Last month, Amazon published a code sample which demonstrated the use of SimpleDB as a repository for S3 object metadata. This code sample would probably have gone almost completely unnoticed if it were not for one detail: Using a pool of 34 threads in Java, the code sample sustained 300 SimpleDB operations per second when running on a small EC2 instance. Only 300? We can do better than that... Fi
AWS News Blog Amazon SimpleDB Batch Put, More Attributes Per Domain We’ve just released an important new feature for Amazon SimpleDB. The new BatchPutAttributes function allows you to create or update up to 25 SimpleDB items at a time, in transactional fashion. This new call is more efficient than a series of individual PutAttribute calls since one call incurs far less connection latency than a se
Designed for concurrency from the ground up, the Erlang language can be a valuable tool to help solve concurrent problems. Erlang is a language developed to let mere mortals write, test, deploy, and debug fault-tolerant concurrent software.a Developed at the Swedish telecom company Ericsson in the late 1980s, it started as a platform for developing soft real-time software for managing phone switch
AWS News Blog Amazon SimpleDB – New Count Function, Long Running Queries, Etc. We’ve introduced two improvements to SimpleDB‘s Select API. You can now count the number of items which match a condition, and you can handle queries which take more than 5 seconds to run. The new count function is used like this: Queries which take more than 5 seconds to execute used to time out and returned no useful
There's now a new and somewhat easier way to write SimpleDB queries. In addition to SimpleDB's existing query language, you can now use select statements which look very similar to standard SQL (Structured Query Language). We made some small changes and additions to the language in order to accomodate SimpleDB's unique multi-valued attribute model. Here are some valid select statements: select * f
ウェブサイト構築といったコンピューティングに利用できるAmazon.comのオンラインサービスシリーズの1つ「SimpleDB」が、限定ベータテストから公開ベータテストになった。 プログラマーはSimpleDBを使うと、データベースのレコードをAmazonに蓄積しそこから特定のデータを引き出せる。今回の公開ベータテストへの移行にともない、Amazon.comはデータ保存にかかる1Gバイトあたりの料金を月額を1.50ドルから20セントへと値下げした。 1年近くまえに発表されたSimpleDBは、「Amazon Web Services」(AWS)シリーズでは新参の方だ。AWSのほかのサービスではデータ処理、生データの保存、コンテンツの配信、さまざまなコンピュータ間で送信されるメッセージの保存が行える。 Amazon.comは今回、少なくとも公開ベータから6カ月間は基本的な利用が無料になること
オンラインでムービーをアップロード・エンコード・ストリーム配信までしてしまうシステムを簡単に構築できるのがこのオープンソースで開発された「Panda」というプラットフォーム。これら一連の流れをシームレスに作成でき、YouTubeのようなシステムを自前で作れるというわけ。 使用しているのはAmazonの誇るクラウドコンピューティングシステムAmazon EC2/S3/SimpleDB。これらに「Merb」というフレームワークを組み合わせています。Pandaを立ち上げるとAPIにアクセスできるようになり、ほかのウェブアプリケーションと組み合わせることも可能になります。 ムービーはPanda経由でアップロード、エンコードはFFmpegが担当、Flash形式に変換してJW FLV Media Playerなどでストリーミング配信するという仕組みです。なお、H.264もサポートしているため、フルHD
AWS News Blog Amazon SimpleDB Releases QueryWithAttributes Amazon SimpleDB just released an update that includes a new feature called QueryWithAttributes. With this update, developers will be now able to retrieve all the information associated with items returned as a response to a particular query. The feature provides additional flexibility because it enables you to retrieve anywhere between one
AWS News Blog New features come to Amazon SimpleDB Amazon SimpleDB released a new version last week. With this new version, developers will be now able sort the results and use a new does-not-start-with operator in their queries – the two most frequently asked feature requests. I am very excited about the new sort feature because now all the processing will happen in-the-cloud and I will be able t
Why isn't Google's aggressive new database pricing strategy getting more pub? That's what Bill Katz, instigator of the GAE Meetup and prize winning science fiction author is wondering: It's surprising that the blogosphere hasn't picked up the biggest difference in pricing: Google's datastore is less than a tenth of the price of Amazon's SimpleDB while offering a better API. If money matters to you
High Performance Multithreaded Access to Amazon SimpleDB is a great follow up to the idea in How SimpleDB Differs from a RDBMS that more programming is the price paid for performance in SimpleDB. It shows how much work and infrastructure is required to batter better performance out of SimpleDB. Remember, in SimpleDB you get keys to records from queries so if you want to get all the fields for reco
Yet another reason not to use Solr. The discussion in this Jira issue is interesting. The reason for this as I understand is to enable viewing the json response as as text in the browser. Is there perhaps a more general feature we could turn this into? An expert level ability or parameter to set a custom content-type? The problem right now is in the current class hierarchy of the response writers.
Update 2: Yurii responds with the Top 10 Reasons to Avoid Document Databases FUD. Update: Top 10 Reasons to Avoid the SimpleDB Hype by Ryan Park provides a well written counter take. Am I really that fawning? If so, doesn't that make me a dear? All your life you've used a relational database. At the tender age of five you banged out your first SQL query to track your allowance. Your RDBMS allegian
AmazonのSimpleDBは試してみただろうか。スキーマ不要で利用でき、柔軟性の高いデータベースシステムだ。データを簡単にストアして、簡単に取り出すという目的にぴたりとマッチする。Amazon EC2やS3と組み合わせれば、どのようなシステムができるだろうか。 ライブラリからSimplerDBへ接続しているところ そんな大きな可能性を秘めたSimpleDBではあるが、現状ではベータ版とあって、アカウントの取得まで時間を要すること、さらにネットワークが必須であるという点が利用に難色を示している。開発時点で課金されてしまうのも問題だ。だが、それを解決できるのがこのソフトウェアだ。 今回紹介するフリーウェアはSimplerDB、Rubyで作られたAmazon SimpleDBクローンだ。ソースは公開されているが、ライセンスは明記されていないようなので注意されたい。 SimplerDBはAma
Well after being under NDA for so long, I’m glad to be able to say that Amazon SimpleDB has gone into limited beta. Congratulations to everyone on the SDS / SimpleDB team; their several years of work on SimpleDB (formerly called SDS) is a brilliant piece of engineering. What’s cool about SimpleDB Really large data sets Really Fast Highly Available – It’s Amazon. Running Erlang. Whoa. On demand sca