Contributed by rueda on 2023-01-19 from the sshd-mk-thngs-hrdr dept. As with library order randomisation (libc.so/libcrypto/ld.so) at boot and kernel relinking at boot, boot time relinking of sshd(8) is now implemented in -current. Theo de Raadt committed the changes: CVSROOT: /cvs Module name: src Changes by: deraadt@cvs.openbsd.org 2023/01/18 13:43:15 Modified files: usr.bin/ssh/sshd: Makefile L
September 1st, 2016: The OpenBSD team announces the availability of 6.0! We are pleased to announce the official release of OpenBSD 6.0. This is our 40th release on CD-ROM (and 41st via FTP/HTTP). We remain proud of OpenBSD's record of more than twenty years with only two remote holes in the default install. As in our previous releases, 6.0 provides significant improvements, including new features
Contributed by phessler on 2016-03-01 from the super-duper-tuesday dept. As noted by Bernard Spil, the OpenSSL bugs disclosed on 2016-03-01 have very little impact on LibreSSL, especially on OpenBSD. However, we will briefly mention the two high-profile issues: LibreSSL (on any platform) is not affected by DROWN. Support for SSLv2 was flensed out quite a while ago. Cachebleed is local-only, and re
Contributed by tj on 2016-01-14 from the i-have-a-fviend-in-Vome dept. This is the most serious bug you'll hear about this week: the issues identified and fixed in OpenSSH are dubbed CVE-2016-0777 and CVE-2016-0778. An early heads up came from Theo de Raadt in this mailing list posting. Until you are able to patch affected systems, the recommended workaround is to use # echo -e 'Host *\nUseRoaming
Contributed by tbert on 2015-07-08 from the makes-the-world-go-round dept. On the heels of announcing support for SSH, and specifically OpenSSH, Microsoft has become the OpenBSD Foundation's first-ever Gold contributor: The OpenBSD Foundation is happy to announce that Microsoft has made a significant financial donation to the Foundation. This donation is in recognition of the role of the Foundatio
OpenBSD has started a massive strip-down and cleanup of OpenSSL Contributed by phessler on 2014-04-15 from the how-i-learned-to-stop-worrying-and-shine-the-turd dept. The denizens of lobste.rs (and no doubt you, eagle-eyed reader!) have made note of the ongoing rototilling of the OpenSSL code in OpenBSD, and Joshua Stein (jcs@) has chimed in with a quick breakdown of the action thus far: Changes s
Contributed by jj on 2014-03-14 from the puffy-vs-geronimo dept. In a series of commits, Florian Obser (florian@) has unhooked Apache from the OpenBSD base build. This means you need to pay special attention when upgrading your systems: /usr/sbin/httpd and the associated tools and files have been removed. Consider using nginx(8) for your http serving needs, but note that nginx is not a drop-in rep
[AsiaBSDCon 2010]: March 11-14, 2010, Tokyo, Japan - Summary [AsiaBSDCon 2010]: March 11-14, 2010, Tokyo, Japan - Summary As in years past, the AsiaBSDCon conference was amazing. The quality of papers, presentations and speakers just gets better every year. I want to give some colour to the videos and slides that have already been posted by J.C. Roberts. The presentations and papers on-line are ni
The LibreSSL project has announced the release of version 3.8.3, and (development) version 3.9.0 of the software. The announcement for version 3.8.3 reads: WWe have released LibreSSL 3.8.3, which will be arriving in the LibreSSL directory of your local OpenBSD mirror soon. This is the second stable release for the 3.8.x branch. It includes the following changes from LibreSSL 3.8.2 * Portable chang
You may have seen the recent commit message from djm@ about the new feature in OpenSSH: ChrootDirectory Damien Miller (djm@), who worked on this new feature with Markus Friedl (markus@), offers more details about ChrootDirectory: This commit adds a chroot(2) facility to sshd, controlled by a new sshd_config(5) option "ChrootDirectory". This can be used to "jail" users into a limited view of the fi
Contributed by dwc on 2007-10-30 from the ipv6-samurai-hall-of-fame dept. Jun-ichiro "itojun" Itoh Hagino passed away on October 29, 2007 at the age of 37. To those in the BSD communities he was simply Itojun, best known in his role as IPv6 KAME project core researcher. Itojun did the vast majority of the work to get IPv6 into the BSD network stacks. He was also instrumental in moving IPv6 forward
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