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    Bruno Lévy's homepage

Computational Physicist, Inria Research Director (DR0)

ParMA project-team
U. Paris-Saclay, Inria Saclay, CNRS, Labo. de Maths d'Orsay

Scientific Director of the Inria Quadrant program
Member of Inria Evaluation Committee


Latest news

A Mathematical Time Machine to Explore the Origins of the Universe

This is joint work with Roya Mohayaee, Sebastian von Hausegger, Farnik Nikakhtar and Ravi Sheth.

Optimal Transport

Articles, links, courses, software

Geogram: a programming library with geometric algorithms

Links, source code, tutorials

You will find here the code of more than 30 research articles published over the last 20 years in ACM SIGGRAPH, ACM TOG, SGP, Eurographics... Geogram was supported by two European Research Council grants (ERC): GOODSHAPE and VORPALINE, and received the SGP 2023 software award

FemtoRV: create your own RISC-V processor on a FPGA

Links, sources, course

Books and book chapters

Short Bio

I was born the 14th of May 1972. I defended my Ph.D. in 1999 on computational topology, combinatorics and embedding, directed by Jean-Laurent Mallet. I was awarded the SPECIF prize (now known as Gilles Kahn / Acad. Sci. prize) of the best French Ph.D. thesis in CS, then I did a post-doc in Stanford in 2000. I was hired by Inria in 2000 as a junior researcher. In 2004, I created the ALICE team (it became an Inria project in 2006) [Archives ALICE 2006-2018]. I obtained an ERC Starting Grant (GOODSHAPE) in 2008, and an ERC Proof of Concept Grant (VORPALINE) in 2013. I was promoted research director in 2008, 1st class research director (DR1) in 2012 and exceptional class (DR0) in 2021. I was awarded the Inria Young Researcher Award in 2011. In 2019, two new Inria teams stemmed from my previous team ALICE: MFX on compter aided fabrication, and PIXEL on geometry processing.
From Nov. 2018 to Dec. 2022, I was the director of the Inria Nancy Grand-Est research center (450 people, 20 teams, 17 in Nancy, 3 in Strasbourg). I am now the scientific director of Program Inria Quadrant, the french high-risk high-reward research program on digital sciences and technologies, that I contributed to create.


My initial topic is Geometry Processing. From 1998 to 2006, I focused on the problem of mesh parameterization, and invented several algorithms (one of them, LSCM, was selected in Seminal Graphics Papers: pushing the boundaries, the book published for the 50 years of the ACM SIGGRAPH conference). Then I contributed to two start-up creations, for transferring my results in 3d gridding (Paradigm/Earth Decision Sciences) and visualization (Scalable Graphics)

From 2006 to 2019, I focused on some numerical problems in Scientific Computing. I contributed to lay spectral geometry processing fundamentals and made it practical with the first algorithm that computes a Fourier-like basis for surface meshes (manifold harmonics). I also established the regularity of Lloyd's energy and proposed a Newton solver for quantization, generalized it to propose the first automatic algorithm for hex-dominant meshing (Lp-CVT) and finally the first solver for 3D semi-discrete optimal transport. Most of my research results are available in my GEOGRAM and GRAPHITE Open-Source softwares. The main results of my two ERC projects on meshing and sampling are transferred to Tessael, a start-up we have created.

Now (2020,...) I am mainly working on computational methods for cosmology (Physical Review Letters, 2022 and 2023) and fluid dynamics (Journal of Computational Physics, 2022). I'm also interested in novel hardware architectures.

Selected Publications

Physics and Optimal transport

Sampling and meshing

Hexahedral meshing



Mesh Parameterization (1998-2006)

My publications on [ORCID] [Inspire HEP] [google scholar] [DBLP]


Boards of Trustees, Committees

  • Inria evaluation committee
  • Jury Prix Inria-Académie des Sciences 2023
  • Jury d'admission DR Inria 2023
  • Jury IUF Junior 2023
  • Jury IUF Senior 2022
  • Jury IUF Junior 2021
  • Jury Eurographics Ph.D. award 2022
  • Jury IGRV Ph.D. award 2022, 2023


Selected Recorded Talks and Slides

Images and Animations

Editorial activities and conferences

  • 2014-18 The Visual Computer, Associate Editor
  • 2014-18 GMOD, Associate Editor
  • 2014-18 ACM Transactions on Graphics, Associate Editor
  • program co-chair of Computer Graphics Intl 2018
  • conference co-chair of WSOM 2017
  • conference co-chair of GMP 2016
  • 2010-15: IEEE TVCG - Associate Editor
  • program co-chair of Eurographics 2014
  • conference co-chair of CAD Graph. 2013
  • program co-chair of Pacific Graph. 2013
  • program co-chair of ACM/EG SGP 2010
  • program co-chair of ACM SPM 2008
  • program co-chair of ACM SPM 2007

Program Commitees 2010-2017

  • 2017: EG
  • 2016: SGP, PG, SMI
  • 2015: SIGGRAPH, SGP, GDSPM, CAD Graph.
  • 2014: SGP
  • 2010: SMI, SPM, GMP, NORDIA

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