Papers by Giuseppe L Muci
Maritime Networks in the Ancient Mediterranean World
Dinamiche insediative nelle campagne dell'Italia tra Tarda Antichità e Alto Medioevo, 2018
Storia e Archeologia globale dei paesaggi rurali in Italia fra Tardoantico e Medioevo, 2018
This article discusses the population dynamics of southern Apulia between Late Antiquity and the ... more This article discusses the population dynamics of southern Apulia between Late Antiquity and the end of the Middle Ages. Quantitative archaeological data shows a substantial decline in the number of nucleated settlements during the 6th century. Two further moments of settlement reorganisation appear datable to the end of the 7th or 8th century and during the 9th. By the 11th century hundreds of villages dotted the landscape, and their growth in number continued for the following two centuries. The 14th century demographic crisis seems to have affected both towns and villages, leading to a process of restructuring that would lead to the disappearance of many settlements. A demographic revival is perceivable towards the middle of the 15th century.
In this contribution, the results of some integrated geophysical prospecting (magnetometric and G... more In this contribution, the results of some integrated geophysical prospecting (magnetometric and GPR) are exposed. This work has been performed in collaboration between archaeologists and geophysicists within the research project "History and Global Archaeology of the Rural Landascapes in Italy, between Late Antiquity and Medieval period. Integrated systems of sources, methodologies, and technologies for a sustainable development", financed by the Italian Ministry for Instruction, University and Research MIUR. In particular, the archaeological sites of Badia and San Giovanni in Malcantone, both in the Apulia Region (eastern-southern Italy) have been prospect. The sites have been identified on the basis of available documents, archaeological surveys and testimonies. In particular, we know that in Badia [1] it was probable the presence of an ancient roman villa of the late ancient period (strongly damaged by the subsequent ploughing activities). Whereas in San Giovanni there is still, today, a small chapel (deconsecrated) that was likely to be part of a previous larger church (probably a basilica of the early Christian period) restricted in the subsequent centuries (probably in more phases). The Saracen raids of the XVI centuries made the site ruined and abandoned. In both sites integrated prospecting have been performed [2-6] with a the integration of archaeological, magnetometer and a GPR data have provided some interesting results, allowing to overcome the difficulties relative to an extensive GPR prospecting, that could not be performed because of the intrinsic superficial roughness and/or the intensive ploughing activities. The prospecting activities, in particular, have added elements that seem to confirm the main archaeological hypothesis that motivate their performing, as it will be show at the conference.
Atti del 34° Convegno Nazionale GNGTS (Trieste, Italy, November 2015), 2015
This paper proposes new and integrated ways of examining crisis and resilience during the fourtee... more This paper proposes new and integrated ways of examining crisis and resilience during the fourteenth century, particularly from an archaeological point of view, by systematising the thoughts of scholars engaged in different areas of research. An explanation is provided for the outcome of complex causes and effects that is illustrated through both a flow diagram and Holling’s adaptive cycle model.
In sum, it is suggested that the social, economic and ecological system of the Salento area of southern Apulia was particularly resilient to the crises that affected most of Europe during the first half of the fourteenth century, and that these crises were largely responsible for the adoption of the new later medieval and early modern settlement pattern and land organisation.
CAA2015. Keep The Revolution Going. Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, Mar 2016
The paper illustrates a theoretical model designed to investigate on-going complex demographic an... more The paper illustrates a theoretical model designed to investigate on-going complex demographic and economic dynamics in the interval between the Middle Ages and Early Modern times in southern Salento (south Apulia, Italy). GIS spatial and quantitative analyses focus on the relationship between population fluctuations and average productivity of cultivated land, estimated on the basis of Archaeological Land Suitability Classification derived from FAO Land Evaluation methodology. The resulting theoretical model can be read through the lens of “resilience theory”, which provides a conceptual framework to understand transformations in socio-ecological systems.
VII Congresso Nazionale di Archeologia Medievale
Prima degli sconvolgimenti indotti dall'impatto dell’agricoltura meccanizzata e dal boom edilizio... more Prima degli sconvolgimenti indotti dall'impatto dell’agricoltura meccanizzata e dal boom edilizio del dopoguerra, il Salento conservava numerosi elementi residuali del paesaggio tardomedievale plasmato tra XV e XVI secolo. Nel corso degli ultimi secoli i cambiamenti nell'assetto insediativo sono stati minimi: la provincia di Lecce era caratterizzata, fino a pochi decenni fa, da una fitta rete di piccoli villaggi e da pochi centri di dimensioni maggiori, tali da potersi definire città; le campagne erano costellate da numerose masserie, simbolo della gestione feudale della terra, e percorse da una rete di piccole strade.
La formazione di questo pattern è apparentemente l’esito di un processo di lunga durata avviato almeno a partire dal Trecento, le cui conseguenze tangibili furono la parziale disgregazione del preesistente tessuto insediativo di matrice bizantina, lo spopolamento di molti villaggi e il potenziamento di altri. Di seguito si propone un modello sperimentale per l’interpretazione di alcuni tra i cambiamenti sottesi alla formazione del paesaggio moderno.
P. Arthur, M. Leo Imperiale, M. Tinelli (a cura di), Apigliano. Un villaggio bizantino e medievale in Terra d’Otranto. I Reperti, 2015
Conference Presentations by Giuseppe L Muci
Posters by Giuseppe L Muci
The paper illustrates a theoretical model designed to investigate the ongoing complex demographic... more The paper illustrates a theoretical model designed to investigate the ongoing complex demographic and economic dynamics in the interval between Middle Ages and Early Modern period in southern Salento (almost corresponding to present days Lecce district in Apulia).
The proposed model, based on a large amount of data collected through archaeological excavations, surveys, historical sources and geographic datasets, tries to understand the “crisis and recovery” dynamics which characterized the transition from Medieval to Early Modern Salento. The performed spatial and quantitative analyses focuses on the relationship between population fluctuations and average productivity of cultivated land, estimated on the basis of Archaeological Land Suitability Classification derived from FAO Land Evaluation methodology.
Thesis Chapters by Giuseppe L Muci
Papers by Giuseppe L Muci
In sum, it is suggested that the social, economic and ecological system of the Salento area of southern Apulia was particularly resilient to the crises that affected most of Europe during the first half of the fourteenth century, and that these crises were largely responsible for the adoption of the new later medieval and early modern settlement pattern and land organisation.
La formazione di questo pattern è apparentemente l’esito di un processo di lunga durata avviato almeno a partire dal Trecento, le cui conseguenze tangibili furono la parziale disgregazione del preesistente tessuto insediativo di matrice bizantina, lo spopolamento di molti villaggi e il potenziamento di altri. Di seguito si propone un modello sperimentale per l’interpretazione di alcuni tra i cambiamenti sottesi alla formazione del paesaggio moderno.
Conference Presentations by Giuseppe L Muci
Posters by Giuseppe L Muci
The proposed model, based on a large amount of data collected through archaeological excavations, surveys, historical sources and geographic datasets, tries to understand the “crisis and recovery” dynamics which characterized the transition from Medieval to Early Modern Salento. The performed spatial and quantitative analyses focuses on the relationship between population fluctuations and average productivity of cultivated land, estimated on the basis of Archaeological Land Suitability Classification derived from FAO Land Evaluation methodology.
Thesis Chapters by Giuseppe L Muci
In sum, it is suggested that the social, economic and ecological system of the Salento area of southern Apulia was particularly resilient to the crises that affected most of Europe during the first half of the fourteenth century, and that these crises were largely responsible for the adoption of the new later medieval and early modern settlement pattern and land organisation.
La formazione di questo pattern è apparentemente l’esito di un processo di lunga durata avviato almeno a partire dal Trecento, le cui conseguenze tangibili furono la parziale disgregazione del preesistente tessuto insediativo di matrice bizantina, lo spopolamento di molti villaggi e il potenziamento di altri. Di seguito si propone un modello sperimentale per l’interpretazione di alcuni tra i cambiamenti sottesi alla formazione del paesaggio moderno.
The proposed model, based on a large amount of data collected through archaeological excavations, surveys, historical sources and geographic datasets, tries to understand the “crisis and recovery” dynamics which characterized the transition from Medieval to Early Modern Salento. The performed spatial and quantitative analyses focuses on the relationship between population fluctuations and average productivity of cultivated land, estimated on the basis of Archaeological Land Suitability Classification derived from FAO Land Evaluation methodology.