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Teams are important to us at Bitbucket and Atlassian. Fun fact: Even our Atlassian stock ticker is the word TEAM. Atlassian's mission is to unleash the potential in every team. And at Bitbucket, we want to do our part by ensuring that we are the best place for professional teams to collaborate on code. To date, Bitbucket Cloud has grown to over 12 million registered users and 2 million teams, and
Over the past few weeks, the Bitbucket Engineering team has been sharing our ongoing efforts and wins in our journey to achieving world-class reliability. In our previous post, Development Manager Dan Tao took you through our PIR process. In this next post, we’ll talk about database scalability. Bitbucket’s usage is growing Two services at the core of Bitbucket are the ones serving the Bitbucket w
Source Concurrency As described in the use case above, we wanted to process data in real-time from multiple sensors. Our target platform, SoC devices, use ARM-based CPUs and generally have 4+ cores. We wanted to utilize all CPU cores, which means that having multithreading support was important. Lua does not have native multithreading support. Though there are 3rd party workarounds, the performanc
Atlassian Sourcetree is a free Git client for Windows. Atlassian Sourcetree is a free Git client for Mac. Exomizer 3 website Exomizer is a program that compresses files in a way that tries to be as efficient as possible but still allows them to be decompressed in environments where CPU speed and RAM are limited. For some popular 8-bit computers using 6502 compatible CPUs it can also generate execu
Atlassian Sourcetree is a free Git and Mercurial client for Windows. Atlassian Sourcetree is a free Git and Mercurial client for Mac. Welcome to Scopes Scopes is a retargetable programming language & infrastructure. Current Release: 0.15 Previous Release: 0.14 See Downloads for older releases. Features A performant systems programming language that feels like a scripting language. Aims to combine
For large uploads, we recommend using the API. Get instructions Downloads Tags Branches Name Size Uploaded by Downloads Date _v1101とv1102に違い無しファイル名間違えただけ.txt 859 bytes Tsutomu Sawada 261 2022-04-03 BathyScaphe-321-v1102.dmg 6.7 MB Tsutomu Sawada 20616 2022-04-03 BathyScaphe-321-v1101.zip 7.5 MB Tsutomu Sawada 10392 2022-04-02 BathyScaphe-320-v1096.dmg 7.5 MB Tsutomu Sawada 1143 2022-03-30 BathySca
This feature will be deprecated on June 8, 2022. Your team just came up with a great new idea for a feature, product, Airbnb for dogs, whatever it is….it’s amazing (naturally) and you’re ready to get started. But often building a product feels like chaos with so many spreadsheets, emails, chats, bugs, features, releases, and more. Keeping track of it all seems impossible. Wouldn’t it be nice if yo
Code aware search Save time combing through usage results with a semantic search that ranks definitions first over usages or variables names. Sign up for Bitbucket Cloud to take it for a spin. Get started, it’s free The search for code search is finally over: Bitbucket Cloud is launching code aware search, specifically built for teams who have many repos or large code bases. What makes Bitbucket C
Atlassian Sourcetree is a free Git client for Windows. Atlassian Sourcetree is a free Git client for Mac. NeeView フォルダー内の画像を本のように閲覧できる画像ビューアーです。 使い方はこちらのページを参照してください。 ダウンロード (2024-07-14) ダウンロードページ NeeView41.3.msi (インストーラー版) NeeView41.3.zip (ZIP版) NeeView41.3-fd.zip (ZIP-fd版。.NET8ランタイムのインストールが別途必要) Microsoft Store (ストアアプリ) Vectorからダウンロード 更新履歴 更新履歴 既知の不具合 動作環境 Windows 10, Windows 11 (64bit) 特徴 標準対応画
We tried to load scripts but something went wrong. Please make sure that your network settings allow you to download scripts from the following domain: https://aid-frontend.prod.atl-paas.net/atlassian-id/front-end/5.0.279
Atlassian Sourcetree is a free Git and Mercurial client for Windows. Atlassian Sourcetree is a free Git and Mercurial client for Mac. Visual GCC Visual GCC is a utility that you place next to your favorite MinGW distro's binaries and use to do in-Visual-Studio compilation, while also transforming g++'s output to work with Visual Studio so that you can double-click error lines (even linker errors)
Atlassian Sourcetree is a free Git client for Windows. Atlassian Sourcetree is a free Git client for Mac. 艦これタイマー for Firefox [改](フォーク) 概要 amano ( @amano_rox )氏による『艦これタイマーfor Firefox』の派生バージョンを開発・公開しています。 "for Firefox" という名前ですが。既に期限切れの太古の Firefox と API 互換を保っている Pale Moon, Basilisk でしか動きません。 Waterfox Classic でも動かしたいのですが、うまくいっていません。 リリース一覧 ライセンス: MITライセンス FAQ(よくある質問) 掲示板 連絡先: yoshfuji (twitter) 動作環境