Rommy Morales-Olivares
Rommy Morales Olivares (Phd) is Lecturer in University of Barcelona. Researcher in TRAMOD Trajectories of Modernity Project. ERC. European Research Council Advanced Grant.
Center for the Study of Culture, Politics and Society (CECUPS) .
She is Doctor in Sociology and European PhD in Socioeconomic and Statistical Studies, University of Barcelona.
Her PhD research was related with institutional economic development in post authoritarian societies. The current title of her research is “Emergence and change of economic institutions: Observation of the institutional architecture in the economic development in Chile and South Africa, post-authoritarian period”, under the supervision of Professor Peter Wagner. This research aim to study and understand the economic dimension of trajectories of Modernity in non European societies with recent authoritarian past. Qualification Excellent Cum Laude.
She obtained his degree in Sociology (Magna Cum Laude distinction), at the Alberto Hurtado University, Chile (2006) and a Master’s degree in Sociological Research (Matrícula de Honor ) at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2011) and she studied a Master in Applied Economics, Alberto Hurtado University – Georgetown University (2009).
She was Coordinator of the Department of Sociological Studies (2006- 2009), in the Social Observatory at Universidad Alberto Hurtado (OSUAH), where she was responsible for different social research projects in economic dimension of cultural sociology, public policies, and inequalities in Chile and Latin America.
As well, she has been a teacher in different courses about sociological theory and social research methods.
Her research interests are in social, political, and economic theory, economic sociology and public policies with a particular emphasis on comparative analysis.
Supervisors: Peter Wagner and David Casassas
Address: University of Barcelona
Faculty of Economy and Business
Department of Sociological Theory, Philosophy of Law and Methodology of Social Sciences
Av. Diagonal, 690-696 | 08034 | Barcelona. Spain
ERE - Espai de Recerca en Economia | Despatx 306
Center for the Study of Culture, Politics and Society (CECUPS) .
She is Doctor in Sociology and European PhD in Socioeconomic and Statistical Studies, University of Barcelona.
Her PhD research was related with institutional economic development in post authoritarian societies. The current title of her research is “Emergence and change of economic institutions: Observation of the institutional architecture in the economic development in Chile and South Africa, post-authoritarian period”, under the supervision of Professor Peter Wagner. This research aim to study and understand the economic dimension of trajectories of Modernity in non European societies with recent authoritarian past. Qualification Excellent Cum Laude.
She obtained his degree in Sociology (Magna Cum Laude distinction), at the Alberto Hurtado University, Chile (2006) and a Master’s degree in Sociological Research (Matrícula de Honor ) at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2011) and she studied a Master in Applied Economics, Alberto Hurtado University – Georgetown University (2009).
She was Coordinator of the Department of Sociological Studies (2006- 2009), in the Social Observatory at Universidad Alberto Hurtado (OSUAH), where she was responsible for different social research projects in economic dimension of cultural sociology, public policies, and inequalities in Chile and Latin America.
As well, she has been a teacher in different courses about sociological theory and social research methods.
Her research interests are in social, political, and economic theory, economic sociology and public policies with a particular emphasis on comparative analysis.
Supervisors: Peter Wagner and David Casassas
Address: University of Barcelona
Faculty of Economy and Business
Department of Sociological Theory, Philosophy of Law and Methodology of Social Sciences
Av. Diagonal, 690-696 | 08034 | Barcelona. Spain
ERE - Espai de Recerca en Economia | Despatx 306
InterestsView All (21)
Papers by Rommy Morales-Olivares
Entre los principales autores y autoras, destacan: Alain Touraine (Premio Principe de Asturias, 2010), Ei-ichi Negishi (Premio Nobel de Química, 2010), Irene Montero (actual Diputada del parlamento español), Carmen Vela (Secretaria de Estado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación en el gobierno español), Gerardo Pisarello (Teniente alcalde del Ayuntamiento de Barcelona), Gabriel Palma (Catedrático de Economía en U. Cambridge), Giorgio Jackson (Diputado del parlamento chileno), Gabriel Boric (Diputado del parlamento chileno), Karla Rubilar (Diputada del parlamento chileno), Cristobal Cobo (Investigador, Oxford Internet Institute), Neil Selwyn (Professor, Monash University), César Coll (Catedrático Universidad de Barcelona), Jordi Alberch (Rector (f) Universidad de Barcelona), Marina Subirats (Catedrática Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona), Claudia Serrano (Embajadora de Chile en la OCDE), Pablo Valenzuela (Científico chileno), Cecilia Hidalgo (Científica chilena), Juana M. Sancho (Catedrática Universidad de Barcelona), Xavier Bonal (Profesor e investigador de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona), José Joaquín Brunner (Profesor e investigador de la Universidad Diego Portales de Chile), entre otros/as.
El libro es también un producto de las reflexiones y debates llevados a cabo durante la realización de la Décima Conferencia Internacional, Encuentros Barcelona 2016. Desarrollada en la Universidad de Barcelona, los días 26, 27 y 28 de octubre del año 2016. (
Luis Alberto Quevedo (FLACSO Argentina)
Este libro marca un punto de inflexión en la historia de los estudios sobre consumos culturales en América Latina. En primer lugar, porque ofrece una sistematización y un
análisis comparativo de las últimas investigaciones que se han realizado en varios países de la región; en segundo término porque presenta una síntesis de los problemas teóricos
que están en juego, y –finalmente– porque contiene una propuesta metodológica que constituye una respuesta a muchos problemas que se plantean en el campo de la investigación sobre esta temática.
Centro de Investigaciones Socioculturales de la Universidad Alberto Hurtado - Convenio Andrés Bello, Ediciones Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Edición Digital, Santiago de Chile.