[edit] [comment] [remove] |2007-02-21| e1 # JSONPath - XPath for JSON A frequently emphasized advantage of XML is the availability of plenty tools to analyse, transform and selectively extract data out of XML documents. XPath is one of these powerful tools. It's time to wonder, if there is a need for something like XPath4JSON and what are the problems it can solve. Data may be interactively found
[edit] [comment] [remove] |2006-02-17| e1 # Wiky: A Bidirectional Markup Converter Wiky is a clientside Wiki markup to HTML converter written in javascript. As it is bidirectional, it can convert Wiki markup to HTML and later convert that generated HTML text back to Wiki markup. Optionally Wiky will create math formulas from a simple notation similar to LaTeX. Wiky is neither an editor nor a widge
I was using Eric Meyer's simple slide show system S5 for over more than a year in some of my lectures and most of my talks. To have one document for the web, for presentation and for print is great. Since I never seriously used those highly sophisticated presentation tools that come with nearly every office software package out there, I was perfectly happy with S5. Then, several weeks ago, I stump
Name Last modified Size Description Parent Directory - json2xml.js 2006-08-31 10:11 1.5K xml2json.js 2006-08-03 15:43 6.4K xmljson_test.html 2006-08-03 15:40 3.0K Update/Issues: Issue: Now using indexed for loop iterating over array objects instead of for..in loop in json2xml. Update: CDATA processing tests added to xmljson_test.html. Update: Supporting CDATA sections in xml2json and json2xml. Bug
[edit] [comment] [remove] |2006-01-30| e1 # Transforming JSON JSON is a lightweight text format for data interchange. It is often better suited for structured data than XML. A frequently requested task with JSON data is its transformation to other formats, especially to XML or HTML for further processing. The most obvious way to achive this, is to use a programming language (ECMAscript, Ruby,…) an