Papers by Faruk Yaslıçimen
The American Historical Review, 2013
lam ve seküler siyaset arasındaki ilişki çatışmadan ziyade intibak kavramı ile tanımlanmalıdır. K... more lam ve seküler siyaset arasındaki ilişki çatışmadan ziyade intibak kavramı ile tanımlanmalıdır. Kitaba genel olarak bakıldığında, literatüre kattığı kavramlar (çatışma paradigması, intibak paradigması, meta-söylem stratejisi ile söylem tekniği ve fıkıh/kelam mühendisliği gibi), özellikle birincil kaynaklardaki yeni malzeme kullanımı ve mevcut malzemeye getirdiği yeni yorumlar açısından orijinal yaklaşımlar ihtiva ettiği görülüyor. Eserin en güçlü yanlarından
Osmanlı Araştırmaları, 2016
![Research paper thumbnail of The Committee of Union and Progress and the Iraqi Shiites](
Islam and Christian–Muslim Relations, Feb 9, 2024
This article analyses the relationship between the Committee of Union and Progress (CUP) and the ... more This article analyses the relationship between the Committee of Union and Progress (CUP) and the Shiite subjects of Ottoman Iraq in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Drawing on a wide range of archival sources, it examines the various contexts in which the CUP attempted to integrate Iraq's Shiite population into the state apparatus-for example, by authorizing and supporting the establishment of modern Shiite schools or by employing Shiite scholars at the Ottoman courts. The Shiites themselves navigated administrative contexts, regularly petitioning the Ottoman authorities to fight for their rights under the recently restored constitution of 1908, thus exercising agency as Shiite subjects of the empire. In dealing with Iraq's Shiite population, the CUP government in Istanbul had to negotiate continuity and change in its policies towards them from earlier practices under the rule of Abdulhamid II (r. 1876-1909). New policies and administrative practices towards Iraq's Shiite population also had to be negotiated with local political intermediaries-creating a complex political constellation in which the equally complex relationship between the CUP and the Iraqi Shiites would unfold.
İmparatorluğun Öteki Yüzleri: Toplumsal Hiyerarşi ve Düzen Karşısında Sıradan Hayatlar, Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2020
![Research paper thumbnail of Saving the Minds and Loyalties of Subjects: Ottoman Education Policy against the Spread of Shiism in Iraq During the Time of Abdülhamid II](
Dîvân: Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2017
Towards the end of the nineteenth century, Ottoman authorities realized that the Sunni orthopraxy... more Towards the end of the nineteenth century, Ottoman authorities realized that the Sunni orthopraxy and ipso facto state sovereignty in Iraq were in danger. They believed that the great numbers of Sunni masses converting to Shiism could pose a serious political risk in the near future. To guarantee the political loyalties of the subjects living in Iraq, the Ottoman authorities formulated a policy of education to protect and correct beliefs. This article explains how the Ottoman government during the time of Abdülhamid II applied countermeasures against the perceived spread of Shiism in Iraq. These included appointing single Sunni professors to madrasas, sending itinerant preachers among the tribesmen to teach them the basic tenets of Sunnism, opening modern schools, and taking Iraqi Shiite boys at an early age to Istanbul to change their beliefs. The article further addresses issues that emerged during the implementation of this policy, such as the questions of whether to select lo- cal or non-local ulama and how to overcome financial challenges. Overall, the Ottoman policy of education aimed at disseminating an identity of Ottomanness (Osmanlılık) that included the correction of the beliefs of non-Sunni Muslim groups. This also meant re-defining Ottomanness in closer association with the Sunni interpretation of Islam.
Gelenek ve Modern Arasında Bilgi ve Toplum , 2013
![Research paper thumbnail of The Possibilities of New Perspectives for Social Sciences: An Analysis Based on Ibn Khaldun's Theory of Umran](
Asian Journal of Social Science, 2008
The major obstacle in reinterpreting and reconstructing the cultural accumulation of the Civilisa... more The major obstacle in reinterpreting and reconstructing the cultural accumulation of the Civilisation of Islam is not only the unawareness of Muslim scholars of their heritage, but also their willingness to employ western perspectives to utilise this heritage. In order to overcome this tragedy, social sciences should be criticised through vivid and constructive analyses; and Islamic scientific tradition should be reinterpreted in a comprehensive manner. Instead of basic model transfers from the west, the original sources should be re-analysed. Ibn Khaldun and his Muqaddimah present an invaluable opportunity in that respect. However, modern scholarship contextualises Ibn Khaldun in anachronic ways, which in turn preclude the possibility of reproducing new scientific traditions. Indeed, Ibn Khaldun's conception of science rises on three pillars, complementing one another that are a comprehensive perception of universe, a historical consciousness, and a metaphysics of society. These three factors are interrelatedly systematised in the ʿilm al-umrân whose main theme of reference is tawhid in the traditional Islamic thought. Different stages of knowledge overlap in the epistemology of The Muqaddimah. The basic principles of Islamic thought are systematised in the framework of Qur'anic ontological presumptions. Hence, the principles of common origin of the existence, tawhid, and the hierarchical absolution of Allah were continued. Therefore, this article will offer the Umrân (scienza nouva) of Ibn Khaldun as an opportunity to release the social sciences from its ontological dilemmas.
Dissertations by Faruk Yaslıçimen
![Research paper thumbnail of The Ottoman Empire and its Shiite Subjects: State-Society Relations in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries.pdf](
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Mar 2016
This study examines state-society relations in the late Ottoman Empire with regard to religious, ... more This study examines state-society relations in the late Ottoman Empire with regard to religious, sectarian, ethnic, and local circumstances by focusing on interactions between government officials and Shiites from various backgrounds. It contextualizes the socio-political meanings of being Shiite within the broader framework of the non-Sunni Muslim presence in the Ottoman Empire. It develops a perspective for understanding the modes of Ottoman administrative engagement with non-Sunni Muslims and explores the experiences of Shiite Ottoman subjects who attained bureaucratic posts in the local administration in Iraq and Lebanon and also investigates the situation of Shiite conscripts as part of the Sixth Imperial Army in Iraq. The study further delves into the experience of Shiite religious and non-religious notables who established networks with high-ranking Ottoman bureaucrats and analyzes the jihad fetvas issued by Shiite mujtahids at the beginning of the First World War. These fetvas called the Shiite Muslims to defend the lands of Islam and cooperate with the Ottoman Sultan. The Ottoman Empire and its Shiite Subjects, having a problem-oriented approach, narrates state- society interactions within the totality of their complexities and contradictions in order to reveal the stories of both state and society.
Book Reviews by Faruk Yaslıçimen
Dîvân: Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, Feb 2015
The Journal of Ottoman Studies, 2012
Journal of the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association, 2015
Dîvân: Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2012
Dîvân 2011/2 194 lam ve seküler siyaset arasındaki ilişki çatışmadan ziyade intibak kavramı ile t... more Dîvân 2011/2 194 lam ve seküler siyaset arasındaki ilişki çatışmadan ziyade intibak kavramı ile tanımlanmalıdır. Kitaba genel olarak bakıldığında, literatüre kattığı kavramlar (çatışma paradigması, intibak paradigması, meta-söylem stratejisi ile söylem tekniği ve fıkıh/kelam mühendisliği gibi), özellikle birincil kaynaklardaki yeni malzeme kullanımı ve mevcut malzemeye getirdiği yeni yorumlar açısından orijinal yaklaşımlar ihtiva ettiği görülüyor. Eserin en güçlü yanlarından
International Journal of Contemporary Iraqi Studies, 2012
The Journal of Humanity and Society, 2011
Açık Kitap, Nov 2017
Rönesans Ortaçağ'dan kesin bir kopuşu mu temsil eder? Jacques Le Goff bu kanaatte değil. Rönesans... more Rönesans Ortaçağ'dan kesin bir kopuşu mu temsil eder? Jacques Le Goff bu kanaatte değil. Rönesans’ın tarihteki imtiyazlı konumundan biraz aşağı çekilmesi gerektiğini düşünüyor ama bunun tarihte bir dönemlendirme sorunundan kaynaklandığını da görüp konuyu geniş bir çerçevede ele alıyor.
Interviews by Faruk Yaslıçimen
![Research paper thumbnail of Günümüz Türkiyesi’nde Geleneği İcat Etmek: Lütfi Sunar'la "Osmanlı Saati"nin Hikayesi Üzerine [How to Make an Ottoman Clock in the Twenty First Century]](
Politics Today, 2017
İlmi Etütler Merkezi (İLEM) bünyesinde bir ekip, kurumun 10. kuruluş yıldönümü vesilesiyle saat g... more İlmi Etütler Merkezi (İLEM) bünyesinde bir ekip, kurumun 10. kuruluş yıldönümü vesilesiyle saat görünümlü bir ayraç hazırladı ve tasarımda İslam düşüncesinin bazı temel kavramlarını kullandı. Arap alfabesiyle yazılan kavramlar, saate “tarihi” bir görünüm kattı ve tasarım internet ortamında hızla yayıldı. Kamuya mâl olan saat, tasarımcısının orijinal kastından uzaklaşarak farklı anlamlar kazandı. Artık “Osmanlı Saati” adıyla şöhret bulan bu çalışma, günümüz Türkiyesi’nde gelenek, toplum ve kimlik eksenli tartışmaların sıra dışı örneklerinden biri oldu. The New Turkey Editörü ve İbn Haldun Üniversitesi Tarih Bölümü öğretim üyesi Dr. Faruk Yaslıçimen, tasarımı yapan ekibin başında bulunan İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyoloji doçenti Lütfi Sunar ile “Osmanlı Saati” örneğinden yola çıkarak tarihin günümüz toplumunda nasıl ve neden yeniden kurgulandığına dair bir söyleşi gerçekleştirdi.
The New Turkey, 2017
Men claiming to be the Messiah or the Mahdi – including Fethullah Gülen – are not a new phenomen... more Men claiming to be the Messiah or the Mahdi – including Fethullah Gülen – are not a new phenomenon. Since the earliest decades of Islam, many have built a following around them, using charisma and exploiting societal and political upheaval to convince followers they are the promised saviors, and their community is destined to herald the final utopia before the current world ends. Faruk Yaslıçimen, Editor-in-Chief of The New Turkey, talked with Ahmet Yaşar Ocak, professor of History at TOBB University of Economics and Technology, about the striking commonalties between modern day “Messiahs” and the phenomenon seen throughout centuries. Prof. Ocak is a prominent historian with his numerous pioneering books and articles on Islamic heterodoxy and heterodox communities in the Ottoman Empire.
Papers by Faruk Yaslıçimen
Dissertations by Faruk Yaslıçimen
Book Reviews by Faruk Yaslıçimen
Interviews by Faruk Yaslıçimen
Nihayet Dergisi'nin Aralık 2018 sayısı için kaleme aldığım ve büyük ölçüde İLKE'nin politika notları arasından çıkardığım "Yerel Yönetimlerde Kültür Politikaları" başlıklı analizden esinlendiğim yazıyı, seçimler akabinde bu mecradan tekrar paylaşmış olayım.
be ‘Religion and Civilization: Protection of Civilization as a Purpose of Religion’, where prominent scholars and speakers will deliberate on how best to reflect and research about the formation and development of the topics related to the theme of ‘Protection of Civilization as a Purpose of Religion’.