Plain JS Using plain JS, pass the options as the second argument to the constructor. Options are automatically merged with the defaults. jQuery/Zepto plugin Using the plugin, pass the options object as the only parameter. Options are deep merged with the defaults. Data API code If you're using the data-* API, define any property as a data attribute. Options supplied via the data-* API are also dee
Headroom.js Give your pages some headroom. Hide your header until you need it. Or install via npm/yarn: npm install headroom.js --save yarn add headroom.js What's it all about? Headroom.js is a lightweight, high-performance JS widget (with no dependencies!) that allows you to react to the user's scroll. The header on this site is a living example, it slides out of view when scrolling down and slid
The Lowdown What is it? enquire.js is a lightweight, pure JavaScript library for responding to CSS media queries. JavaScript callbacks for media queries matching and unmatching. Clean & intuitive API Absolutely tiny - around 0.8kb minified & gzipped! Why should I use it? In responsive design, CSS media queries can only take you so far. enquire.js allows you to harness media queries in JavaScript,