Hello World ❤️, Facebook is the largest social networking site in the world and one of the most widely used. I have always been interested in testing the security of Facebook. During the sub domain enumeration, I’ve got a sub domain which is “https://m-nexus.thefacebook.com/". It redirects me to “https://m-nexus.thefacebook.com/servlet/mstrWebAdmin" observe below screenshot: I quickly Google keywo
LinkFinder is a python script written to discover endpoints and their parameters in JavaScript files. This way penetration testers and bug hunters are able to gather new, hidden endpoints on the websites they are testing. Resulting in new testing ground, possibility containing new vulnerabilities. It does so by using jsbeautifier for python in combination with a fairly large regular expression. Th
FOFA 是白帽汇推出的一款网络空间搜索引擎,它通过进行网络空间测绘,能够帮助研究人员或者企业迅速进行网络资产匹配,例如进行漏洞影响范围分析、应用分布统计、应用流行度排名统计等。
Easily check status codes, response headers, and redirect chains.
IP Geolocation API Fast, accurate, reliableFree for non-commercial use, no API key required Easy to integrate, available in JSON, XML, CSV, Newline, PHP Serving more than 1 billion requests per day, trusted by thousands of businesses API Documentation { "query": query, "status": status, "continent": continent, "continentCode": continentCode, "country": country, "countryCode": countryCode, "region"
This tool allows you to redirect any TCP connection to SOCKS or HTTPS proxy using your firewall, so redirection is system-wide. Why is that useful? I can suggest following reasons: you use tor and don't want any TCP connection to leak you use DVB ISP and this ISP provides internet connectivity with some special daemon that may be also called "Internet accelerator" and this accelerator acts as prox
Welcome to the homepage of the tsocks, a transparent SOCKS proxying library. This project is hosted by sourceforge. The sourceforge project page is here Latest News 1.8 beta 5 is out! - 2002-10-23 21:02 Version 1.8 beta 5 of tsocks has been released. This release is a minor upgrade that contains a number of bugfixes and enhancements. This release now intercepts calls to close() and should be much
SOCKS client wrapper for *BSD / MacOS X. (only enough of SOCKS4, SOCKS5 supported to use the built-in OpenSSH or Tor local SOCKS proxy) sample usage: copy a file remotely thru a home SSH gateway, using an internal DNS name > ssh -D 1080 home_gw > dsocks.sh scp /etc/motd internal_host:/tmp web surf anonymously thru Tor using Firefox (configured to use the Tor SOCKS proxy), with no DNS leaks (using
Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is the postal service of the Internet. It’s responsible for looking at all of the available paths that data could travel and picking the best route. Unfortunately, it isn’t secure, and there have been some major Internet disruptions as a result. But fortunately there is a way to make it secure. ISPs and other major Internet players (Sprint and others) would need to im
The Trail of Bits Assurance practice has received an influx of Go projects, following the success of our Kubernetes assessment this summer. As a result, we’ve been adapting for Go projects some of the security assessment techniques and tactics we’ve used with other compiled languages. We started by understanding the design of the language, identifying areas where developers may not fully understan
ProxyChains-NG ver 4.17 README ============================= ProxyChains is a UNIX program, that hooks network-related libc functions in DYNAMICALLY LINKED programs via a preloaded DLL (dlsym(), LD_PRELOAD) and redirects the connections through SOCKS4a/5 or HTTP proxies. It supports TCP only (no UDP/ICMP etc). The way it works is basically a HACK; so it is possible that it doesn't work with your p
はじめに ソフトウェア開発のチームの生産性や健全性というものは、内部の体感的として理解できるものの、外部の人間からは見えにくいものです。こういった情報の非対称性は開発チーム外の人々との関係の中での問題の原因になってきました。 また、複数の開発チームやプロダクトを束ねるEM、CTOや、管理職にとってそれぞれの状況を客観的な数字やグラフで可視化することは、全体的な戦略を考える上でも重要な参考情報になります。ですが、アンケートやプロジェクト管理を増やすほど、どんどんと開発メンバーに負担をかけてしまうことになり、計測のし過ぎによる疲れなども誘発してしまいます。 本稿では、gitリポジトリのログ情報から、いくつかのグラフを生成し、チームの状況を可視化するためのツールgilotを作成したので、その目的と意図、そして使い方、注意点を解説します。 アプローチ方法 gilotのアプローチは、git logの
RとPythonのよくやるテーブル処理の操作覚書。 #python import pandas as pd pd.__version__ # '1.0.3' #R library("tidyverse") packageVersion("tidyverse") # ‘1.3.0’ 厳密にはアウトプットの内容が完全に一致するものを並べているわけではありません。 単純な関数・メソッドで、似たような目的の処理ができるものの対比です。 同じ目的で並べてる関数・メソッドで、返り値や型が一致しないものもあります。 R, Pythonともに不自由なので、他にもっとよい関数等が存在すると思います。ご容赦ください。 自分自身の覚書なので随時更新するかもです。 テーブルデータ(csv)の読み込み 内容 R Python csv読み込み(ヘッダー付き) read.csv("hoge.csv") pd.read_