Papers by Emine Sokmen
Arkeoloji ve Sanat, 2022
Ankyra, the capital of Rome's Galatia Province, with its temple dedicated to the first emperor an... more Ankyra, the capital of Rome's Galatia Province, with its temple dedicated to the first emperor and the goddess Rome has brought to the present day a very important document. The temple, which carries on its walls the autobiography of Emperor Augustus, has resisted time and brought intact engraved on its stones this inscription dubbed Res Gestae Divi Augusti. Due to its importance, the inscription was presented to the scientific community by being copied many times for about three hundred and fifty years from the 16th century to the end of the 19th century. We witness that Giovanni Leonardi, a pharmacist from Ankara, also contributed to the adventure of preparing a copy of the inscription, which can be presented in its entire text, with the Greek inscription on the southeast cella wall being the key in the places where certain segments of the Latin inscription on the pronaos of the temple was damaged. Assigned as an officer for the preservation and monitoring of the temple during the last quarter of the 19th century, G. Leonardi in an appraisal report conveys the state of the temple at that time and also offers the first Ottoman Turkish translation of the inscription. This article introduces Leonardi in the light of available information, provides an edition and evaluation of his translation.
BYZAS 26, 2021
Hydraulic landscape can only be managed within the framework of a long-term and consistent strate... more Hydraulic landscape can only be managed within the framework of a long-term and consistent strategic plan, presence of a determined central authority, human resources, logistic capabilities and technical know-how. Hydraulic landscape, in this sense, represents a shift of water management policies to strategic level from an operational level. Landscapes evolve through dynamic processes and are shaped
continuously by the needs of societies. As a concept, hydraulic landscape arises as a result of planned consumption and management of water sources and it is believed that it tends to be developed under the presence of a central authority. This study aims to shed light on the hydraulic management history of the Alaca region by taking into account water technologies established in the region during several successive imperial periods.
Arkeoloji ve Sanat, 2022
This study aims to provide an exposition in the history of archaeology on the basis of original d... more This study aims to provide an exposition in the history of archaeology on the basis of original documents concerning the state of the Augustus Temple during the Late Ottoman Period. Centered on Ottoman archival documents, attention is drawn to the correspondence concerning the temple between 1873 and 1909. The correspondence sheds light of decisions regarding the cases of preservation, destruction and work in documentation during this period. Each correspondence reflects the growing efforts in protecting ancient artefacts and monuments following the promulgation of the Âsâr-ı Atîka Regulation.
Örükaya Arkeolojik Araştırma Projesi, 2017
Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, 2010
Page 1. Published by Maney Publishing (c) Centre for Byzantine, Ottoman and Modern Greek Studies,... more Page 1. Published by Maney Publishing (c) Centre for Byzantine, Ottoman and Modern Greek Studies, University of Birmingham Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies Vol. 34 No. 2 (2010) 119–141 © 2010 Centre for Byzantine ...
The Archaeology of Anatolia Vol. 2, 2017
The Sinop Regional Archaeological Project (SRAP) conducted its first
two seasons of excavations a... more The Sinop Regional Archaeological Project (SRAP) conducted its first
two seasons of excavations at the site of Sinop Kalesi in July-August 2015
and 2016. The excavation builds on more than a decade of survey and
environmental research in Sinop (Doonan et al. 2016) and ties in with the longer-term regional project through ongoing environmental studies, ceramic analyses, and regional scale archaeological research. Sinop (ancient Sinope) was one of the earliest Ionian Greek colonies in the Black Sea and the earliest colony on its Anatolian coast. The goals for these initial field seasons were to clarify the Iron Age and early colonial phases of settlement investigated by SRAP in 2000 (Doonan 2007), and to establish the stratigraphic relationship of the defensive wall to early colonial and pre-colonial phases of the site.
Historical and archaeological studies of the Middle Black Sea region do not date very far back. A... more Historical and archaeological studies of the Middle Black Sea region do not date very far back. Although an increasing number of studies in recent years have provided important data, there is still need for many more research projects in order to reveal the history of the Black Sea region. This paper analyses strongholds that have been identified by travellers, researchers and a small number of surveys, in order to shed light on the administrative and military structure of the Mithridatic Kingdom, which was the single sovereign power in the Middle Black Sea Region during the Hellenistic Period. The strongholds are located on outcrops that dominate the topography, with architectural elements carved into the rock. These strongholds are frequently found within the Mithridatic Kingdom landscape. One of the handicaps of this study is the fact that these strongholds cannot be precisely dated using archaeological data because they are carved out of the natural rock. This study, for now, aims to reveal the relationships between these strongholds within the project area and their relationships with the topography, with the help of visibility analysis. A preliminary result has been produced.
Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, Jan 1, 2010
The sanctuary of Comana Pontica in north-central Anatolia, dedicated to a local Anatolian deity, ... more The sanctuary of Comana Pontica in north-central Anatolia, dedicated to a local Anatolian deity, Ma, was a significant part of the Hellenistic kingdom of the Mithradatids which continued to be of some importance under the Roman emperors. During the Byzantine period, as a result of the introduction of, and adaptation to, Christianity in the region, significant changes in settlement pattern/organization at and in the vicinity of Comana took place. This article illustrates these changes through the architectural and archaeological material discovered during surveys and offers a preliminary interpretation of the settlement patterns around Comana in the Byzantine period.
Editorial by Emine Sokmen
Conference Presentations by Emine Sokmen
Colloquium abstract: The Sinop kale (citadel) excavations, initiated during the summer of 2015 wi... more Colloquium abstract: The Sinop kale (citadel) excavations, initiated during the summer of 2015 with the support of the National Geographic Society and the National Endowment for the Humanities, have provided important new evidence about the pre-colonial and early colonial phases of settlement and communication in the Black Sea region. These results place the earliest phases of the pioneering Milesian colonial port of Sinope in the cultural context of the Sinop promontory and that of the Black Sea and Anatolia from the late third to first millennia BCE. A remarkably diverse assemblage of Bronze Age, Iron Age and Archaic-Hellenistic ceramics demonstrate remarkably diverse links around the Black Sea, in western and central Anatolia, and the broader Greek world. Furthermore, our excavations have clarified the complex history and stratigraphy of one of the defining monuments of ancient Sinope: the fortification wall that established the landward edge of the city from the Archaic period to the end of the Ottoman Empire. The proposed colloquium synthesizes results of three seasons of excavation at Sinop kale in seven papers, including an overview of project goals and context, a discussion of the stratigraphy, and papers on a series of key topics by core team members. Co-authored presentations will be offered on Pre-colonial finds, Archaic and Classical ceramics, the construction and subsequent transformation of the Hellenistic wall, a previously unknown Middle Byzantine wall and an overview of floral and faunal finds. Each of these topics is breaking new ground in our understanding of Black Sea history. The pre-colonial results have suggested a pattern of mobile fishing in the region from the late third to the early first millennia BCE. The remarkable diversity of the Archaic and Classical ceramics provides insight into the unique nexus of connections for the first Anatolian Milesian colony and its own network of Black Sea colonies. The history of the Sinop fortification wall provides significant archaeological evidence relevant to the emergence of the Pontic Kingdom as a maritime power, while the history of the Middle Byzantine wall sheds light on one of the least known periods in the region and the naval networks that formed the foundation of the Genoese and later maritime systems in the Black Sea. " Sinope citadel excavations " offers the first detailed presentation of results from the excavations of this key site in one of the most critical but understudied regions of the greater Mediterranean and Eurasian world.
Dissertation Chapter by Emine Sokmen
Talks by Emine Sokmen
18-20 NİSAN 2018, Hitit Üniversitesi Ethem Erkoç Konferans Salonu, ÇORUM
Orta Karadeniz ve komşu bölgelerde gerçekleştirilen çalışmalar, geçtiğimiz 10 yılda bölge arkeolojisini hakkettiği öneme kavuşturmuştur. Sürdürülen az sayıda ancak önemli çalışmalar, Karadeniz arkeolojisinin bilinmeyenlerine ışık tutmak üzere bilgi üretmektedir. Antik dönemde bölgenin, Akhaemenid Dönem'den, Hellenistik Dönem'in yerel krallığı Mithradatlar’ın yönetimine ve ardından Roma hakimiyetine girmesi ile geçirdiği politik, kültürel ve sosyo-ekonomik değişimin ve sürekliliğin takip edilmesi, ilişkiler ağının ortaya konup değerlendirilmesi için önem arz etmektedir. Bu anlamda maddi kültürün, yerelin ve bölgesel güçlerin etkisi altında ne şekilde değiştiğine ve devam ettiğine ışık tutmak gerekmektedir. Diğer bir yandan Roma İmparatorluğu'nun bu bölgelerdeki hakimiyetini hangi mekanizmalarla yerleştirdiği de ortaya konmalıdır.
Bu Sempozyum, Karadeniz Bölgesi’nin kıyı şeridinden farklılık gösteren iç kesimlerindeki politik, kültürel yapının, yerleşim dokusunun antikite boyunca olan değişimini ele almayı amaçlamaktadır. Egemen olan politik güçler ile yerel maddi kültür geleneği arasındaki ilişkileri anlamak için bu öğelerinin detaylı sunumu, karşılaştırmaları ve tartışılmaları sempozyumun ana konusunu oluşturmaktadır. Sempozyum, bölgede müzelerin yürüttüğü ve görece daha az bilinen kurtarma kazıları ile birlikte birçok araştırma projesine değinecektir. Böylece, Orta Karadeniz’in bölgesel özellikleri ile merkezi yönetim arasındaki ilişki ve farklılıkları ortaya koyup tartışarak bölge arkeolojisinin sorunlarına dair yeni yaklaşımlar üretmek istenmektedir.
Bölgede yürütülen araştırma ve kazı projeleri arasında sağlıklı bir karşılaştırma yapabilmek için sempozyum aşağıdaki sorulara yanıt aramayı hedeflemiştir:
· Maddi kültür öğelerinin karakteristik özellikleri nelerdir?
· Yerel farklılıklar ve nüanslar gözle görülecek şekilde ayırt edilebilir mi?
· Tarihlendirme için temel kriterler nelerdir? Buluntuların karakteristik özellikleri üzerinden bölgesel bir kronoloji inşa etmek mümkün mü?
· Bölgeler-üstü iletişim ve ilişkiler tespit edilebiliyor mu?
Bu bağlamda düzenlemekte olduğumuz sempozyuma katılımınız ve katkılarınız bizleri mutlu edecektir.
Drafts by Emine Sokmen
pp. 155-69 in S. Steadman and G. McMahon (Eds.), Archaeology in Anatolia vol. IV. , 2021
The Sinop Regional Archaeological Project conducted three seasons of excavations and remote sensi... more The Sinop Regional Archaeological Project conducted three seasons of excavations and remote sensing and one study season at the site of Sinop Kale in July-August 2015-17 and July 2019. The excavation builds on more than a decade of survey and environmental research in Sinop and ties in with the longer-term regional project through ongoing environmental studies, ceramic analyses and regional scale archaeological research. Excavations at the Sinop kale site are projected to continue for at least ten years, and encompass an extensive pre-colonial settlement and monumental structures from Archaic through Roman horizons. The expanded excavation area includes the former bus station and Milli Savunma complex to the east of our recent excavations and the historical prison garden to the south.
The previous report by Sinop Kale Excavations in this series (vol. 2, published in 2016) sketched the evolution of the site in broad strokes: preliminary assessments of major architectural featuresn and illustration of a limited subset of finds from 2015-16. This proposed report will cover findings from the 2017 season, including a rich deposit of early Iron Age ceramics beneath the Archaic structure in Op.1; detailed consideration of stratigraphy based on closer analysis of ceramic finds; discussion of significant floral and faunal finds; and synthesis of the results from Sinop Kale with a new study of the Sinope ancient city plan. Significant finds to be discussed in detail include a group of three Early Bronze Age figurines from the fills to the west of the glacis in Ops. 1 and 4; Iron Age closed vessels found with evidence of pre-colonial fish processing; a conclusive re-dating of the monumental wall a century earlier than is commonly believed. In addition, we discuss the results of remote sensing at the site including GPR carried out in the area west of our excavations (former Sinop Otogar) and a LIDAR scan of the Hellenistic city wall. We present the results of the 2019 study season including pXRF analyses of Bronze Age and Iron Age hand-made ceramics from the excavation and the regional surveys (1996-99; 2010-12). The team is currently preparing a monograph on the 2015-17 excavations at Sinope kale, leading to a much clearer understanding of the stratigraphy and interpretation of major features of the site. The results of the 2017-19 field seasons at Sinop kale build on the preliminary findings of the 2015-16 seasons and are highly significant for our understanding of maritime interactions in the early Black Sea and Northern Anatolia and demonstrate the outstanding promise the Sinope Kale excavations hold for future research.
Papers by Emine Sokmen
continuously by the needs of societies. As a concept, hydraulic landscape arises as a result of planned consumption and management of water sources and it is believed that it tends to be developed under the presence of a central authority. This study aims to shed light on the hydraulic management history of the Alaca region by taking into account water technologies established in the region during several successive imperial periods.
two seasons of excavations at the site of Sinop Kalesi in July-August 2015
and 2016. The excavation builds on more than a decade of survey and
environmental research in Sinop (Doonan et al. 2016) and ties in with the longer-term regional project through ongoing environmental studies, ceramic analyses, and regional scale archaeological research. Sinop (ancient Sinope) was one of the earliest Ionian Greek colonies in the Black Sea and the earliest colony on its Anatolian coast. The goals for these initial field seasons were to clarify the Iron Age and early colonial phases of settlement investigated by SRAP in 2000 (Doonan 2007), and to establish the stratigraphic relationship of the defensive wall to early colonial and pre-colonial phases of the site.
Editorial by Emine Sokmen
Conference Presentations by Emine Sokmen
Dissertation Chapter by Emine Sokmen
Talks by Emine Sokmen
18-20 NİSAN 2018, Hitit Üniversitesi Ethem Erkoç Konferans Salonu, ÇORUM
Orta Karadeniz ve komşu bölgelerde gerçekleştirilen çalışmalar, geçtiğimiz 10 yılda bölge arkeolojisini hakkettiği öneme kavuşturmuştur. Sürdürülen az sayıda ancak önemli çalışmalar, Karadeniz arkeolojisinin bilinmeyenlerine ışık tutmak üzere bilgi üretmektedir. Antik dönemde bölgenin, Akhaemenid Dönem'den, Hellenistik Dönem'in yerel krallığı Mithradatlar’ın yönetimine ve ardından Roma hakimiyetine girmesi ile geçirdiği politik, kültürel ve sosyo-ekonomik değişimin ve sürekliliğin takip edilmesi, ilişkiler ağının ortaya konup değerlendirilmesi için önem arz etmektedir. Bu anlamda maddi kültürün, yerelin ve bölgesel güçlerin etkisi altında ne şekilde değiştiğine ve devam ettiğine ışık tutmak gerekmektedir. Diğer bir yandan Roma İmparatorluğu'nun bu bölgelerdeki hakimiyetini hangi mekanizmalarla yerleştirdiği de ortaya konmalıdır.
Bu Sempozyum, Karadeniz Bölgesi’nin kıyı şeridinden farklılık gösteren iç kesimlerindeki politik, kültürel yapının, yerleşim dokusunun antikite boyunca olan değişimini ele almayı amaçlamaktadır. Egemen olan politik güçler ile yerel maddi kültür geleneği arasındaki ilişkileri anlamak için bu öğelerinin detaylı sunumu, karşılaştırmaları ve tartışılmaları sempozyumun ana konusunu oluşturmaktadır. Sempozyum, bölgede müzelerin yürüttüğü ve görece daha az bilinen kurtarma kazıları ile birlikte birçok araştırma projesine değinecektir. Böylece, Orta Karadeniz’in bölgesel özellikleri ile merkezi yönetim arasındaki ilişki ve farklılıkları ortaya koyup tartışarak bölge arkeolojisinin sorunlarına dair yeni yaklaşımlar üretmek istenmektedir.
Bölgede yürütülen araştırma ve kazı projeleri arasında sağlıklı bir karşılaştırma yapabilmek için sempozyum aşağıdaki sorulara yanıt aramayı hedeflemiştir:
· Maddi kültür öğelerinin karakteristik özellikleri nelerdir?
· Yerel farklılıklar ve nüanslar gözle görülecek şekilde ayırt edilebilir mi?
· Tarihlendirme için temel kriterler nelerdir? Buluntuların karakteristik özellikleri üzerinden bölgesel bir kronoloji inşa etmek mümkün mü?
· Bölgeler-üstü iletişim ve ilişkiler tespit edilebiliyor mu?
Bu bağlamda düzenlemekte olduğumuz sempozyuma katılımınız ve katkılarınız bizleri mutlu edecektir.
Drafts by Emine Sokmen
The previous report by Sinop Kale Excavations in this series (vol. 2, published in 2016) sketched the evolution of the site in broad strokes: preliminary assessments of major architectural featuresn and illustration of a limited subset of finds from 2015-16. This proposed report will cover findings from the 2017 season, including a rich deposit of early Iron Age ceramics beneath the Archaic structure in Op.1; detailed consideration of stratigraphy based on closer analysis of ceramic finds; discussion of significant floral and faunal finds; and synthesis of the results from Sinop Kale with a new study of the Sinope ancient city plan. Significant finds to be discussed in detail include a group of three Early Bronze Age figurines from the fills to the west of the glacis in Ops. 1 and 4; Iron Age closed vessels found with evidence of pre-colonial fish processing; a conclusive re-dating of the monumental wall a century earlier than is commonly believed. In addition, we discuss the results of remote sensing at the site including GPR carried out in the area west of our excavations (former Sinop Otogar) and a LIDAR scan of the Hellenistic city wall. We present the results of the 2019 study season including pXRF analyses of Bronze Age and Iron Age hand-made ceramics from the excavation and the regional surveys (1996-99; 2010-12). The team is currently preparing a monograph on the 2015-17 excavations at Sinope kale, leading to a much clearer understanding of the stratigraphy and interpretation of major features of the site. The results of the 2017-19 field seasons at Sinop kale build on the preliminary findings of the 2015-16 seasons and are highly significant for our understanding of maritime interactions in the early Black Sea and Northern Anatolia and demonstrate the outstanding promise the Sinope Kale excavations hold for future research.
continuously by the needs of societies. As a concept, hydraulic landscape arises as a result of planned consumption and management of water sources and it is believed that it tends to be developed under the presence of a central authority. This study aims to shed light on the hydraulic management history of the Alaca region by taking into account water technologies established in the region during several successive imperial periods.
two seasons of excavations at the site of Sinop Kalesi in July-August 2015
and 2016. The excavation builds on more than a decade of survey and
environmental research in Sinop (Doonan et al. 2016) and ties in with the longer-term regional project through ongoing environmental studies, ceramic analyses, and regional scale archaeological research. Sinop (ancient Sinope) was one of the earliest Ionian Greek colonies in the Black Sea and the earliest colony on its Anatolian coast. The goals for these initial field seasons were to clarify the Iron Age and early colonial phases of settlement investigated by SRAP in 2000 (Doonan 2007), and to establish the stratigraphic relationship of the defensive wall to early colonial and pre-colonial phases of the site.
18-20 NİSAN 2018, Hitit Üniversitesi Ethem Erkoç Konferans Salonu, ÇORUM
Orta Karadeniz ve komşu bölgelerde gerçekleştirilen çalışmalar, geçtiğimiz 10 yılda bölge arkeolojisini hakkettiği öneme kavuşturmuştur. Sürdürülen az sayıda ancak önemli çalışmalar, Karadeniz arkeolojisinin bilinmeyenlerine ışık tutmak üzere bilgi üretmektedir. Antik dönemde bölgenin, Akhaemenid Dönem'den, Hellenistik Dönem'in yerel krallığı Mithradatlar’ın yönetimine ve ardından Roma hakimiyetine girmesi ile geçirdiği politik, kültürel ve sosyo-ekonomik değişimin ve sürekliliğin takip edilmesi, ilişkiler ağının ortaya konup değerlendirilmesi için önem arz etmektedir. Bu anlamda maddi kültürün, yerelin ve bölgesel güçlerin etkisi altında ne şekilde değiştiğine ve devam ettiğine ışık tutmak gerekmektedir. Diğer bir yandan Roma İmparatorluğu'nun bu bölgelerdeki hakimiyetini hangi mekanizmalarla yerleştirdiği de ortaya konmalıdır.
Bu Sempozyum, Karadeniz Bölgesi’nin kıyı şeridinden farklılık gösteren iç kesimlerindeki politik, kültürel yapının, yerleşim dokusunun antikite boyunca olan değişimini ele almayı amaçlamaktadır. Egemen olan politik güçler ile yerel maddi kültür geleneği arasındaki ilişkileri anlamak için bu öğelerinin detaylı sunumu, karşılaştırmaları ve tartışılmaları sempozyumun ana konusunu oluşturmaktadır. Sempozyum, bölgede müzelerin yürüttüğü ve görece daha az bilinen kurtarma kazıları ile birlikte birçok araştırma projesine değinecektir. Böylece, Orta Karadeniz’in bölgesel özellikleri ile merkezi yönetim arasındaki ilişki ve farklılıkları ortaya koyup tartışarak bölge arkeolojisinin sorunlarına dair yeni yaklaşımlar üretmek istenmektedir.
Bölgede yürütülen araştırma ve kazı projeleri arasında sağlıklı bir karşılaştırma yapabilmek için sempozyum aşağıdaki sorulara yanıt aramayı hedeflemiştir:
· Maddi kültür öğelerinin karakteristik özellikleri nelerdir?
· Yerel farklılıklar ve nüanslar gözle görülecek şekilde ayırt edilebilir mi?
· Tarihlendirme için temel kriterler nelerdir? Buluntuların karakteristik özellikleri üzerinden bölgesel bir kronoloji inşa etmek mümkün mü?
· Bölgeler-üstü iletişim ve ilişkiler tespit edilebiliyor mu?
Bu bağlamda düzenlemekte olduğumuz sempozyuma katılımınız ve katkılarınız bizleri mutlu edecektir.
The previous report by Sinop Kale Excavations in this series (vol. 2, published in 2016) sketched the evolution of the site in broad strokes: preliminary assessments of major architectural featuresn and illustration of a limited subset of finds from 2015-16. This proposed report will cover findings from the 2017 season, including a rich deposit of early Iron Age ceramics beneath the Archaic structure in Op.1; detailed consideration of stratigraphy based on closer analysis of ceramic finds; discussion of significant floral and faunal finds; and synthesis of the results from Sinop Kale with a new study of the Sinope ancient city plan. Significant finds to be discussed in detail include a group of three Early Bronze Age figurines from the fills to the west of the glacis in Ops. 1 and 4; Iron Age closed vessels found with evidence of pre-colonial fish processing; a conclusive re-dating of the monumental wall a century earlier than is commonly believed. In addition, we discuss the results of remote sensing at the site including GPR carried out in the area west of our excavations (former Sinop Otogar) and a LIDAR scan of the Hellenistic city wall. We present the results of the 2019 study season including pXRF analyses of Bronze Age and Iron Age hand-made ceramics from the excavation and the regional surveys (1996-99; 2010-12). The team is currently preparing a monograph on the 2015-17 excavations at Sinope kale, leading to a much clearer understanding of the stratigraphy and interpretation of major features of the site. The results of the 2017-19 field seasons at Sinop kale build on the preliminary findings of the 2015-16 seasons and are highly significant for our understanding of maritime interactions in the early Black Sea and Northern Anatolia and demonstrate the outstanding promise the Sinope Kale excavations hold for future research.