This is an older version of an Internet-Draft whose latest revision state is "Replaced". This document is an Internet-Draft (I-D). Anyone may submit an I-D to the IETF. This I-D is not endorsed by the IETF and has no formal standing in the IETF standards process. Network Working Group I. Hickson Internet-Draft Google, Inc. Intended status: Standards Track February 4, 2010 Expires: August 8, 2010 T
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is a mechanism that uses additional HTTP headers to tell browsers to give a web application running at one origin, access to selected resources from a different origin. A web application executes a cross-origin HTTP request when it requests a resource that has a different origin (domain, protocol, or port) from its own. An example of a cross-origin request: the
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An introduction to the CouchDB HTTP view API. Basics Views are the primary tool used for querying and reporting on Couch documents. Views are defined with Javascript functions. Here is the very simplest function: function(doc) { emit(null, null); }See Views for more information. Creating Views To create a permanent view, the functions must first be saved into special design documents (well, they
Either email addresses are anonymous for this group or you need the view member email addresses permission to view the original message Hey folks. As some of you have likely read we're starting to do some private beta testing of our new lists feature. We're not quite ready to open it up to everyone but we've made some headway on the API and wanted to share some details of what we've got so far.The
最近、増井君と私でアーキテクチャの話をすることが多いのだが、そんなディスカッションの中で気に入っているのは左の図のようなアーキテクチャ。 もちろん、核となるのはビジネスロジックを含んだModelの部分。そこをしっかりと実装し、内部構造を隠す粒度の荒いインターフェイスを定義し、外から何をされてもデータの整合性が壊れない様にすることは何よりも大切。 そして、そのModel層へのインターフェイスを特定の言語に依存したクラスやAPIではなく、HTTP上でJSON(XMLでもかまわない)をやりとりするだけの RESTfulなWeb Serviceにすることがミソ。こうすることによりにより、どんなに締め切りに負われようが、誰がControllerを実装しようが「ずるができない」ように作っておく(ずる=本来使うべき外部インターフェイスだけでなく、Model内部に直接アクセスして依存関係を作ってしまう事)
Working with was a quick and easy process. We got to speak to multiple real people located in Colorado without having to wait on hold! Our only complaint was we felt we had to overpay more than this particular domain was worth, and we weren't able to negotiate it down to a level that we felt was fair. However, payment and delivery were seamless, and within a few hours we had all of
Data Where You Need It Apache CouchDB ™ lets you access your data where you need it. The Couch Replication Protocol is implemented in a variety of projects and products that span every imaginable computing environment from globally distributed server-clusters, over mobile phones to web browsers. Store your data safely, on your own servers, or with any leading cloud provider. Your web- and native a
ptth (Reverse HTTP) implementation in a browser using Long Poll COMET ptth is an idea I have planning on implementing for a few years now. The basic idea is that you take normal HTTP semantics and reverse them, meaning that the client (from the TCP perspective) acts like a server (from the application perspective), and the server (from the TCP perspective) acts like a client (from the application
ReverseHttp Introduction Polling for updates is bad. We’ve known this for about as long as computers have existed. So why are so many web-based services (SUP, RSS and Atom feeds, Twitter, etc.) based around polling? The answer lies, first and foremost, in the asymmetry of HTTP. The web is split into two pieces: programs that make requests, and programs that handle them. It’s very rare to see a sin
ReverseHttp面白いですね。 ReverseHttp Tunnel HTTP over HTTP, in a structured, controllable, securable way. Let programs claim part of URL space, and serve HTTP, all by using an ordinary HTTP client library. ただ勘違いされやすいのが「何がReverseなの」という部分。通常ブラウザからリクエストが送信され、それに対する応答がサーバから返されます。ReverseHttpはサーバで何かアクションが起きた場合に、ブラウザ側がその通知を受信する...なんて事が出来るプロトコルです。仕組みはcometというlong pollに似た仕組みで、サイトのdemo
Google Maps APIとLWPを使って、地名やキーワードから住所を取得(ジオコーディング)していました。が、いつからか取得データが英語表記になっていることに気付きました。 しかし、ブラウザのURL欄に直接データ取得のURLを書いてアクセスしても、日本語で表示されます。 簡単なものでテスト。 #!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use LWP::UserAgent; use URI::QueryParam; my $uri = URI->new( '' ); $uri->query_form_hash( q => '大阪市', output => 'xml', key => 'APIキー', ); my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->
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