in flower crop cultivating greenhouse soil through survey on the chemical and physical properties of greenhouse soils. Total of 85 Flowcultivating farms were surveyed and analysis was done on the soil characteristics, amounts of chemical fertilizer and soil amendmentuse. The result are as follows: In soil properties of flower cultivating greenhousees, silt clay loam was 51%and 68% of the surveyed soils had good drainage condition. Ground water table was over 90-120cm which was optimum range for flower cultivation. Flower cultivating farms had problem with accumulation of fertility. Nitrate nitrogen was accumulated in Gypsophila paniculate farms and available phosphorus, and exchangeable postassium were significantly higher in greenhouse soils about 2 times than in open field soil. Application amount of chemical feltilizers in greenhouses were nitrate 211,phosphorus 135, and potassium 132kg/ha, respectively. Am...
Innovations: Technology and Techniques in Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery, 2021
We have read with great interest the article of Kaleda et al.1 entitled “Simple Technique for Cen... more We have read with great interest the article of Kaleda et al.1 entitled “Simple Technique for Central Venous Cannulation with CannulaFree Wound in Minimally Invasive Aortic Valve Surgery.” First of all, we congratulate the authors for their invaluable contribution to the literature. The authors have described a technique for central venous cannulation during minimally invasive aortic surgery using a novel device. However, we have been using this technique in our clinic since 2017. Also, our technique was presented as poster (Poster-244, page 215 in poster book) at the 15th Congress of the Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery, October 26-29, 2018, Antalya, Turkey.2 In our technique, unlike the authors, we did not use an additional instrument (like their novel device) for venous cannula and we still do not use any device. We use a flat venous (low body profile) twostage venous cannula (Fig. 1a).We perform a 1 cm incision under the breast (fifth or sixth intercostal space) and open the right pleura. Using a surgical clamp, venous cannula is externalized from the chest (Fig. 1b). During this procedure, subcutaneous fatty tissues may contaminate the venous cannula. For this reason, we first pass the cannula and then wash the cannula with saline. We have been using this technique in our clinic since 2017 and we have not encountered any complications related to this method. Also, skin incision in the chest wall is used for postoperative tube thoracostomy. In recent years, minimally invasive methods are widely used in heart operations, as in many areas of medicine. Various surgical equipment is needed in order to provide adequate exposure in minimal surgical methods.3 Pfeiffer et al. described a novel technique in minimally invasive aortic surgery in 2015. In this technique, after ministernotomy, a 29Fr Optiflow venous cannula (LivaNova PLC, London, UK) was placed through a purse suture in the superior vena cava by retracting the ascending aorta to the left.4 Aortic surgery with partial sternotomy is a safe and effective strategy, and this method requires additional surgical equipment. Thanks to our technique, surgical interventions for the aortic root can be successfully performed using standard surgical equipment.
The North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ) between the Arabian, Eurasian and African plates is one of ... more The North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ) between the Arabian, Eurasian and African plates is one of the world’s most dangerous tectonic units. After the 1939 Erzincan earthquake with Ms = 7.9, which was the largest in the Anatolian Block, many more destructive earthquakes occurred, causing displacement and loss of life and property. The most important earthquakes were those on 17 August 1999 in Gölcük (Mw 7.6) and on 12 November 1999 in Düzce (Mw 7.1) due to their impact on Istanbul, one of Turkey’s most important cities in terms of industry and population. Istanbul is projected to suffer major damage following the next catastrophic earthquake in the NAFZ. In this study, with the help of engineering seismology analysis, the soil dynamic characteristics of the region bordering the Marmara Sea were examined using earthquake and seismic noise data obtained from 129 seismic stations. The soil predominant period, soil amplification factor, vulnerability index (Kg), bedrock depth, Vs30 and soil dynamic features were examined. According to Kg values, the damage after a major earthquake in the study area may be high. Plastic deformation may occur at most seismic stations. Landslide, soil compaction and liquefaction can be observed in the 0.25 g, 0.50 g and 0.75 g earthquake scenarios. These anomalies emphasize the importance of investigating the soil dynamic properties before construction in these regions to minimize the destructive impact of an Istanbul earthquake. The findings of this study are regional but suggest that geotechnical, geological and geophysical studies should be increased in high-risk areas.
Turk is ve sosyal guvenlik hukukunda onemli bir uygulama alani bulunan isveren vekilligi, calisma... more Turk is ve sosyal guvenlik hukukunda onemli bir uygulama alani bulunan isveren vekilligi, calisma yasamini duzenleyen baslica kanunlarda farkli sekilllerde tanimlanmistir. Bu farklilik ise uygulamada onemli gucluklere yol acmaktadir. Ote yandan doktrin ve yarginin belirtilen kavrama zaman zaman degisik anlamlar vermesi de yeni sorunlara yol acabilmektedir. Bu durum ise yerlesik bir uygulamaya olanak tanimamakta, ozellikle taraflarin yukumluluk ve sorumluluklari acisindan duraksamalara neden olmaktadir. Bu calismada cesitli kanunlardaki farkliliklardan ortak noktalara ulasilmaya, isveren vekili kavrami acisindan net ve uygulanabilir esaslarin belirlenmesine calisilmistir. Ayrica, isveren vekilinin calisma yasaminda yer alan isverenve iscilerle olan iliskileri de calismanin kapsamina dahil edilmistir.
Calisma yasaminda is ve aile yasaminin uyumu giderek onem kazanmaktadir. Calisanlar is ve aile ya... more Calisma yasaminda is ve aile yasaminin uyumu giderek onem kazanmaktadir. Calisanlar is ve aile yasamlari arasinda denge kurmakta zorlanmakta, bazen bir taraf ikinci planda kalmaktadir. Ozellikle kadinlar acisindan hem annelik gorevini yerine getirmek, hem evin idaresinden sorumlu kisi olmak, hem de calisma yasami icerisinde yer almak gucluklere yol acmaktadir. Bu noktada devlet tarafindan desteklenen, aile yasami ile is yasamini uzlastirici politikalar onemli bir gereksinim haline gelmektedir. Bu politikalarin uygulanmasi ise ancak yasal duzenlemelerin yapilmasi ile mumkun olmaktadir. Aile dostu is hukuku uygulamalari basligi altinda toplanan ve is ile aile yasamini dengelemeyi amaclayan yasal duzenlemeler ulkeden ulkeye farklilik gostermekle birlikte genellikle cocuk sahibi olunmasi asamasinda devreye girmekte ve calisanlarin is ile aile yasamini dengeleyici/duzenleyici rol oynamaktadir. Calismada oncelikle konuya iliskin kavram ve kapsam belirlendikten sonra ulke ornekleri uzerind...
Journal of Social Research and Behavioral Sciences
When developing countries and developed countries in the world were examined in terms of educatio... more When developing countries and developed countries in the world were examined in terms of educational perspectives, it was seen that the importance given by developed countries to the development of learning strategies and the expectation of educators who put forth this effort was quite high compared to others. Since there are students in the educational center, the functioning of educational institutions must also be organized for students. The importance given to educators requires taking care of them and getting the highest efficiency from them, as well as the importance given to students requires taking care of them and getting the highest efficiency from them. This spiral of education reveals how important it is to develop the learning strategies of educational institutions. For this reason, the approaches adopted in today's understanding of education, especially in the development of student-centered learning strategies, are concentrated on this axis. Key Words: Educational...
Marka Değerini Belirleme Süreci ve Bankacılık Sektöründe Bir UygulamaTez kapsamında marka değerin... more Marka Değerini Belirleme Süreci ve Bankacılık Sektöründe Bir UygulamaTez kapsamında marka değerini belirleme süreci konu alınmış, bu kapsamda; ilk bölümde, marka ve marka değeri kavramlarına, ürünler arsındaki farkın somut farklılıklardan soyut farklılıklara kayması sürecine, marka – ürün ve marka – tüketici ilişkisine ve markalamanın önemine yer verilmiştir.İkinci bölümde finansal ve algısal marka değerleme metotlarına yer verilmiş, ayrıntılı şekilde açıklanmıştır.Üçüncü ve son bölümde, algısal marka değerleme metotlarından Beklenti – Performans Analizi bankacılık sektöründe uygulanmıştır. İş Bankası, Garanti Bankası, Finansbank ve Oyak Bank’ın İstanbul Kent Nüfusu algısındaki marka değeri kıyaslamalı şekilde saptanmış, her bir markanın geliştirmesi gereken algısal alanlar tespit edilmiştir. Söz konusu dört bankanın kıyaslamalı şekilde bugün sunduğu ve gelecekte sunacağı ürün ve hizmetlerin satın alınacağı öngörüsü getirilmiştir. The Process Of Determining The Brand Equity and An A...
OBJECTIVE After cardiac surgery, acute kidney injury is observed at a rate of 5-30%, and the seco... more OBJECTIVE After cardiac surgery, acute kidney injury is observed at a rate of 5-30%, and the second most common cause of acute kidney injury in intensive care units is cardiac surgery. In this study, we aimed to investigate the effect of del Nido cardioplegia solution use on postoperative acute kidney injury development in patients who underwent coronary artery bypass grafting operation with cardiopulmonary bypass. METHODS Consecutive patients who underwent an elective coronary artery bypass grafting operation with cardiopulmonary bypass in our clinic between March 15, 2019, and March 15, 2020, were included in the study retrospectively. The patients were divided into two groups as those who received del Nido cardioplegia solution (Group 1) and blood cardioplegia (Group 2), and factors affecting the development of renal failure were examined. RESULTS A total of 350 consecutive patients were included in the study. There were 156 patients in the del Nido cardioplegia group and 194 patients in the blood cardioplegia group. Among the patient group, 74 (21.1%) patients developed acute kidney injury. The total acute kidney injury development rate was significantly higher in Group 2 (p=0.018). In multivariate logistic regression analysis, advanced age (OR 1.128; 95%CI 1.044-1.217; p=0.042), increased blood product use (OR 1.318; 95%CI 1.154-1.998; p=0.019), preoperative creatinine elevation (OR 2.434; 95%CI 1.655-4.639; p=0.005), and increased cardioplegia volume (OR 1.254; 95%CI 1.109-2.980; p=0.009) were independent predictors of acute kidney injury. CONCLUSION With this study, we showed that the use of del Nido cardioplegia solution can reduce the incidence of acute kidney injury.
Background There are opinions that telangiectasis and reticular veins are asymptomatic and consti... more Background There are opinions that telangiectasis and reticular veins are asymptomatic and constitute a cosmetic problem only. However, it has been proven that telangiectasis and reticular veins also affect the quality of life and are symptomatic. Methods Ninety consecutive female patients who were admitted to our outpatient clinic and did not have insufficiency in deep, superficial and perforating veins were included in this study. All participants were divided into three groups as the compression group (Group 1), medical treatment group (Group 2), and sclerotherapy group (Group 3). The initial complaint severities of all patients were noted. Except for patient compliance assessment, baseline, 1st month (T1), 3rd month (T2) and 6th month (T3) evaluation records were kept in all three groups. Results The study began with a total of 90 patients, 30 patients in each group. The mean ages of Groups 1, 2 and 3 were 39.73 ± 8.51 years, 39.30 ± 8.67 years, and 40.77 ± 9.45 years, respectiv...
Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2014
Bu calismada, Mus ve cevresinde kabuk icin kalite faktoru ve sogurulma katsayisinin bulunmasi ama... more Bu calismada, Mus ve cevresinde kabuk icin kalite faktoru ve sogurulma katsayisinin bulunmasi amaclanmistir. Hesaplamalar icin Ataturk Universitesi Deprem Arastirma Merkezi (AUDAM) Mus istasyonuna ait 56 adet yakin alan deprem verisi kullanilmistir. Deprem buyuklugunun hesaplamak icin Pn dalgasinin en buyuk genlik degeri kullanilmistir. Tum depremler icin olusturulan lineer denklem sistemi en kucuk kareler yontemi ile cozulmustur. Boylece Mus istasyonu icin genlik bagimli bir lokal buyukluk esitligi (ML=0.617logA+0.003A+4.404) bulunmustur. Genlikler uzerindeki buyukluk etkisini gidermek icin ML= 4'e gore buyukluk normalizasyonu islemi yapilmistir. Normalize edilmis genlikler yardimiyla bolge icin sogurulma katsayisi (y) 0.012 km-1, kalite faktoru (Q) 39.59 olarak bulunmustur. Anahtar kelimeler: Dogu Anadolu Bolgesi, Kalite Faktoru, Dalga Sogurulmasi, Lokal Magnitud
Bu calismada, Erzincan ve cevresinde kabuk icin kalite faktoru ve sogurulma katsayisinin bulunmas... more Bu calismada, Erzincan ve cevresinde kabuk icin kalite faktoru ve sogurulma katsayisinin bulunmasi amaclanmistir. Hesaplamalar icin Ataturk Universitesi Deprem Arastirma Merkezi (AUDAM) Erzincan istasyonuna ait 89 adet yakin alan deprem verisi kullanilmistir. Deprem buyuklugunun hesaplamak icin Pn dalgasinin en buyuk genlik degeri kullanilmistir. Tum depremler icin olusturulan lineer denklem sistemi en kucuk kareler yontemi ile cozulmustur. Boylece Erzincan istasyonu icin genlik bagimli bir lokal buyukluk esitligi (ML=0.5148logA+0.0039Δ+4.2104) bulunmustur. Genlikler uzerindeki buyukluk etkisini gidermek icin ML= 4’e gore buyukluk normalizasyonu islemi yapilmistir. Normalize edilmis genlikler yardimiyla bolge icin sogurulma katsayisi (γ) 0.0176 km-1, kalite faktoru (Q) 28.5 olarak bulunmustur.
This study was conducted to obtain basic information for soil improvement in flower crop cultivat... more This study was conducted to obtain basic information for soil improvement in flower crop cultivating greenhouse soil through survey on the chemical and physical properties of greenhouse soils. Total of 85 Flowcultivating farms were surveyed and analysis was done on the soil characteristics, amounts of chemical fertilizer and soil amendmentuse. The result are as follows: In soil properties of flower cultivating greenhousees, silt clay loam was 51%and 68% of the surveyed soils had good drainage condition. Ground water table was over 90-120cm which was optimum range for flower cultivation. Flower cultivating farms had problem with accumulation of fertility. Nitrate nitrogen was accumulated in Gypsophila paniculate farms and available phosphorus, and exchangeable postassium were significantly higher in greenhouse soils about 2 times than in open field soil. Application amount of chemical feltilizers in greenhouses were nitrate 211,phosphorus 135, and potassium 132kg/ha, respectively. Am...
Innovations: Technology and Techniques in Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery, 2021
We have read with great interest the article of Kaleda et al.1 entitled “Simple Technique for Cen... more We have read with great interest the article of Kaleda et al.1 entitled “Simple Technique for Central Venous Cannulation with CannulaFree Wound in Minimally Invasive Aortic Valve Surgery.” First of all, we congratulate the authors for their invaluable contribution to the literature. The authors have described a technique for central venous cannulation during minimally invasive aortic surgery using a novel device. However, we have been using this technique in our clinic since 2017. Also, our technique was presented as poster (Poster-244, page 215 in poster book) at the 15th Congress of the Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery, October 26-29, 2018, Antalya, Turkey.2 In our technique, unlike the authors, we did not use an additional instrument (like their novel device) for venous cannula and we still do not use any device. We use a flat venous (low body profile) twostage venous cannula (Fig. 1a).We perform a 1 cm incision under the breast (fifth or sixth intercostal space) and open the right pleura. Using a surgical clamp, venous cannula is externalized from the chest (Fig. 1b). During this procedure, subcutaneous fatty tissues may contaminate the venous cannula. For this reason, we first pass the cannula and then wash the cannula with saline. We have been using this technique in our clinic since 2017 and we have not encountered any complications related to this method. Also, skin incision in the chest wall is used for postoperative tube thoracostomy. In recent years, minimally invasive methods are widely used in heart operations, as in many areas of medicine. Various surgical equipment is needed in order to provide adequate exposure in minimal surgical methods.3 Pfeiffer et al. described a novel technique in minimally invasive aortic surgery in 2015. In this technique, after ministernotomy, a 29Fr Optiflow venous cannula (LivaNova PLC, London, UK) was placed through a purse suture in the superior vena cava by retracting the ascending aorta to the left.4 Aortic surgery with partial sternotomy is a safe and effective strategy, and this method requires additional surgical equipment. Thanks to our technique, surgical interventions for the aortic root can be successfully performed using standard surgical equipment.
The North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ) between the Arabian, Eurasian and African plates is one of ... more The North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ) between the Arabian, Eurasian and African plates is one of the world’s most dangerous tectonic units. After the 1939 Erzincan earthquake with Ms = 7.9, which was the largest in the Anatolian Block, many more destructive earthquakes occurred, causing displacement and loss of life and property. The most important earthquakes were those on 17 August 1999 in Gölcük (Mw 7.6) and on 12 November 1999 in Düzce (Mw 7.1) due to their impact on Istanbul, one of Turkey’s most important cities in terms of industry and population. Istanbul is projected to suffer major damage following the next catastrophic earthquake in the NAFZ. In this study, with the help of engineering seismology analysis, the soil dynamic characteristics of the region bordering the Marmara Sea were examined using earthquake and seismic noise data obtained from 129 seismic stations. The soil predominant period, soil amplification factor, vulnerability index (Kg), bedrock depth, Vs30 and soil dynamic features were examined. According to Kg values, the damage after a major earthquake in the study area may be high. Plastic deformation may occur at most seismic stations. Landslide, soil compaction and liquefaction can be observed in the 0.25 g, 0.50 g and 0.75 g earthquake scenarios. These anomalies emphasize the importance of investigating the soil dynamic properties before construction in these regions to minimize the destructive impact of an Istanbul earthquake. The findings of this study are regional but suggest that geotechnical, geological and geophysical studies should be increased in high-risk areas.
Papers by Ufuk Aydın