The paper takes as its point of departure Renaud Barbaras´s reference to the famous principle of ... more The paper takes as its point of departure Renaud Barbaras´s reference to the famous principle of the primacy of objectivation traditionally ascribed to Edmund Husserl, in order to reflect on the non-objectifying character of feeling and the complex relation between feeling and objectivation. Since the very beginnings of the phenomenological movement, the relationship between objectivation, constitution, and intentionality in the sphere of feeling was one of the main points of the phenomenological discussion on affective life. This subject, which has been critically revisited in post-husserlian phenomenology, acquires in Barbaras´s reference a new sense. After discussing Barbaras´s own position and the exact sense of this reference to Husserl in the context of his work Métaphysique du sentiment, we will deal with the following questions: how is feeling related to an object? What does it mean to “have an object”? and What can feeling teach us on the topics of the intentional correlation and the subject´s relationship with objectivity?
El artículo aborda los aspectos centrales de la concepción husserliana de la conciencia volitiva,... more El artículo aborda los aspectos centrales de la concepción husserliana de la conciencia volitiva, atendiendo a su estructura, sus modalidades y sus implicancias éticas. Luego de establecer los lineamientos fundamentales de la fenomenología temprana de la voluntad, se analiza su significado desde el punto de vista de la racionalidad práctica, enfatizando la relación entre la voluntad y lo prácticamente posible. Finalmente, se profundiza el análisis de este vínculo mediante la consideración de la ética tardía.
In spite of the supposed lack of attention paid to it by Husserl in his early works on time, the ... more In spite of the supposed lack of attention paid to it by Husserl in his early works on time, the future is an important topic for phenomenology that gains increasing relevance in his late works. Regarding the experience of the future, phenomenology can approach the subjective possibility of anticipating what is not yet given, both actively and passively. A new perspective on the subject’s relation to the future arises thanks to the consideration of practical phenomena. What is at stake here is the possibility of doing something with what is not yet given. In this sense, our principal concern is to contextualize Husserĺs reference to the relationship between willing and future in the framework of his more general analysis of the future; at the same time, we seek to answer a question that arises in the analysis of time: the problem of novelty, and the possibility of creativity.
Con los números 9 y 10 de Escritos de Filosofía–Segunda serie, los antiguos discípulos de Roberto... more Con los números 9 y 10 de Escritos de Filosofía–Segunda serie, los antiguos discípulos de Roberto Walton han querido dedicar al maestro un número donde se expone y se discute su obra. Han reunido para ello más de veinte trabajos consagrados a una pluralidad de aspectos del pensamiento de Walton, que incluye no solamente a la fenomenología husserliana sino también al diálogo abierto y fructífero con sus herejías, iluminando de este modo un horizonte filosófico multifacético y de singular profundidad. Las contribuciones incluidas en estos dos volúmenes cumplen así con un doble propósito: el merecido homenaje a la enjundia filosófica de Roberto Walton, y una ratificación del espíritu inaugural de Escritos: la confianza en la capacidad de la razón y en la eficacia de una crítica constructiva.
Nº 9: Nº 10:
The paper takes as its point of departure Renaud Barbaras´s reference to the famous principle of ... more The paper takes as its point of departure Renaud Barbaras´s reference to the famous principle of the primacy of objectivation traditionally ascribed to Edmund Husserl, in order to reflect on the non-objectifying character of feeling and the complex relation between feeling and objectivation. Since the very beginnings of the phenomenological movement, the relationship between objectivation, constitution, and intentionality in the sphere of feeling was one of the main points of the phenomenological discussion on affective life. This subject, which has been critically revisited in post-husserlian phenomenology, acquires in Barbaras´s reference a new sense. After discussing Barbaras´s own position and the exact sense of this reference to Husserl in the context of his work Métaphysique du sentiment, we will deal with the following questions: how is feeling related to an object? What does it mean to “have an object”? and What can feeling teach us on the topics of the intentional correlation and the subject´s relationship with objectivity?
El artículo aborda los aspectos centrales de la concepción husserliana de la conciencia volitiva,... more El artículo aborda los aspectos centrales de la concepción husserliana de la conciencia volitiva, atendiendo a su estructura, sus modalidades y sus implicancias éticas. Luego de establecer los lineamientos fundamentales de la fenomenología temprana de la voluntad, se analiza su significado desde el punto de vista de la racionalidad práctica, enfatizando la relación entre la voluntad y lo prácticamente posible. Finalmente, se profundiza el análisis de este vínculo mediante la consideración de la ética tardía.
In spite of the supposed lack of attention paid to it by Husserl in his early works on time, the ... more In spite of the supposed lack of attention paid to it by Husserl in his early works on time, the future is an important topic for phenomenology that gains increasing relevance in his late works. Regarding the experience of the future, phenomenology can approach the subjective possibility of anticipating what is not yet given, both actively and passively. A new perspective on the subject’s relation to the future arises thanks to the consideration of practical phenomena. What is at stake here is the possibility of doing something with what is not yet given. In this sense, our principal concern is to contextualize Husserĺs reference to the relationship between willing and future in the framework of his more general analysis of the future; at the same time, we seek to answer a question that arises in the analysis of time: the problem of novelty, and the possibility of creativity.
Con los números 9 y 10 de Escritos de Filosofía–Segunda serie, los antiguos discípulos de Roberto... more Con los números 9 y 10 de Escritos de Filosofía–Segunda serie, los antiguos discípulos de Roberto Walton han querido dedicar al maestro un número donde se expone y se discute su obra. Han reunido para ello más de veinte trabajos consagrados a una pluralidad de aspectos del pensamiento de Walton, que incluye no solamente a la fenomenología husserliana sino también al diálogo abierto y fructífero con sus herejías, iluminando de este modo un horizonte filosófico multifacético y de singular profundidad. Las contribuciones incluidas en estos dos volúmenes cumplen así con un doble propósito: el merecido homenaje a la enjundia filosófica de Roberto Walton, y una ratificación del espíritu inaugural de Escritos: la confianza en la capacidad de la razón y en la eficacia de una crítica constructiva.
Nº 9: Nº 10:
Con este libro se amplía la investigación sobre la ética de Husserl que Urbano Ferrer había prese... more Con este libro se amplía la investigación sobre la ética de Husserl que Urbano Ferrer había presentado algunos años antes en la sección final de su obra general sobre la fenomenología de Husserl (La trayectoria fenomenológica de Husserl, Pamplona, EUNSA, 2008). Mientras que en aquella obra sólo se exponían introductoriamente los lineamientos básicos del planteo ético husserliano, La ética de Edmund Husserl constituye un extenso trabajo en el que se analizan en detalle los problemas éticos a los que Husserl dedicó gran parte de su obra y que han quedado a la sombra de sus preocupaciones gnoseológicas. En este marco, los autores se proponen un objetivo a la vez modesto y ambicioso: “recoger la doctrina ética de Husserl sin gran aparato crítico y dar a conocer el contenido moral que ella encierra”
La lectura pormenorizada de "Diferencia y repetición" puso de manifiesto la necesidad de estudiar... more La lectura pormenorizada de "Diferencia y repetición" puso de manifiesto la necesidad de estudiar sus fuentes. Y la tarea cobra un interés especial cuando observamos que las referencias de Deleuze no se limitan a los grandes nombres de la filosofía. Una joven promesa de la matemática, un zoólogo destacado, un lingüista aparentemente autodidacta, representan una muestra del objeto de estudio que dio lugar a este libro. En "Deleuze y las fuentes de su filosofía" encontramos el resultado de ese esfuerzo por aproximarse a algo así como una interpretación de "Diferencia y repetición" que comenzó ya hace ocho años. Lo que empezó como un grupo de lectura compuesto por curiosos de la obra de Deleuze fue mutando con el tiempo, hasta su consolidación en la actualidad en un marco institucional. Las ganas de seguir con la tarea anticipan que estamos frente al primero de una serie de estudios sobre el tema.
VII 31st – VIII 4th – 2023 – XIX Congress of the International Association of Women in Philosophy (IAPH), 2023
Since its beginning, phenomenology as a philosophical school has the peculiarity of having been f... more Since its beginning, phenomenology as a philosophical school has the peculiarity of having been formed by a strong feminine presence. From the first and direct students of Husserl in the circle of Göttingen onwards, women in phenomenology have developed fundamental, avant-garde and innovative perspectives. However, their intellectual destiny, their discussion, diffusion and subsequent reception, was not equivalent to that of their male peers. From Edith Stein to Simone de Beauvoir, from Conrad-Marthius to Maria Zambrano, women phenomenologists have elaborated unique and invaluable material, but not always recognized in the framework of international dialogue, neither within nor outside the phenomenological school.
Women philosophers who have also developed the task of commentators, translators or philologists have followed a similar fate: with a work equivalent to that of many of their male colleagues, figures such as Julia Iribarne, Natalie Depraz or Sara Heinämaa also embody a constant and rigorous task of teaching and conceptual development that does not always find an equivalent or sufficient diffusion.
Faced with this tendency, lasting more than a century, in this symposium we will try to shed light on some of these figures, to make them known, to discuss and criticize them, from the perspective of phenomenologists who, already part of a generational change, offer new ways of thinking about the phenomenological school and its possibilities.
The symposium is organized in two main axes: one interdisciplinary on the crossroads of phenomenology and other disciplines, and the other on the fundamental concepts of phenomenology. Anyone who wishes to submit proposals for papers on women authors in the phenomenological tradition is invited to do so. Priority will be given to lesser-known women authors, but proposals for papers on classic subjects developed by women philosophers linked to the phenomenological tradition will also be considered.
1. Constitución y persona, ¿qué modificación?, Mariana Larison, CONICET-UBA-UNGS.
2. Hannah Arendt y su fenomenología de la pluralidad: de Kant a Husserl, Azul T. Katz, CONICET-UBA-UNGS.
3. Sara Paín y Françoise Dolto: hacia una fenomenología del sostén, Jésica Buffone, CONICET – LICH /UNSAM.
4. La fenomenología ontológica de Hedwig Conrad-Martius. Una figura olvidada del cisma fenomenológico, Celia Cabrera, CONICET/Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Buenos Aires.
5. Maternidad y alienación. Un diálogo entre Lucía Piossek Prebisch e Iris Marion Young, Verónica Kretschel, CONICET — UBA.
6. El problema de la empatía en Edith Stein: apuntes para una bioética del dolor, Ivana Sánchez, UNGS-UBA.
7. La feminidad como estilo: Sara Heinämaa sobre Simone de Beauvoir, María Celeste Vecino, Universidad Diego Portales.
8.“El artista actor como potencia inventiva en la fenomenología del teatro de Adelina Castex” Marianela Calleja (UNS-UNISAL-CIF); Alejandro Marquínez (UBA-CIF).
9. “Narrar el cuerpo en la experiencia de la enfermedad: S. de Beauvoir en diálogo con Merleau-Ponty” Mónica Ogando (UBA).
In this paper, I approach Husserl´s perspective on our emotional relation to the future. I do thi... more In this paper, I approach Husserl´s perspective on our emotional relation to the future. I do this by analyzing particularly the notion of "emotional expectation" (Gemütserwartung), a concept used by Husserl in different works and contexts to describe a subject´s direction towards what is coming as an affective tension. My aim is to explore the possible contributions of Husserl´s analysis of the relation between different levels and temporal phases of consciousness to the debate regarding the possibility to focus on present experience and observing emotions.
Papers by Celia Cabrera
Edited Journals by Celia Cabrera
Nº 9:
Nº 10:
Talks by Celia Cabrera
Book Reviews by Celia Cabrera
Nº 9:
Nº 10:
Women philosophers who have also developed the task of commentators, translators or philologists have followed a similar fate: with a work equivalent to that of many of their male colleagues, figures such as Julia Iribarne, Natalie Depraz or Sara Heinämaa also embody a constant and rigorous task of teaching and conceptual development that does not always find an equivalent or sufficient diffusion.
Faced with this tendency, lasting more than a century, in this symposium we will try to shed light on some of these figures, to make them known, to discuss and criticize them, from the perspective of phenomenologists who, already part of a generational change, offer new ways of thinking about the phenomenological school and its possibilities.
The symposium is organized in two main axes: one interdisciplinary on the crossroads of phenomenology and other disciplines, and the other on the fundamental concepts of phenomenology. Anyone who wishes to submit proposals for papers on women authors in the phenomenological tradition is invited to do so. Priority will be given to lesser-known women authors, but proposals for papers on classic subjects developed by women philosophers linked to the phenomenological tradition will also be considered.
1. Constitución y persona, ¿qué modificación?, Mariana Larison, CONICET-UBA-UNGS.
2. Hannah Arendt y su fenomenología de la pluralidad: de Kant a Husserl, Azul T. Katz, CONICET-UBA-UNGS.
3. Sara Paín y Françoise Dolto: hacia una fenomenología del sostén, Jésica Buffone, CONICET – LICH /UNSAM.
4. La fenomenología ontológica de Hedwig Conrad-Martius. Una figura olvidada del cisma fenomenológico, Celia Cabrera, CONICET/Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Buenos Aires.
5. Maternidad y alienación. Un diálogo entre Lucía Piossek Prebisch e Iris Marion Young, Verónica Kretschel, CONICET — UBA.
6. El problema de la empatía en Edith Stein: apuntes para una bioética del dolor, Ivana Sánchez, UNGS-UBA.
7. La feminidad como estilo: Sara Heinämaa sobre Simone de Beauvoir, María Celeste Vecino, Universidad Diego Portales.
8.“El artista actor como potencia inventiva en la fenomenología del teatro de Adelina Castex” Marianela Calleja (UNS-UNISAL-CIF); Alejandro Marquínez (UBA-CIF).
9. “Narrar el cuerpo en la experiencia de la enfermedad: S. de Beauvoir en diálogo con Merleau-Ponty” Mónica Ogando (UBA).