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Ǽrǣst stede for āne tācnung tō spēle on ānre spēlborde āt tāflspel.

Tāflspel (Nīƿe Englisc Amerisc: checkers or Nīƿe Englisc Bryttisc draughts) is sē nama swīðe mislīcra tāflgemōta. Ealle þā gemōtu sind gelīce. On ǣlcum dǣle ðræfes mæg man tācan ōðres tācles þurh ðæt bēon geþrungen. Se rīm and sīþfæt sint geswutelode be ðǣre Worulde Đræfes Fēderācienne.[1]

Spēles ǣrestriht

[adiht | adiht fruman]

Þræf hæfð wiss ġegang sēo þīd oþ þæt twelfþe hundgēara, on Franclande. Þā ārferean ne nēatað þæt ǣror þræfwerod fandian ðæt þæt gemōt wæs gerīxod ǣror, þēah hit mōste hæbben geweorðen. Sum ǣlmǣtenre gefēgolōgon hit ōðer sīe, ac hī ne wǣron nā gesceapwīsce ǣrendrēamas.

Þǣr sind twēgen hēafod tāflspela geweorðode: sē Angel-Siexena hēafod (ðe ǣr fram Franclande cōm) and sē Pōlisc oþþe landhēafod. Sē Angel-Siexena hēafod bið gespielt on 8x8 tāfl (scacȳt) mid twelf tāflum. Sē landhēafod (sē swā genemnod forþām hit bið gespielt on ðām lande Europa) bið gespielt on ān 10x10 tāfl mid twentig tāflum ǣg. Þǣr sind eac sume gerisena on manigum landum.[2]


[adiht | adiht fruman]

On mǣstum ðræfgemōtum sind twēgen geþēoda. Þā geþēoda sind on ǣnlicum gemǣrum ðæs tāfles. Ān geþēoda hafað sweart tāfl, and ān geþēoda hafað lēoht tāfl. Hī nīemeaþ heora tāfl diagonale fram ānum feld to ōþrum feld. Ān geþēoda hylt ofer ðæs ōþres tācles, þonne hē nimeaþ ðæt tācl of ðǣm tāfle. Gif þū mæge niman ānes tācles, ðonne þū scealt niman ānes tācles.

Sē forma geþēoda þe forlǣt eall his oþþe hīo tāfl, oþþe bið on gewisse ǣrendunge geset, forlǣt ðæt gemōt. Gif nān geþēoda ne mæge forðbrēogan gewinn, ðonne bið sēo gemōt on gemenne.[3]


[adiht | adiht fruman]
  1. Official Info - World Draughts Federation
  2. Strutt, Joseph (1801). The sports and pastimes of the people of England. London. p. 255. (in Nīƿe Englisc Bryttisc)
  3. Fraenkel, Aviezri S.; Garey, M. R.; Johnson, David S.; Yesha, Yaacov (1978). "The complexity of checkers on an N × N board". 19th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science. pp. 55–64. doi:10.1109/SFCS.1978.36.


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