If you think all native speakers use complex vocabulary and rhetoric, you'll be disillusioned pretty quickly. Native speaker picks up non-nativeness not from complex vocabulary or rhetoric, but in more fundamental things like basic grammar, use of a simple word and/or singular/plural, general smoothness, etc. Think of Japanese. People won't find it foreign when you don't use complex vocabulary and rhetoric. I once even had an occasion where this person believed I'm American because of a "wrong" use of plural that Americans often do. Just look at here or any SNS. I bet you don't find most of them use complex vocabulary and rhetoric. But if you use てにおは wrong a couple of times though, that's a big giveaway. And the use of "native level" usually comes with work. You can use the language at a native level for the work or you can't. It's not something that requires an opinion from an anonymous person on the internet, but thanks for your two cents.