全体の設定とEclipseヘのインポート まずテンプレ作成のスクリプトを実行。更に短く、かつ最新のバンドルを利用するように修正しました。 #!/bin/sh # Create Project "hello" pax-create-project -g org.cytoscape -a hello cd hello # Add SpringSource Enterprise Bundle Repositories pax-add-repository -i com.springsource.repository.bundles.release -u http://repository.springsource.com/maven/bundles/release pax-add-repository -i com.springsource.repository.bundles.external
Spring Dynamic Modulesの新バージョンがリリースされたので、以前書いた、Spring-OSGiプロジェクトひな型作成用スクリプトを書き直しました。SpringSourceのバンドルレポジトリを利用して、既存ライブラリのラッピングをしないで済むようにしてあります。Pax-Construct 1.3にて動作確認済。 #!/bin/sh # # Template for Spring-OSGi projects # pax-create-project -g org.cytoscape -a hello2 cd hello2 # Add Bundle Repositories pax-add-repository -i com.springsource.repository.bundles.release -u http://repository.springsource.c
Dependency injection in Spring There's more to dependency injection than calling parameterized constructors and passing components to methods. This tutorial examines what it means to support DI and IoC. OpenAI API tutorial: How to use AI prompt chaining This walkthrough teaches developers how to chain AI prompts and models using the OpenAI API, in this case to identify and present specific data fr
The easiest way to get involved in iPOJO is to try it out. See the iPOJO in 10 minutes tutorial for how to get up and running with the iPOJO framework and the downloads page for more information on acquiring iPOJO & related tools. You can also have a look to this presentation describing iPOJO main features. What's news iPOJO Web Console Plugin 1.4.4 available : new webconsole plugin available to g
Join us the for the fifth monthly webinar, "Maven 3" with Jason van Zyl, the founder of Maven. Date: 20 JAN 2010 Time: 10am Pacific Time Title: Maven 3 Speaker: Jason van Zyl, founder of Maven, CTO at Sonatype In this webinar, Jason van Zyl, the founder of Maven, will cover new features and objectives of soon-to-be-released Maven 3. The primary goals with Maven 3.0 are: Provide a drop-in replaceme