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What are metapackagesMetapackages are used to install many packages at one time, created as a list of dependencies on other packages. Kali Linux uses these in a few ways. One way is allowing users to decide how many packages out of the total Kali list they would like to install. Need just enough to use Linux? Want enough to conduct Pentests? Perhaps nearly every package available in Kali? To insta
Win-KeX provides a GUI desktop experience for Kali Linux in Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL 2) with the following features: Window mode: start a Kali Linux desktop in a dedicated windowSeamless mode: share the Windows desktop between Windows and Kali application and menusEnhanced session mode: Similar to Hyper-V, uses RDP for a more feature rich experienceSound supportShared clipboard for cut and
Update : This post is outdated. For a better way of getting Kali Linux on Windows 10, install Kali Linux from the App store. We’re always on the prowl for novel environments to run Kali on, and with the introduction of the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) in Windows 10, new and exciting possibilities have surfaced. After all, if the WSL can support Ubuntu, it shouldn’t be too hard to incorporate
We’re well recovered from the Black Hat and DEF CON Vegas conferences and as promised, we’re launching our second Kali Rolling ISO release aka Kali 2016.2. This release brings a whole bunch of interesting news and updates into the world of Kali and we’re excited to tell you all about it. New KDE, MATE, LXDE, e17, and Xfce Builds Although users are able to build and customize their Kali Linux ISOs
We’re still buzzing and recovering from the Black Hat and DEF CON conferences where we finished presenting our new Kali Linux Dojo, which was a blast. With the help of a few good people, the Dojo rooms were set up ready for the masses – where many generated their very own Kali 2.0 ISOs for the first time. But the excitement doesn’t end for us just yet. With the end of the cons, we now find ourselv
For the latest information, please see our documentation on Docker Last week we received an email from a fellow penetration tester, requesting official Kali Linux Docker images that he could use for his work. We bootstrapped a minimal Kali Linux 1.1.0a base and registered it under our Kali Linux Docker account. A few minutes later, said fellow pentester was up and running with Metasploit and the T
IMPORTANT! Some newer Macs do not run Linux well, or at all. Please look into if your Mac can use Linux before attempting. Kali Linux Installation RequirementsSince the release of Kali Linux 1.0.8, Kali Linux supports EFI out of the box. This added feature simplifies the process of getting Kali installed and running on various Apple MacBook Air, Pro, and Retina models. The make/model/year of the d
Snapshots functionaryIsolated environmentCustomized Kali kernelLimited direct access to hardwareHigher system requirements VMware & VirtualBox pre-built images. Allowing for a Kali install without altering the host OS with additional features such as snapshots. Vagrant images for quick spin-up also available.
Home of Kali Linux, an Advanced Penetration Testing Linux distribution used for Penetration Testing, Ethical Hacking and network security assessments.
The most advanced Penetration Testing Distribution. Ever. The most advanced Penetration Testing DistributionKali Linux is an open-source, Debian-based Linux distribution geared towards various information security tasks, such as Penetration Testing, Security Research, Computer Forensics and Reverse Engineering. Kali Linux is not about its tools, nor the operating system. Kali Linux is a platform.M
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