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Fram Wikipǣdian

Genf is miclu burg sēo līþ æt Genfmeres hēafde, and hē giefþ his naman ēac þæm lande hƿærin standeþ sēo ceaster. Genf is Sƿitsa burg siððan 1814, þær acnyht Genf Cyneƿīse þone Sƿitsisc Āþgebeorscipen sƿa mægþ þæs rīces.

In Genfceastre and in Genfland spricaþ menn Frencisc þæs Arpitan aganspræce.


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Genf (Frencisc: Genève) is Sƿitsena mæste burg æfter Turice, and is hiera mǣste burg on Sƿitsiscum Francum.

Eormenlofful is Genf for his feohport, and ēac mæg hit to ƿoruldƿīd stede for rīcecræfte and forþæm þe manig gegaderunga þāra eorþe rīca sittaþ hēr. Ēac in þǣre byrig cƿaþ man þā Genf Sehtas, ymbe ƿigdihte and herenuman.

Æfter Lundene and Turice is Genf Europan mæste feohport, and siexte þære ƿorulde.


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Genf sēo Cyneƿīse and Mægþ (Frencisc: la république et canton de Genève) is Sƿisslandes ƿesternmeste mægþ. Genf ƿæs his āgan rīce oð 1798 and for tƿæm gearum oð 1815, þone ƿeard hit Sƿisslandes mægþ.

Iohannes Caluin brōhtede þā Cirice Ednīƿunge on Genfƿarum in 1536 and þær staþolede gearƿutle Oncƿeðend cirice sēo þegnede sƿa gelicnes for manig Caluiniscum cirican on Europan and eallum middangearde. In Genfe heald sēo cirice þæt land fæst under Godlicum rīce and oncƿeðendum þurh manige gearas. In Genf cƿōmon manig leorningcnihtas and prēostas forþæm þe hie mōt leonan fram Genfes cirice and ƿitum.

In 1798 insƿōg sēo Frencisc Forma Cyneƿīse his land and hit ƿeard Frencisc départment. Æfter Napoleon ƿiþtēah ƿæs Genfland eft frēoh and Sƿissland ēac and in 1814 gerād sē Wien Gegædrung þe Genf sceall ƿeorþan Sƿitsisc. In 1815 mid Sƿissum Genf ānlæhtede.

Mære Genfƿare

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Bysen:Switsena mægþ