plamere From The Echo Nest Posts: 237 Registered: Sep 8, 2008 Some time in the next few hours we will be releasing the first official (i.e. non-beta) release of Version 4 of the Echo Nest API. There are lots of new features in V4 - too many to mention here, but to highlight just a few: Faster song/identify - Identifies a song given Echo Nest Musical Fingerpint hash codes. artist search - now s
This weekend at the Amsterdam Music Hack day we are releasing lots of new stuff. First of all, we opening up beta access to the next version of our APIs. This version is an all new architecture – that I’m rather excited about. Some new features: Performance – api method calls run faster – on average API methods are running 3X faster than the older version. JSON Output – all of our methods now sup
My name is Brian Whitman. I am a lapsed scientist and sound artist currently co-founder/CTO at The Echo Nest, a music intelligence company in Somerville, MA. As I work on various scaling and media search problems with detours into art projects I'll be posting details here in the hopes that I can learn from others. I'd always like to hear from you if you are working on similar things. Jan 29th, 201
October 21 - We have just switched our analysis methods to use our new and improved analyzer by default (analysis_version=3). This means that all new upload tracks will be analyzed with the new version and any requests for analysis data (such as getting beats) will look for analysis_version=3 data. The new analyzer gives better data and is much more stable than the previous version, so we recommen
Preamble: As of this writing (15 March 2009), this is a description of the state of the art of the Remix API. However, it is a fast-moving target and some things are likely to change. This overview and tutorial is provided as a high-level tourist’s guide, and makes no warranty to the ongoing validity of the approach described herein. This is a document designed for developers. Although the introdu