ユーザー 1 人あたり 30 GB のストレージ プール*セキュリティ保護されたカスタムのビジネス用メールアドレス(you@your-company.com)Gemini アプリ - エンタープライズ グレードのセキュリティとプライバシーを備えた AI アシスタント100 人まで参加可能なビデオ会議セキュリティと管理機能スタンダード サポート
Mixpanel is a real-time analytics service that can help you understand how people interact with your web application. Try our funnel analysis tool!The most powerful segmentation ever.Drill down with multiple segments as far as you like. Reports are generated in real-time and don't require you to pre-define anything upfront.Beautiful funnels.Funnels are built off events that are sent into the syste
Send feedback Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. The page you're looking for isn't available. The link you clicked was to documentation on the legacy version, Universal Analytics. Universal Analytics has sunset and is no longer available as of July 1, 2024. Visit the Analytics Learning Center to get started with the new version, Google Analytics
Flurry won’t give you access to more than one 15 record page of your exception log! If you take your unhandled exceptions seriously (we do), analyzing them regularly is a top priority. To take the tedium out of manually paging and downloading all the individual CSV exports, you can use the Internet’s Swiss Army Knife, curl. If you’re on Mac OS X, curl is already installed. On Windows you will need
The RawData API allows you to request a dump of raw session data for one of your applications over a specified time period. Note that this API requires special permissions so please contact flurry support (support@flurry.com) or talk to your Flurry Account Manager for more information. Making a Request The RawData API allows you to request a dump of raw session data for one of your applications ov
EventMetrics API The EventMetrics API allows you to request information about your Events Making a request Requests could have the following forms: 1) http://api.flurry.com/eventMetrics/Summary?apiAccessCode=APIACCESSCODE&apiKey=APIKEY&startDate=STARTDATE&endDate=ENDDATE&versionName=VERSIONNAME This will return a list of all events for the specified application with the following information for e
My employer, the fabulous 500px, was invited by Microsoft to attend a three-day workshop on writing Metro-style apps for Windows 8. Since this is a new mobile development field, and mobile is kind of my thing, I jumped at the opportunity to get it straight from the horse's mouth. Metro Windows 8 is still a Developer Preview. Practically, this means "pre-beta." It's very rough around the edges. Thi
Hi. We have no records on you. This means you are using a private torrent tracker or, of course, you may not be a torrent user at all! It happens. Please, entertain yourself. Feel free to see what other people have downloaded. The search box is on the top. If you have any friends who use torrents, use it to scare them off. We also have a widget that you can install in your website, blog or Faceboo
CentOs5.2のリポジトリにmemcachedは無いのでリポジトリを追加する。 cd /usr/local/src wget http://dag.wieers.com/rpm/packages/rpmforge-release/rpmforge-release-0.3.6-1.el5.rf.i386.rpm rpm -Uhv rpmforge-release-0.3.6-1.el5.rf.i386.rpm mencachedを入れるのに必要なモジュールをインストールする。 たぶんこのあたりを入れておけばおっけーなはず。 yum install gcc yum install memcached yum install zlib-devel yum install php-pecl-memcache memcachedの設定は/etc/sysconfig/memcachedを編集する。
さくらのVPSのセットアップをやっていて PECL::memcached のインストールでちょっとハマったのでメモ。 ※ PECL::memcache ではなく PECL::memcached のほうです。 さくらのVPSはx86_64環境なのですが、PHPのバージョンが5.2の場合に PECL::memcached をインストールすると、PHP実行時に、 PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib64/php/modules/memcached.so' - /usr/lib64/php/modules/memcached.so: undefined symbol: php_json_encode in Unknown on line 0 という Warning が出てしまいます。これはi386環境で