iPad Air
There are a variety of possible reasons that you could be having challenges with development. It could be the process, communication, team, or a host of related issues. We can help you assess what is going on and get things back on track. We are often brought in by people who want to evaluate software and teams as part of a due diligence effort. This could be part of an acquisition where the acqui
The latest round of our ongoing Framework Benchmarks project is now available! Round 9 updates several test implementations and introduces a new test environment using modern server hardware. Since the first round, we have known that the highest-performance frameworks and platforms have been network-limited by our gigabit Ethernet. For Round 9, Peak Hosting has provided a high-performance environm
July marks the fourth month of our ongoing project measuring the performance of web application frameworks and platforms. We've just posted Round 6, which includes several more developer community-provided framework test implementations: Beego, Dart, Hapi, Jester, Luminus, Nancy, Yaf, Plack, Play-Slick, and Undertow. The results web site has been improved with test-type and hardware-type navigatio
We’ve posted Round 4 of our ongoing project measuring the performance of many web application frameworks and platforms. As with previous rounds, the developer community has contributed several additional frameworks for Round 4, bringing the total to 57! This round adds Bottle (Python), Dancer (Perl), Kelp (Perl), MicroMVC (PHP), Mojolicious (Perl), Phalcon (PHP), RingoJS (JavaScript), Spark (Java)
Performance comparison of a wide spectrum of web application frameworks and platforms using community-contributed test implementations.
Last week, we posted the results of benchmarking several web application development platforms and frameworks. The response was tremendous. We received comments, recommendations, advice, criticism, questions, and most importantly pull requests from dozens of readers and developers. On Tuesday of this week, we kicked off a pair of EC2 instances and a pair of our i7 workstations to produce updated d
How much does your framework choice affect performance? The answer may surprise you. Authors’ Note: We’re using the word “framework” loosely to refer to platforms, micro-frameworks, and full-stack frameworks. We have our own personal favorites among these frameworks, but we’ve tried our best to give each a fair shot. Show me the winners! We know you’re curious (we were too!) so here is a chart of
The following post is a comprehensive summary of the developer-facing changes coming in Java 8. As of March 18, 2014, Java 8 is now generally available. I used preview builds of IntelliJ for my IDE. It had the best support for the Java 8 language features at the time I went looking. You can find those builds here: IntelliJIDEA EAP. Interface improvements Interfaces can now define static methods. F
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