Giornate di Studio sulla Popolazione 2017, Jan 10, 2017
Return migration have recently gained attention in a perspective of migration-development nexus. ... more Return migration have recently gained attention in a perspective of migration-development nexus. Empirical studies tested this phenomenon, which has been accelerated by the economic crisis in Europe. Nevertheless, data suggest that return is not always an option among certain groups of migrants. They often decide to move to another European Union country, instead of returning to their country of origin, especially when they have the citizenship of the residence country. Despite of the growing scientific and political interest of this topic, return migration is still considered as a marginal area of studies. Our study attempts to fill this gap by measuring the effect of socio-demographic, human capital, immigration factors, and the factors linked to social integration and transnationalism on the return intentions of young and adult migrants living in Italy. In particular, we are interested in examining the effect of the legal status on the migrants’ return intentions, distinguishing by migrants’ country of origin and between EU and non-EU countries of origin. Data stem from “Condizione e Integrazione Sociale dei Cittadini Stranieri” survey conducted by ISTAT between 2011 and 2012.
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR). Biblioteca Centrale / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle R... more Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR). Biblioteca Centrale / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal
The last 150 years of Italian history include all the main steps of the evolution of a national m... more The last 150 years of Italian history include all the main steps of the evolution of a national migration system. In fact, for almost a century Italy had been one of the most important countries of emigration in the world, while nowadays it has become one of the favorite destinations of international migration flows. The paper is an attempt to describe the main changes in Italian statistics on international migration, highlighting the relations between these changes and changes in migration policies and migration trends.
The study of the various aspects of international migration has been one of the main activities o... more The study of the various aspects of international migration has been one of the main activities of the Institute for Population Research since its foundation. In this field, research has been done on the underlying trends, the causes and the main effects of the dynamics of international migration and some specific situations have been analysed, with special reference to Italy. This present volume brings together four recent studies analysing international migration from different points of view and presents a picture of current trends. The first study, by Corrado Bonifazi, concentrates on the theoretical implications of the study of migration, identifying the proposals and contributions that are best suited to understanding the situation in Italy. The second contribution, by Corrado Bonifazi and Salvatore Strozza, gives a general overview of the development of migration in Europe over the last fifty years. The third study, by Caterina Gallina and Giuseppe Gesano, analyses the causes of migration in the Mediterranean scenario, highlighting the factors that have contributed - and will contribute - most to the dynamics of international migration. The fouth work, by Giuseppe Gesano, analyses the economic motivations and the plans of recent Ghanians and Egyptian migrants in Italy, using the result of a research on the causes of migration supported by Eurostat and coordinated by NIDI. The second and third contributions were prepared as part of the research carried out at the University of Rome La Sapienza on movements of people and capital in Europe, a project coordinated by Nicola Acocella and Eugenio Sonnino.
Findings are analyzed of the Instituto di Richerche solla poplazione survey carried out in Italy ... more Findings are analyzed of the Instituto di Richerche solla poplazione survey carried out in Italy in 1987 which focused on: 1) those variables which may be indirectly affecting Italian's fertility intentions, and 2) the degree of acceptability of a global social policy i.e., one that is not only restricted to economic incentives to be offered to families. Data was obtained from a national sample of 1500 people between 18-49 years. Italians have a good awareness of demographic issues; 61% knew of the decline in marriages; 72% were aware of the increasing aging population; 50% viewed the fall in birth rate negatively; and 41% thought that population and fertility trends would remain at the present low level or would decrease even further (49%). The birth rate decline was contributed to economic reasons at both reasons at both a global and an individual level. The majority of people did not show any signs of prejudice toward immigrants; however, they did favor limiting the number of foreigners in general with the exception of political refugees. The majority were also in favor of helping 3rd World countries. Although Italians value their children and the parent-child relationship very highly, a reduction in the value of children with increasing educational level of the respondents was observed. 83% thought that couples should be allowed to have as many children as they wanted; 81% agreed that measures regarding contraceptive knowledge and availability should be improved; and 49% were in favor of measures to increase births. Regarding possible new policy measures, 50% were in full agreement on the development and increased efficiency of social services to enable women to go out to work. (author's modified)
Presentazione: Il lavoro degli immigrati in Italia (di Corrado Bonifazi, Salvatore Chiri)-ABSTRAC... more Presentazione: Il lavoro degli immigrati in Italia (di Corrado Bonifazi, Salvatore Chiri)-ABSTRACT: Il lavoro analizza le informazioni statistiche sulla provenienza e destinazione, geografica e settoriale, degli immigrati che hanno trovato occupazione nel nostro paese. ...
Giornate di Studio sulla Popolazione 2017, Jan 10, 2017
Return migration have recently gained attention in a perspective of migration-development nexus. ... more Return migration have recently gained attention in a perspective of migration-development nexus. Empirical studies tested this phenomenon, which has been accelerated by the economic crisis in Europe. Nevertheless, data suggest that return is not always an option among certain groups of migrants. They often decide to move to another European Union country, instead of returning to their country of origin, especially when they have the citizenship of the residence country. Despite of the growing scientific and political interest of this topic, return migration is still considered as a marginal area of studies. Our study attempts to fill this gap by measuring the effect of socio-demographic, human capital, immigration factors, and the factors linked to social integration and transnationalism on the return intentions of young and adult migrants living in Italy. In particular, we are interested in examining the effect of the legal status on the migrants’ return intentions, distinguishing by migrants’ country of origin and between EU and non-EU countries of origin. Data stem from “Condizione e Integrazione Sociale dei Cittadini Stranieri” survey conducted by ISTAT between 2011 and 2012.
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR). Biblioteca Centrale / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle R... more Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR). Biblioteca Centrale / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal
The last 150 years of Italian history include all the main steps of the evolution of a national m... more The last 150 years of Italian history include all the main steps of the evolution of a national migration system. In fact, for almost a century Italy had been one of the most important countries of emigration in the world, while nowadays it has become one of the favorite destinations of international migration flows. The paper is an attempt to describe the main changes in Italian statistics on international migration, highlighting the relations between these changes and changes in migration policies and migration trends.
The study of the various aspects of international migration has been one of the main activities o... more The study of the various aspects of international migration has been one of the main activities of the Institute for Population Research since its foundation. In this field, research has been done on the underlying trends, the causes and the main effects of the dynamics of international migration and some specific situations have been analysed, with special reference to Italy. This present volume brings together four recent studies analysing international migration from different points of view and presents a picture of current trends. The first study, by Corrado Bonifazi, concentrates on the theoretical implications of the study of migration, identifying the proposals and contributions that are best suited to understanding the situation in Italy. The second contribution, by Corrado Bonifazi and Salvatore Strozza, gives a general overview of the development of migration in Europe over the last fifty years. The third study, by Caterina Gallina and Giuseppe Gesano, analyses the causes of migration in the Mediterranean scenario, highlighting the factors that have contributed - and will contribute - most to the dynamics of international migration. The fouth work, by Giuseppe Gesano, analyses the economic motivations and the plans of recent Ghanians and Egyptian migrants in Italy, using the result of a research on the causes of migration supported by Eurostat and coordinated by NIDI. The second and third contributions were prepared as part of the research carried out at the University of Rome La Sapienza on movements of people and capital in Europe, a project coordinated by Nicola Acocella and Eugenio Sonnino.
Findings are analyzed of the Instituto di Richerche solla poplazione survey carried out in Italy ... more Findings are analyzed of the Instituto di Richerche solla poplazione survey carried out in Italy in 1987 which focused on: 1) those variables which may be indirectly affecting Italian's fertility intentions, and 2) the degree of acceptability of a global social policy i.e., one that is not only restricted to economic incentives to be offered to families. Data was obtained from a national sample of 1500 people between 18-49 years. Italians have a good awareness of demographic issues; 61% knew of the decline in marriages; 72% were aware of the increasing aging population; 50% viewed the fall in birth rate negatively; and 41% thought that population and fertility trends would remain at the present low level or would decrease even further (49%). The birth rate decline was contributed to economic reasons at both reasons at both a global and an individual level. The majority of people did not show any signs of prejudice toward immigrants; however, they did favor limiting the number of foreigners in general with the exception of political refugees. The majority were also in favor of helping 3rd World countries. Although Italians value their children and the parent-child relationship very highly, a reduction in the value of children with increasing educational level of the respondents was observed. 83% thought that couples should be allowed to have as many children as they wanted; 81% agreed that measures regarding contraceptive knowledge and availability should be improved; and 49% were in favor of measures to increase births. Regarding possible new policy measures, 50% were in full agreement on the development and increased efficiency of social services to enable women to go out to work. (author's modified)
Presentazione: Il lavoro degli immigrati in Italia (di Corrado Bonifazi, Salvatore Chiri)-ABSTRAC... more Presentazione: Il lavoro degli immigrati in Italia (di Corrado Bonifazi, Salvatore Chiri)-ABSTRACT: Il lavoro analizza le informazioni statistiche sulla provenienza e destinazione, geografica e settoriale, degli immigrati che hanno trovato occupazione nel nostro paese. ...
Quattro anni fa abbiamo coordinato un numero monografico sui rapporti tra emigrazione, dibattito ... more Quattro anni fa abbiamo coordinato un numero monografico sui rapporti tra emigrazione, dibattito politico e sociale, interventi legislativi ed ecclesiastici nell’Italia di Giovanni Battista Scalabrini e in quella post 1945 (Studi Emigrazione, 215, 2019). Allora ci interrogavamo sulla possibilità di paragonare e interpretare comparativamente la situazione migratoria del secondo Ottocento e del secondo Novecento. Negli anni successivi il lavoro sui flussi dall’estero verso le grandi città italiane (Roma, Napoli, Milano e Venezia: vedi Studi Emigrazione, 216/223/224/227) dal medioevo o addirittura dall’antichità a oggi ci ha suggerito che si possono affrontare fruttuosamente dimensioni comparative ancora più complicate. Con questo numero tentiamo quindi di raccordare secoli di migrazioni da e verso la Penisola, nonché al suo interno stesso, pubblicando alcuni interventi del seminario, tenuto il 15 novembre 2022 presso il Centro Studi Emigrazione di Roma. Gli interventi scelti sono stati ampliati e riveduti per raggiungere due scopi. In primo luogo, abbiamo elaborato un paragone più approfondito tra il passato, non solo post- ma anche pre-unitario, e il presente: la storia dell’Italia ci sembra ormai una lunghissima vicenda di migrazioni che iniziano nel medioevo e proseguono sino a oggi senza interruzioni di rilievo. In secondo luogo, abbiamo verificato come le varie fasi migratorie (in entrata, in uscita, interne) della Penisola si siano, non solo, collegate nel tempo, ma talvolta sostituite e altre volte giustapposte, tanto che la nostra è stata terra di partenze e terra di arrivi in molti casi, senza però privilegiare le une o gli altri.
Dopo la pubblicazione dello scorso fascicolo Lingua, emigrazione, economia italiana nel mondo (22... more Dopo la pubblicazione dello scorso fascicolo Lingua, emigrazione, economia italiana nel mondo (228, 2022), curato da Massimo Vedovelli, ci siamo chiesti come lavorare ancora sull’insieme dei movimenti dalla, nella e verso la Penisola italiana. Abbiamo quindi continuato a insistere sull’uso della lingua italiana di chi parte e di chi arriva e sul suo apprendimento, qui e fuori d’Italia, perché la linguistica ci offre il modo di affrontare oltremodo complesso. Inoltre abbiamo visto come la questione della lingua si intersechi con molti altri aspetti della vicenda migratoria: abbiamo appena accennato a quelli educativi e a religiosi, ma in questo fascicolo troviamo anche la retorica nazionalistica durante la Grande guerra e quella xenofoba (il discorso dei nuovi razzismi), nonché i nuovi modi di raccontare quanto accade oggi (la rappresentazione pubblica e mediale). L’approccio linguistico si riverbera dunque su un caleidoscopio multiforme, che tocca differenti settori dell’esistenza, a partire da quello identitario. Allo stesso tempo quest’ultimo riflette un’altra infrastruttura, che in questo numero è affrontata scandagliandone le dimensioni giuridica e statistico-economica. Per la prima è discussa la lentezza della protezione internazionale, che resta sempre un passo indietro rispetto a quanto servirebbe. Per la seconda è scandagliato l’impatto del primo anno di pandemia sul lavoro (e sull’esistenza) degli immigrati. In questo modo abbiamo ampliato quanto il Centro Studi Emigrazione ha portato avanti nei suoi più recenti colloqui e libri internazionali. Questo numero infatti, pur se alcuni contributi guardano a quanto accaduto nel secolo scorso, è incentrato soprattutto sul nostro presente e cerca di mostrare come un approccio, dinamico e complesso quale quello linguistico, ci permetta di osservare varie sfaccettature della mobilità odierna e dei suoi travagli.
Papers by Corrado Bonifazi
tra il passato, non solo post- ma anche pre-unitario, e il presente: la storia dell’Italia ci sembra ormai una lunghissima vicenda di migrazioni che iniziano nel medioevo e proseguono sino a oggi senza interruzioni di rilievo. In secondo luogo, abbiamo verificato come le varie fasi migratorie (in entrata, in uscita, interne) della Penisola si siano, non solo, collegate nel tempo, ma talvolta sostituite e altre volte giustapposte, tanto che la nostra è stata terra di partenze e terra di arrivi in molti casi, senza però privilegiare le une o gli altri.
L’approccio linguistico si riverbera dunque su un caleidoscopio multiforme, che tocca differenti settori dell’esistenza, a partire da quello identitario. Allo stesso tempo quest’ultimo riflette un’altra infrastruttura, che in questo numero è affrontata scandagliandone le dimensioni giuridica e statistico-economica. Per la prima è discussa la lentezza della protezione internazionale, che resta sempre un passo indietro rispetto a quanto servirebbe. Per la seconda è scandagliato l’impatto del primo anno di pandemia sul lavoro (e sull’esistenza) degli immigrati.
In questo modo abbiamo ampliato quanto il Centro Studi Emigrazione ha portato avanti nei suoi più recenti colloqui e libri internazionali. Questo numero infatti, pur se alcuni contributi guardano a quanto accaduto nel secolo scorso, è incentrato soprattutto sul nostro presente e cerca di mostrare come un approccio, dinamico e complesso quale quello linguistico, ci permetta di osservare varie sfaccettature della mobilità odierna e dei suoi travagli.