Tonko Rajkovaca
Tonko is both knowledgeable about Balkan archaeological heritage (chronology, preservation in different regional environmental conditions and site typology) and also aware of challenges of developer-led archaeology, while at the same time being familiar with current standards in modern archaeology. He is, thus, more than capable of ensuring that proposed archaeological work is carried out to a standard, allowing us to understand about past landscapes which are being developed. During his time in developer-funded archaeology in the UK, Tonko was responsible for setting up major archaeological evaluations and excavations.
Work experience:
2020 - present: Senior Chief Research Laboratory Technician - Geoarchaeology, McBurney Laboratory for Geoarchaeology, Department of Archaeology, University of Cambridge
2011-2020: Chief Research Laboratory Technician - Geoarchaeology, McBurney Laboratory for Geoarchaeology, Department of Archaeology, University of Cambridge
2008-2011: Research Technician - Geoarchaeology, McBurney Laboratory for Geoarchaeology, Department of Archaeology, University of Cambridge
2011- 2018: Name of assignment or project: Archaeology Consulting prior to the construction of motorway in Serbia.
Main project features: monitoring of archaeological field work, post-excavation, archaiving and publication schedules as part of the development-led investigations along the motorway route.
Activities performed: advice on the fieldwork and post-excavation methodology strategies involved in the investigations, by a number of different organisations; monitoring of the adherence to the health and safety procedures, as well as to the modern standards and ensurance that work is carried out in accordance to the written scheme of investigation
2011: Researcher and project coordinator for Bosnian case study in the project ‘Cultural Heritage and the Reconstruction of Identities after Conflict'/ CRIC (PI Prof Marie Louise Stig Sørensen, University of Cambridge, a 4-year international comparative project funded by the European Union to investigate the destruction of cultural heritage during armed conflict and its role in post- conflict reconstruction, at five European locations (France, Spain, Germany, Bosnia and Cyprus)
2006-present: Co-director of following projects:
1- ‘Palaeolithic of Northern Bosnia’ (PI Dr Preston T. Miracle, University of
Cambridge; British Academy funded and supported by Bosnian
Heritage and National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina)
2- ‘Geoarchaeological investigations of the River Sava Valley’ (PI Dr Charly French, University of Cambridge; British Academy funded and supported by Bosnian Heritage and National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina)
3- ‘Neolithization of Europe’ (PI Dr Marc Vander Linden, University of Leicester; EU funded and supported by Bosnian Heritage and National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina)
4- ‘Origins of European civilization’ (PI Dr Preston T. Miracle, University of Cambridge; British Academy funded and supported by Bosnian Heritage and National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina)
2007-2008: Assistant Supervisor, Cambridge Archaeological Unit, responsible for all archaeological work on the site.
2006: Graphics Assistant, Cambridge Archaeological Unit
2005-2007: Senior Site Assistant, Cambridge Archaeological Unit
1989-1998 Curator, Department of Archaeology, Museum of Mining and Metallurgy, Bor (Serbia)
1988-1989: Curator, Cultural Centre, Tešanj (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
1986-1988 Archaeological Consultant, Department of Archaeology, University of Belgrade
Main Archaeological Field Projects Directed and Managed:
In the projects (of many more) itemised below, his duties included: project planning and phasing, financial management, management of the excavation and post-excavation phases.
2007 Excavation of Palaeolithic sites in Northern Bosnia, Bosnia and Herzegovina (summer campaign)
2007 Field survey of Northern Bosnia Region (spring campaign)
2006 Excavation of Palaeolithic sites in Northern Bosnia, Bosnia and Herzegovina (summer campaign)
2006 Field survey of Northern Bosnia Region (spring campaign)
2005 Excavation of early Neolithic sites in Danube Gorge region, Iron Gates, (Serbia)
2004 Field Survey of Iron Gates Region (Serbia)
1998 Excavation of the Bronze Age site Borsko Jezero in collaboration with the Centre for Archaeological Research, University of Belgrade (Serbia)
1995-1996 Excavation of Roman site of Kraku Lu Jordan, Kučevo, (Serbia)
1994-1997 Excavation of the Late Neolithic site Kapetanova Pecina, Majdanpek (Serbia)
1994-1997 Excavation of the Roman site of Kamenjar, Majdanpek (Serbia) 1989-1997 Survey of the Bor and Majdanpek regions (Serbia)
1993-1995 Excavation of the prehistoric site of Panjevacki rit, Jagodina, (Serbia) 1988-1989 Survey of Tešanj region, Bosnia and Herzegovina
1992-1993 Excavation of the Praurija site, Majdanpek (Serbia)
1991 Excavation of Bronze Age site of Feudvar, (Serbia)
Supervisors: Senior Chief Research Laboratory Technician - Geoarchaeology
Work experience:
2020 - present: Senior Chief Research Laboratory Technician - Geoarchaeology, McBurney Laboratory for Geoarchaeology, Department of Archaeology, University of Cambridge
2011-2020: Chief Research Laboratory Technician - Geoarchaeology, McBurney Laboratory for Geoarchaeology, Department of Archaeology, University of Cambridge
2008-2011: Research Technician - Geoarchaeology, McBurney Laboratory for Geoarchaeology, Department of Archaeology, University of Cambridge
2011- 2018: Name of assignment or project: Archaeology Consulting prior to the construction of motorway in Serbia.
Main project features: monitoring of archaeological field work, post-excavation, archaiving and publication schedules as part of the development-led investigations along the motorway route.
Activities performed: advice on the fieldwork and post-excavation methodology strategies involved in the investigations, by a number of different organisations; monitoring of the adherence to the health and safety procedures, as well as to the modern standards and ensurance that work is carried out in accordance to the written scheme of investigation
2011: Researcher and project coordinator for Bosnian case study in the project ‘Cultural Heritage and the Reconstruction of Identities after Conflict'/ CRIC (PI Prof Marie Louise Stig Sørensen, University of Cambridge, a 4-year international comparative project funded by the European Union to investigate the destruction of cultural heritage during armed conflict and its role in post- conflict reconstruction, at five European locations (France, Spain, Germany, Bosnia and Cyprus)
2006-present: Co-director of following projects:
1- ‘Palaeolithic of Northern Bosnia’ (PI Dr Preston T. Miracle, University of
Cambridge; British Academy funded and supported by Bosnian
Heritage and National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina)
2- ‘Geoarchaeological investigations of the River Sava Valley’ (PI Dr Charly French, University of Cambridge; British Academy funded and supported by Bosnian Heritage and National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina)
3- ‘Neolithization of Europe’ (PI Dr Marc Vander Linden, University of Leicester; EU funded and supported by Bosnian Heritage and National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina)
4- ‘Origins of European civilization’ (PI Dr Preston T. Miracle, University of Cambridge; British Academy funded and supported by Bosnian Heritage and National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina)
2007-2008: Assistant Supervisor, Cambridge Archaeological Unit, responsible for all archaeological work on the site.
2006: Graphics Assistant, Cambridge Archaeological Unit
2005-2007: Senior Site Assistant, Cambridge Archaeological Unit
1989-1998 Curator, Department of Archaeology, Museum of Mining and Metallurgy, Bor (Serbia)
1988-1989: Curator, Cultural Centre, Tešanj (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
1986-1988 Archaeological Consultant, Department of Archaeology, University of Belgrade
Main Archaeological Field Projects Directed and Managed:
In the projects (of many more) itemised below, his duties included: project planning and phasing, financial management, management of the excavation and post-excavation phases.
2007 Excavation of Palaeolithic sites in Northern Bosnia, Bosnia and Herzegovina (summer campaign)
2007 Field survey of Northern Bosnia Region (spring campaign)
2006 Excavation of Palaeolithic sites in Northern Bosnia, Bosnia and Herzegovina (summer campaign)
2006 Field survey of Northern Bosnia Region (spring campaign)
2005 Excavation of early Neolithic sites in Danube Gorge region, Iron Gates, (Serbia)
2004 Field Survey of Iron Gates Region (Serbia)
1998 Excavation of the Bronze Age site Borsko Jezero in collaboration with the Centre for Archaeological Research, University of Belgrade (Serbia)
1995-1996 Excavation of Roman site of Kraku Lu Jordan, Kučevo, (Serbia)
1994-1997 Excavation of the Late Neolithic site Kapetanova Pecina, Majdanpek (Serbia)
1994-1997 Excavation of the Roman site of Kamenjar, Majdanpek (Serbia) 1989-1997 Survey of the Bor and Majdanpek regions (Serbia)
1993-1995 Excavation of the prehistoric site of Panjevacki rit, Jagodina, (Serbia) 1988-1989 Survey of Tešanj region, Bosnia and Herzegovina
1992-1993 Excavation of the Praurija site, Majdanpek (Serbia)
1991 Excavation of Bronze Age site of Feudvar, (Serbia)
Supervisors: Senior Chief Research Laboratory Technician - Geoarchaeology
InterestsView All (11)
Papers by Tonko Rajkovaca
has been compiled from the excavation guidance of the Cambridge Archaeological Unit and as such reflects the twenty years
experience of that organisation. It was originally produced for
the benefit of Cambridge undergraduates undertaking the University training excavation, but we came to recognise the value
of a pocket-sized guide for a larger archaeological community.
As such, we hope that this book is of a size and robusticity that
can be easily carried out into the field, whether that field is the
Fens of Cambridgeshire or more far-flung locations. It is not intended to replace more comprehensive texts such as the famous
Museum of London Archaeological Site Manual (currently sadly
out of print), but rather is intended to act as a quick reference
guide for field archaeologists and to provide clear, easy to find
and follow instruction for those with limited experience in either
excavation or recording
osnovama vodiča za iskopavanja Centra za arheološka istraživanja Univerziteta u Kembridžu i kao takav predstavlja dvadeset
godina iskustva te organizacije. Prvobitno sastavljen za potrebe
studenata u Kembridžu u toku njihovih iskopavanja pri univerzitetu, priručnik se ubrzo pokazao vrednijim od beležaka za
studente. Arheološka zajednica Kembridža je brzo prepoznala
vrijednost džepnog vodiča i za širu arheološku zajednicu. Kao
takav, nadamo se da ova knjiga ima obim i značaj koji se mogu
lako sprovoditi na terenu, bilo da su taj teren močvare okruga
Kembridž ili neke dalje lokacije. Njegova namjena nije da zamijeni
sveobuhvatnije tekstove poput čuvenog Priručnika za arheološke
lokalitete Muzeja u Londonu (trenutno nažalost van štampe), već
da bude brzi vodič koji bi arheolozi koristili na terenu, posebno
oni sa ograničenim iskustvom u iskopavanju ili bilježenju.
graphical techniques in archaeology is widely
established and can provide fruitful and exciting
results in the form of geoarchaeology. This re-
port describes the use of geoarchaeological tech-
niques to investigate and interrogate landscape
use and change in northern Bosnia and Herze-
govina during the late glacial and early Holocene
focusing on the Vrbas valley, the Ukrina valley
and the surrounding landscape. It examines evi-
dence from archaeological site locations such as
limestone caves and river gravel terraces in order
to understand human impact on the landscape
in the past. In addition it will assess the preserva-
tion potential and examine the formation proc-
esses at the sites visited in order to fully place the
archaeological artefacts in their context
has been compiled from the excavation guidance of the Cambridge Archaeological Unit and as such reflects the twenty years
experience of that organisation. It was originally produced for
the benefit of Cambridge undergraduates undertaking the University training excavation, but we came to recognise the value
of a pocket-sized guide for a larger archaeological community.
As such, we hope that this book is of a size and robusticity that
can be easily carried out into the field, whether that field is the
Fens of Cambridgeshire or more far-flung locations. It is not intended to replace more comprehensive texts such as the famous
Museum of London Archaeological Site Manual (currently sadly
out of print), but rather is intended to act as a quick reference
guide for field archaeologists and to provide clear, easy to find
and follow instruction for those with limited experience in either
excavation or recording
osnovama vodiča za iskopavanja Centra za arheološka istraživanja Univerziteta u Kembridžu i kao takav predstavlja dvadeset
godina iskustva te organizacije. Prvobitno sastavljen za potrebe
studenata u Kembridžu u toku njihovih iskopavanja pri univerzitetu, priručnik se ubrzo pokazao vrednijim od beležaka za
studente. Arheološka zajednica Kembridža je brzo prepoznala
vrijednost džepnog vodiča i za širu arheološku zajednicu. Kao
takav, nadamo se da ova knjiga ima obim i značaj koji se mogu
lako sprovoditi na terenu, bilo da su taj teren močvare okruga
Kembridž ili neke dalje lokacije. Njegova namjena nije da zamijeni
sveobuhvatnije tekstove poput čuvenog Priručnika za arheološke
lokalitete Muzeja u Londonu (trenutno nažalost van štampe), već
da bude brzi vodič koji bi arheolozi koristili na terenu, posebno
oni sa ograničenim iskustvom u iskopavanju ili bilježenju.
graphical techniques in archaeology is widely
established and can provide fruitful and exciting
results in the form of geoarchaeology. This re-
port describes the use of geoarchaeological tech-
niques to investigate and interrogate landscape
use and change in northern Bosnia and Herze-
govina during the late glacial and early Holocene
focusing on the Vrbas valley, the Ukrina valley
and the surrounding landscape. It examines evi-
dence from archaeological site locations such as
limestone caves and river gravel terraces in order
to understand human impact on the landscape
in the past. In addition it will assess the preserva-
tion potential and examine the formation proc-
esses at the sites visited in order to fully place the
archaeological artefacts in their context