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Many believe that the history of DevOps roots down to the second half of the last century. We can agree with this if we bring to mind that the DevOps philosophy includes details of such methodologies as Agile, Lean, The Toyota Way, and others. It is thanks to the skillful combination of all these methodologies within a single paradigm that DevOps managed to achieve such an increase in the efficiency of business processes.

By combining technical operations, development, and testing, we managed to turn our devops engineering services into a productive tool. The result of this unification was a check and balance system, which directs all its efforts to deliver and constantly maintain high-quality, secure, and swift software.


Why DevOps is a great idea?

  • collective experience

    Collective experience

    By combining the operations and development departments, we managed to create a sole collective mind that absorbs both years of experience and a fresh perspective. We apply proven devops services and solutions to meet the goals of our clients around the world.
  • fast delivery

    Fast delivery of resources

    During the development process, a lot of time is often spent waiting for the necessary resources to be delivered. DevOps practices, in combination with the Agile approach, allow us to significantly speed up the process of delivery and allocation of resources and move to the testing stage faster.
  • errors

    Reduced human errors

    By deploying frequent iteration and automation of all available processes, the DevOps approach allows us to minimize the influence of the human factor on the development process. Thus, we, as Devops service providers, ensure a significant reduction in the number of human errors.
  • target

    Stable and predictable result

    The stability of the environment and the development process is the key to a successful and fast deployment. The combination of factors that are the essence of the DevOps approach allows us to expect a predictable development result and guarantee an understandable time frame. This helps our clients stay ahead of their competitors in all value parameters.
  • versatility


    DevOps is the most versatile approach capable of solving any problems in the issue of software development and its optimization. We're ready to outsource devops services and offer you the most flexible options for cooperation. In addition, our DevOps team is not something monolithic, but a structure that is always ready for reshaping. Therefore, we quickly change the size of the team in accordance with the changes in the requirements of our clients.


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Talk to an expert

Try our DevOps consulting services to start delivering and integrating your software seamlessly

Our DevOps services

Since DevOps is a rather loose concept that includes some features of many methodologies, each company has its own unique set of services, by which they imply Devops services meaning. It is in order to give you an understanding of our case that we present to you our Devops services list.

High Quality
DevOps is a methodology that includes details from many other paradigms. Therefore, first of all, it is important to form the correct approach and understanding of what processes will be optimized and executed. It is at this stage that our team of DevOps specialists will take on the task of reviewing your requirements and project details in order to provide you with high-quality devops support services, which will become the foundation of future cooperation.
High Quality
DevOps is a methodology that includes details from many other paradigms. Therefore, first of all, it is important to form the correct approach and understanding of what processes will be optimized and executed. It is at this stage that our team of DevOps specialists will take on the task of reviewing your requirements and project details in order to provide you with high-quality devops support services, which will become the foundation of future cooperation.
Rapid software delivery
By combining the efforts of various departments and different repositories, CodeIT DevOps team has managed to achieve continuous integration between processes. This, in turn, helped to significantly speed up the delivery of services and thereby accelerate the time-to-market for our customers' products. Since most of the processes are automated thanks to the use of API-based tools, new features come out faster, and the delivery process itself has become safer and more profitable.
Improved Containerization
Containerization allows us to achieve a significant increase in the speed of our customers' products and operating systems. Due to the fact that each of the users of the product has its own dedicated container with all the data necessary for work, the number of bugs and errors is also reduced.
Automated infrastructure
Our company actively applies the principle of Infrastructure as a Code, and therefore we, as a devops services company, minimize manual work as much as possible and automate all potential processes, including the work of data centers. We offer the same services to our clients within the framework of our devops solutions and services provision. Automated testing, constant updates, agile data management - all this ultimately allows you to get better software.
Enhanced data security
Our DevOps team increases the security of products by inviting security teams to join the work at the stage of architecture development. In addition, we, being devops as a service company, automate the process of collecting and viewing logs in order to ensure constant monitoring of product performance and reduce the number of possible errors and security breaches to a minimum.

DevOps tools we use

devops tool kubernetes devops tool docker devops tool puppet devops tool capistrano devops tool ansible devops tool deployer devops tool jenkins devops tool terraform devops tool vagrant devops tool bitbucket devops tool openstack devops tool chef

Our DevOps flow

In order for you to better understand what awaits your project in collaboration with our DevOps specialists, we have divided the whole process into several main stages.

write us step 1
Step 1. Project requirements research
Project requirements research
During the provision of our devops assessment services, we conduct an in-depth analysis of your product, its infrastructure, operations, architecture, security, and so on. After that, clear and structured requirements and KPIs are formed, the progress on which will be monitored and constantly updated. At this stage, all stakeholders take part in the discussion.
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Step 2. Our proposal
Our proposal
Based on the previous in-depth analysis of the existing system and discussion of requirements, our team prepares a proposal, which will indicate all details. First of all, these are initial tips regarding the state of any given element of your product. Also, these are recommendations regarding the required number of specialists, budget, and timing.
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Step 3. Launch
Provided that all parties are satisfied with terms, plans, and all previously agreed details, our DevOps team proceeds to fulfill the assigned tasks to optimize and automate existing processes and launch new ones. As Devops development company, we will review the entire architecture, automate testing and work with databases, review security measures and even analyze your corporate culture.
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Step 4. Constant updating and integration
Constant updating and integration
This is when our devops development services really come into play. Throughout the work, our specialists will provide fluent integration of all processes in a single repository. In addition, testing and updating processes will be automated, which will help to avoid most errors and prevent unnecessary events. Due to the fact that all updates and new data will immediately pour into production, developers will be able to receive faster feedback on any changes. This will help them make the pivoting decision and quickly isolate any errors.
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Step 5. Project tracking
Project tracking
At this stage, your software works like a Swiss watch. The last stage is the creation of parameters for tracking the operation of the product in order to receive the fastest possible reports and respond to any problems in time. Due to the fact that our DevOps specialists automate the monitoring and reporting process, you will be able to respond to any changes and security checks reports.


What does a DevOps team do?
Depending on the specifics of the company, the details of the work of DevOps teams may differ. Nevertheless, we can confidently speak for ourselves. Our DevOps team will make a full review of your IT processes and advise you on how to improve them qualitatively. With further collaboration, our DevOps specialists will also automate many processes and implement DevOps practices into your development environment.
Which companies are using DevOps?
Simply put, those who want to be successful. These aren't idle words, according to various studies, the implementation of DevOps practices helps companies to increase the speed of all their processes by 41%. In addition, about 38% of companies surveyed said that the DevOps approach helped them to release a better code
What is DevOps consulting?
This is one of the key services that our company offers. Devops consulting services is a process of allocating a small team of specialists who will review your project, requirements, and technical data in order to create a list of tips and improvements that can be adopted without major changes in the code structure. Thus, devops advisory services from CodeIT help our clients to achieve improvement of their IT processes immediately.

want to know more?


Still thinking about whether to delegate your IT processes to the DevOps team? Contact our manager for further consultation on your case and see what happens!