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Cannae Beadu

Fram Wikipǣdian

Cannae Beadu ƿæs micel feoht þære Oðran Puniscan Gūþe, which took place on 2. Ƿēodmōnaþe in þæm geare 216 beforan Crīstes acennesse nēah Cannae tūn se is in Apulialande in þæm sūþēastdǣl Italie.

On þissum ƿælfelde hæfde Cartainan here under Hannibal micel sige ofer herigum þære Romaniscan Cyneƿīsan oððæt ðe þā Rōmƿare ƿæron manigfealde and Hannibales rincgetæl mismicel. Þærbe fremmede Hannibal mǣrþe and man hycgþ þe þæs dæges ƿæl ƿæs ān þāra mæstena ƿigƿeorcena in eallum þe ealda bēc teallaþ of ƿigcræft. Þa hycþ man þæs ƿælgetæl, hē ƿæs Rōmbyrig grimsta ƿighryre æfter Arausio Beadƿe.

Lucius Aemilus Paullus, ealdor, and Gaius Terentius Varro ƿæron heretogan þāra Rōmƿara.

Rōmƿare brōhton nīƿ fyrd þæm felde æfter hiere hryre æt Trebia in 218 ƿintru beforan Cristes tōcyme and æt Trasimene in þæm niehstan geare, and hie ceas to bringenne Hannibal to garmittunge æt Cannae.

Se ende þæs Rēmiscan here

In Cannae cƿom Rēmisc þrēat, mid gefylce þe ƿæs ymbe 86,000 menn, Rōmƿare and geþoftas. Þā Rōmƿare sætted hiera heofigan feðan in dēoprum setnunge þon ƿæron hie geƿuna.

Þær fremmode Hannibal hinderhōce þære tƿafealdan beƿindunge. In hringe fang he Rōmceastre þrēat and hie slog. Sƿīðe gesæled Hannibal þe he þone Rēmisce here adiglede.

Æfter þisne ƿæl æt Cannae, Capua and manig mǣre burgrīce on Eotolƿarum forsƿicoden of þære Rōmcyneƿīsan and cleofod to Cartaine.


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  • Carlton, James. The Military Quotation Book. New York City, New York: Thomas Dunne Books, 2002.
  • Hoyos, Dexter B. Hannibal: Rome's Greatest Enemy. Bristol Phoenix Press, 2005, ISBN 1-904675-46-8 (hbk) ISBN 1-904675-47-6 (pbk).
  • Daly, Gregory. Cannae: The Experience of Battle in the Second Punic War. London/New York: Routledge, ISBN 0-415-32743-1.
  • Delbrück, Hans. Warfare in Antiquity, 1920, ISBN 0-8032-9199-X.
  • Titus Livius and De Selincourt, Aubrey. The War with Hannibal: Books XXI-XXX of the History of Rome from its Foundation. Penguin Classics, Reprint Edition, 1965, ISBN 0-14-044145-X (pbk).
  • Talbert, Richard J.A. (ed.) Atlas of Classical History. London/New York: Routledge, 1985, ISBN 0-415-03463-9.

Ūtƿearda hlencas

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