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CARS 2001: Berlin, Germany
- Heinz U. Lemke, Michael W. Vannier, Kiyonari Inamura, Allan G. Farman, Kunio Doi:
CARS 2001. Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery. Proceedings of the 15th International Congress and Exhibition, Berlin, Germany, June 27-30, 2001. International Congress Series 1230, Elsevier 2001, ISBN 0-444-50866-X - Shigeto Watanabe, Jun-ichi Hasegawa, Kensaku Mori, Yoshito Mekada, Shigeru Nawano:
A method for automated extraction of stomach fold regions from abdominal X-ray CT image and its application to virtualized stomachoscopy. CARS 2001: 1-7 - Sascha Däuber, Robert Krempien, Oliver Schorr, Jakob Brief, Stefan Haßfeld, Heinz Wörn:
A volume-based process model for computer-assisted surgery. CARS 2001: 8-13 - Gero Strauß, Christos Trantakis, Dirk Winkler, Tina Geweniger, Martin Bublat, T. Schulz, M. Buecheler, Friedrich Bootz:
Enhanced CAS in head and neck-surgery: evaluation of intraoperative data modality iMRI and sonography. CARS 2001: 14-19 - Yoshitaka Masutani, Fumihiko Kimura:
A new modal representation of liver deformation for non-rigid registration in image-guided surgery. CARS 2001: 20-26 - Daigo Tanaka, Takao Nakajima, Takamichi Hayashi, Makoto Miyake, S. Toyoshima, Hiroaki Chiyokura, Masahiro Kobayashi, Tadashi Fujino:
XVL for medicine: the web-based medical 3D applications. CARS 2001: 27-31 - Ullrich Meier, Francisco Javier García, Nils-Christian Parr, Carlos Monserrat, José Antonio Gil, Vicente Grau, M. Carmen Juan Lizandra, Mariano Alcañiz Raya:
3D surgery trainer with force feedback in minimally invasive surgery. CARS 2001: 32-37 - Ela Sjolie, Jon H. Kaspersen, Jarlis Wesche, Frank Lindseth, Toril A. Nagelhus Hernes:
Minimal invasive abdominal surgery based on ultrasound vision, possible? CARS 2001: 38-43 - Zdzislaw Król, Peter Zerfass, Bartosz von Rymon Lipinski, Thomas Jansen, Wolfgang Hauck, Robert Sader, Hans-Florian Zeilhofer, Erwin Keeve:
Computer assisted osteotomy design for autografts in craniofacial reconstructive surgery. CARS 2001: 44-50 - Matthias Teschner, Sabine Girod, Bernd Girod:
Realistic modeling of elasto-mechanical properties of soft tissue and its evaluation. CARS 2001: 51-56 - Zdenìk Novák, Petr Krupa, Jan Chrastina:
3-D spinal canal reconstruction: virtual reality and postsurgical reality. CARS 2001: 57-61 - Oliver Burgert, Tobias Salb, Tilo Gockel, Rüdiger Dillmann, Stefan Haßfeld, Jakob Brief, Robert Krempien, S. Walz, Joachim Mühling:
A system for facial reconstruction using distraction and symmetry considerations. CARS 2001: 62-67 - Thomas Berlage, Arno Schmitgen, Christoph Schmitz, Armin Welz:
Simulation and planning of minimally invasive coronary artery bypass surgery. CARS 2001: 68-72 - Peter Zerfass, Erwin Keeve:
Towards a virtual environment for biomechanical simulation. CARS 2001: 73-78 - Kevin Montgomery, Wm. LeRoy Heinrichs, Cynthia Bruyns, Simon Wildermuth, Christopher J. Hasser, Stephanie Ozenne, David Bailey:
Surgical simulator for diagnostic and operative hysteroscopy. CARS 2001: 79-86 - Thomas van Reimersdahl, Ingolf Hörschler, Andreas Gerndt, Torsten W. Kuhlen, Matthias Meinke, Georg Schlöndorff, Wolfgang Schröder, Christian H. Bischof:
Airflow simulation inside a model of the human nasal cavity in a virtual reality based rhinological operation planning system. CARS 2001: 87-92 - Gabriele Wurm, Willibald Wies, Mathilde Schnizer, Karin Nussbaumer, Kurt Holl:
Image guidance and functional evaluation in epilepsy surgery and lesional surgery. CARS 2001: 93-98 - Kurt Holl, Willibald Wies, Gabriele Wurm:
Clinical benefit of image guidance in neurosurgery. CARS 2001: 99-101 - Pierre Jannin, Mélanie Raimbault, Xavier Morandi, E. Seigneuret, Bernard Gibaud:
Design of a neurosurgical procedure model for multimodal image-guided surgery. CARS 2001: 102-106 - Marc Liévin, Erwin Keeve:
Stereoscopic augmented reality system for computer-assisted surgery. CARS 2001: 107-111 - Hilary J. Holz, Daniel B. Russakoff, Hamid Reza Abbasi, Daniel H. Kim, Gary Steinberg, Ramin Shahidi:
Expected versus observed error in a computer-aided navigation system for spine surgery. CARS 2001: 112-116 - Ichiro Sakuma, Yasuyoshi Tanaka, Yuichi Takai, Etsuko Kobayashi, Takeyoshi Dohi, Oliver Schorr, Nobuhiko Hata, Hiroshi Iseki, Yoshihiro Muragaki, Tomokatsu Hori, Kintomo Takakura:
Three-dimensional digital ultrasound imaging system for surgical navigation*1. CARS 2001: 117-122 - Yoshinobu Sato, Hiraku Tsuchiya, Sadato Yoden, Manabu Tamura, Masahiro Kawamoto, Takeshi Kubo, Takashi Fujikado, Shinichi Tamura:
A simple method of cranial tracking for conscious patients and its application to computer-assisted endoscopic sinus surgery under local anesthesia. CARS 2001: 123-130 - Martin Klein, Tim C. Lüth, Andreas Hein, Malte Stien, Olaf Schermeier, Stefan Weber, H. Menneking, Oliver Schwerdtner, Jürgen Bier:
Robot-assisted insertion of craniofacial implants - clinical experience. CARS 2001: 131-137 - B. Plinkert, Peter K. Plinkert:
Robotics in skull base surgery. CARS 2001: 138-142 - Kazutoshi Kan, Masakatsu G. Fujie, Fujio Tajima, Kouji Nishizawa, Toshikazu Kawai, Ako Shose, Kintomo Takakura, Shigeaki Kobayashi, Takeyoshi Dohi:
Development of HUMAN system with three micromanipulators for minimally invasive neurosurgery. CARS 2001: 143-148 - Etsuko Kobayashi, Kim Daeyong, Ichiro Sakuma, Takeyoshi Dohi:
A new wide-angle view endoscopic robot using wedge prisms. CARS 2001: 149-153 - Wolfgang Birkfellner, Michael Figl, Klaus Huber, Franz Watzinger, Felix Wanschitz, Rudolf Hanel, Johann Hummel, Rolf Ewers, Helmar Bergmann:
Calibration of a head-mounted operating microscope for augmented reality visualization in CAS. CARS 2001: 154-159 - Jelle P. Ruurda, Ivo A. M. J. Broeders:
Feasibility of robot-assisted laparoscopic cholecystectomy. CARS 2001: 160-165 - Atsushi Nishikawa, Toshinori Hosoi, Kengo Koara, Ayae Hikita, Daiji Negoro, Shuichi Asano, Fumio Miyazaki, Mitsugu Sekimoto, Yasuhiro Miyake, Masayoshi Yasui, Morito Monden:
A laparoscope positioning system with the surgeon's face image-based human-machine interface. CARS 2001: 166-173 - Kevin Cleary, Sumiyo Onda, Filip Banovac, David Lindisch, Neil D. Glossop, Lei Jiang, Sheng Xu, Alexandru Patriciu, Dan Stoianovici:
CT-directed robotic biopsy testbed: user interface and coordinate transformations. CARS 2001: 174-183 - Bartosz von Rymon Lipinski, Thomas Jansen, Zdzislaw Król, Lutz Ritter, Erwin Keeve:
JULIUS - an extendable application framework for medical visualization and surgical planning. CARS 2001: 184-189 - Jeremy Johnson, Ömer Oralkan, Kambiz Kaviani, Utkan Demirci, Mustafa Karaman, Pierre Khuri-Yakub:
An ultrasonic volumetric scanner for image-guided surgery. CARS 2001: 190-196 - Roberto Cioni, Nicola Armillotta, Stefano Marchetti, Vincenzo Consoli, Carlo Bartolozzi:
Osteoid osteoma: CT-guided radio-frequency ablation. CARS 2001: 197-202 - Lawrence Clarke, Richard D. Bucholz, Henry Fuchs, Ron Kikinis, Richard A. Robb, Ramin Shahidi, Michael W. Vannier:
White Paper: challenges and opportunities in computer-assisted interventions. CARS 2001: 203-209 - Céline Paloc, Richard Kitney, Fernando Bello, Ara Darzi:
Virtual reality surgical training and assessment system. CARS 2001: 210-217 - Lennart Thurfjell, J. McLaughlin, Alan Liu, Christoph Kaufmann, G. Rolfsson:
A simulator for training airway management in advanced trauma life support. CARS 2001: 218-224 - Michael Wehmöller, Stefan Haßfeld, Nils-Claudius Gellrich, Stephan Weihe, H. C. Wehmöller, H. Meier, Harald Eufinger:
Resection of skull bone supported by navigation and robotics. CARS 2001: 225-229 - Harald Eufinger, Albert R. M. Wittkampf, Alexander Schramm, Stephan Weihe, Christian Rasche, Michael Wehmöller:
The use of individual surgical templates in computer-assisted surgery. CARS 2001: 230-234 - Christopher Nimsky, Oliver Ganslandt, Jan Gralla, Bernd Tomandl, Helmut Kober, Peter Hastreiter, Michael Buchfelder, Rudolf Fahlbusch:
Intraoperative low-field MR imaging in neurosurgery - experience in 300 patients. CARS 2001: 235-239 - Hamid Reza Abbasi, Shao Chin, Daniel H. Kim, Gary Steinberg, Ramin Shahidi:
Computerized lateral endoscopic approach to spinal pathologies. CARS 2001: 240-247 - H. Varvaro, M. Carmen Juan Lizandra, Mariano Alcañiz Raya, Carlos Monserrat, Vicente Grau, José Antonio Gil:
Digital microscope with augmented reality for neurosurgery. CARS 2001: 248-253 - Frank Lindseth, Steinar Ommedal, Jon Bang, Geirmund Unsgård, Toril A. Nagelhus Hernes:
Image fusion of ultrasound and MRI as an aid for assessing anatomical shifts and improving overview and interpretation in ultrasound-guided neurosurgery. CARS 2001: 254-260 - Stephan B. Sobottka, R. Steinmeier, B. Beuthien-Baumann, Dirk Mucha, Gabriele Schackert:
Evaluation of automatic multimodality fusion technique of PET and MRI/CT images for computer assisted brain tumor surgery. CARS 2001: 261-267 - Oliver Fleig, Frederic Devernay, Jean-Marie Scarabin, Pierre Jannin:
Surface reconstruction of the surgical field from stereoscopic microscope views in neurosurgery. CARS 2001: 268-274 - Kazuhiro Hongo, Yukinari Kakizawa, Jun-ichi Koyama, Kazutoshi Kan, Kouji Nishizawa, Fujio Tajima, Masakatsu G. Fujie, Shigeaki Kobayashi:
Microscopic-manipulator system for minimally invasive neurosurgery: preliminary study for clinical application. CARS 2001: 275-280 - Takashi Maruyama, Yoshihiro Muragaki, Hiroshi Iseki, Osami Kubo, Makoto Mochizuki, Shinichirou Seo, Ichiro Sakuma, Tomokatsu Hori, Kintomo Takakura:
Intraoperative detection of malignant gliomas using 5-Aminolevulinic acid-induced protoporphyrin fluorescence, openMRI and real-time navigation system. CARS 2001: 281-286 - Christos Trantakis, V. Seifert, Dirk Winkler, Claudia Dannenberg, Gero Strauß, Martin Bublat:
Functional neuronavigation and intraoperative MR-imaging in brain tumour surgery - Interdisciplinary Study Group of Surgical Navigation. CARS 2001: 287-291 - Heinrich M. Overhoff, Djordje Lazovic, M. Liebing, Ch. Macher:
Total knee arthroplasty: coordinate system definition and planning based on 3-D ultrasound image volumes. CARS 2001: 292-299 - Kathleen Denis, Geert Van Ham, Jos Vander Sloten, Remi Van Audekercke, Georges Van der Perre, Joris De Schutter, J. P. Kruth, Johan Bellemans, Guy Fabry:
Influence of bone milling parameters on the temperature rise, milling forces and surface flatness in view of robot-assisted total knee arthroplasty. CARS 2001: 300-306 - Ofer Ron, Leo Joskowicz, Ariel Simkin, Charles Milgrom:
Computer-based periaxial rotation measurement for aligning fractured femur fragments. CARS 2001: 307-313 - Brigitte M. Jolles, Patrick Genoud, Pierre Hoffmeyer:
Accuracy of computer-assisted cup placement in total hip arthroplasty. CARS 2001: 314-318 - Nobuhiko Sugano, Toshihiko Sasama, Yoshikazu Nakajima, Yoshinobu Sato, Takashi Nishii, T. Iida, K. Nakagawa, Keiro Ono, Shunsaku Nishihara, Shinichi Tamura, Kazuo Yonenobu, Takahiro Ochi:
Effects of CT threshold value to make a surface bone model on accuracy of shape-based registration in a CT-based navigation system for hip surgery. CARS 2001: 319-324 - Heinz Handels, Jan Ehrhardt, Bernd Strathmann, Werner Plötz, Siegfried J. Pöppl:
An orthopaedic atlas for the 3D operation planning and the virtual construction of endoprostheses in computer assisted orthopaedic surgery. CARS 2001: 325-330 - Ting Wu, G. Müller, Erik Schkommodau, Klaus Radermacher, Frank Langlotz, Günther Rau:
Design of a web-based medical database for computer-assisted orthopedic surgery. CARS 2001: 331-337 - Dejan Tomazevic, Bostjan Likar, Franjo Pernus:
Gradient-based registration of 3D MR and 2D X-ray images. CARS 2001: 338-345 - Ernest J. Feleppa, Jeffrey A. Ketterling, Andrew Kalisz, Stella Urban, Christopher R. Porter, John W. Gillespie, Peter B. Schiff, Ronald D. Ennis, Cheng-Shie Wuu, William R. Fair:
Advanced ultrasonic tissue-typing and imaging based on radio-frequency spectrum analysis and neural-network classification for guidance of therapy and biopsy procedures. CARS 2001: 346-351 - Yoshinobu Sato, Katsuyuki Nakanishi, Hisashi Tanaka, Nobuhiko Sugano, Takashi Nishii, Hironobu Nakamura, Takahiro Ochi, Shinichi Tamura:
A fully automated method for segmentation and thickness determination of hip joint cartilage from 3D MR data. CARS 2001: 352-358 - Reza Aghaeizadeh Zoroofi, Takashi Nishii, Yoshinobu Sato, Nobuhiko Sugano, Hideki Yoshikawa, Shinichi Tamura:
Segmentation of avascular necrosis of the femoral head from 3D MR images. CARS 2001: 359-364 - Torsten Rohlfing, Calvin R. Maurer Jr., Jürgen Beier:
Reduction of motion artifacts in three-dimensional CT-DSA using constrained adaptive multilevel free-form registration. CARS 2001: 365-371 - Bernard Gibaud, Olivier Dameron, Xavier Morandi:
Representing and sharing numeric and symbolic knowledge of brain cortex anatomy using web technology. CARS 2001: 372-378 - Charles E. Kahn Jr.:
Architecture for integration of probabilistic knowledge with digital image libraries. CARS 2001: 379-383 - Jürgen Beier, Tom Tesche:
Navigation and interaction in medical knowledge spaces using topic maps. CARS 2001: 384-388 - Rafael Wiemker, Vladimir Pekar:
Fast computation of isosurface contour spectra for volume visualization. CARS 2001: 389-394 - Andrea Giachetti, Massimiliano Tuveri, Gianluigi Zanetti, E. Piccinini:
Web-based 3D quantitative measurements of abdominal aortic aneurysms. CARS 2001: 395-400 - Horst K. Hahn, Markus G. Lentschig, M. Deimling, Burckhard Terwey, Heinz-Otto Peitgen:
MRI-based volumetry of intra- and extracerebral liquor spaces. CARS 2001: 401-407 - Michael Graß, Holger Schmitt, Volker Rasche, S. Hähnel, Oliver Schramm, M. Hartmann, K. Sartor:
A method for 3D flow determination based on X-ray rotational angiography. CARS 2001: 408-414 - Klaus D. Tönnies, Manfred Hinz, Regina Pohle:
Rendering and interaction in co-operative 3-D image analysis. CARS 2001: 415-421 - Siegfried V. N. Jaecques, Els De Smet, Martine Wevers, Jos Vander Sloten, Georges Van der Perre, Ignace Naert:
Feasibility of monitoring bone remodelling around loaded percutaneous tibial implants in guinea pigs by in vivo microfocus computed tomography. CARS 2001: 422-428 - Stefan Wirth, Ekkehard Euler, Ulrich Linsenmaier, Clemens Rock, Dorothea Kotsianos, Roland Brandl, Wolf Mutschler, Klaus Jürgen Pfeifer:
C-arm based computed tomography - A comparative study. CARS 2001: 429-435 - Manuela Aschauer, Rudolf Stollberger, K. A. Hausegger, J. Raith, S. Doder, Franz Ebner:
Value of blood pool contrast agent in magnetic resonance venography (MRV) of the lower extremities and pelvis. CARS 2001: 436-440 - Yoshito Mekada, Masao Kasuga, Jun-ichi Hasegawa, Shigeru Nawano:
Visualization of three-dimensional stomach shapes for virtual observation. CARS 2001: 441-446 - Kensaku Mori, Yoshiaki Hoshino, Yasuhito Suenaga, Jun-ichiro Toriwaki, Jun-ichi Hasegawa, Kazuhiro Katada:
An improved method for generating virtual stretched view of stomach based on shape deformation. CARS 2001: 447-453 - Kensaku Mori, Yuichiro Hayashi, Jun-ichiro Toriwaki, Yasuhito Suenaga, Jun-ichi Hasegawa:
A method for specifying unobserved regions in virtual endoscopy system. CARS 2001: 454-461 - Huey Jen Lee, Clay Hinrichs, Soly Baredes, Paul Bolanowski, Tzu-lung Ho:
The role of CT virtual endoscopy for evaluation of the airway. CARS 2001: 462-468 - Roel Truyen, Bert Verdonck, Thomas Deschamps, Philippe Lefere, Stefan Gryspeerdt:
Efficacy of automatic path tracking in virtual colonoscopy. CARS 2001: 469-474 - Peter M. A. van Ooijen, Arie Munne, Marco T. C. Hoedt, Matthijs Oudkerk:
Three-dimensional volume rendered CT for preparation and evaluation of endovascular treatment of popliteal aneurysms. CARS 2001: 475-482 - W. Arkhurst, Andreas Pommert, Ernst Richter, H. Frederking, S. I. Kim, Rainer Schubert, Karl Heinz Höhne:
A virtual reality training system for pediatric sonography. CARS 2001: 483-487 - Arne Hengerer, Thomas Mertelmeier, Douglas Wagenaar:
Medical imaging beyond the Human Genome Project. CARS 2001: 488-491 - Grigorios Karangelis, Nikolaos Zamboglou:
CT-based virtual simulation for external beam radiation therapy. CARS 2001: 492-499 - Takuro Arimoto, Akira Yamazaki, Tooru Matsuzawa, Wataru Ichimura, Ken Nishioka, Hiroki Shirato:
Computer-controlled, image-guided, new conformal radiotherapy for advanced head and neck cancer: Results of AcMAR (Accelerated Multiple-arc Radiotherapy) study in Kitami Red Cross General Hospital. CARS 2001: 500-505 - M. Hilbig, Robert Hanne, Peter Kneschaurek, J. Wilkens, F. Zimmermann, Achim Schweikard:
Inverse radiotherapy treatment planning for intensity-modulated beams using the linear programming method. CARS 2001: 506-513 - Taeko T. Farman, Z. Chen, Zafrulla Khan, A. H. Friedlander, L. C. Carter, Allan G. Farman:
Image characteristics of digital panoramic radiography-potential for computer-aided diagnosis of calcified carotid atheromatous plaque. CARS 2001: 514-519 - Ziv Yaniv, Leo Joskowicz:
Long bone panoramas from fluoroscopic X-ray images. CARS 2001: 520-525 - F. Diekmann, Peter Heinlein, Johann Drexl, S. Grebe, Achim Gössler, Wilfried Schneider, B. Hamm:
Visualization of microcalcifications by full-field digital mammography using a wavelet algorithm. CARS 2001: 526-530 - Bert Verdonck, R. Nijlunsing, N. Melman, H. Geijer:
Image quality and X-ray dose for translation reconstruction overview imaging of the spine, colon and legs. CARS 2001: 531-537 - David J. Getty, Ronald M. Pickett, Carl J. D'Orsi:
Stereoscopic digital mammography: improving detection and diagnosis of breast cancer. CARS 2001: 538-544 - Tomoko Matsubara, D. Yamazaki, Masaya Kato, Takeshi Hara, Hiroshi Fujita, Takuji Iwase, Tokiko Endo:
An automated classification scheme for mammograms based on amount and distribution of fibroglandular breast tissue density. CARS 2001: 545-552 - Esther Ristori, Francisco Sendra, Enrique Nava, Manuel Martínez-Morillo:
Interactive segmentation of masses in digitized mammograms: observer variability and discriminative applications. CARS 2001: 553-559 - Yuji Hatanaka, Takeshi Hara, Hiroshi Fujita, Satoshi Kasai, Tokiko Endo, Takuji Iwase:
An automated detection method of mammographic masses existing around thick-mammary-gland and near chest-wall regions. CARS 2001: 560-566 - Takeshi Hara, Akitsugu Yamada, Hiroshi Fujita, Norimitsu Shinohara, Katsuhei Horita, Takuji Iwase, Tokiko Endo:
Contrast correction method for detecting microcalcifications on mammograms by using step-wedge index. CARS 2001: 567-572 - Peter Heinlein, Johann Drexl, Achim Gössler, S. Janssen, Wilfried Schneider:
An integrated approach to computer-assisted diagnosis in digital mammography. CARS 2001: 573-578 - B. Allen, S. Worrell, M. Collins, R. Mitchell, S. Rogers:
Second Look microcalcification detection and classification. CARS 2001: 579-585 - Wouter J. H. Veldkamp, Nico Karssemeijer, Jan H. C. L. Hendriks:
Experiments with radiologists and a fully automated method for characterization of microcalcification clusters. CARS 2001: 586-592 - Paul Taylor, Eugenio Alberdi, Richard Lee:
Incorporating radiological knowledge in a CAD system. CARS 2001: 593-598 - Kazuyoshi Hidaka, Yasuhiko Okura, Takeshi Johkoh, Seiki Hamada, Noriyuki Tomiyama, Osamu Honda, Takenori Kozuka, N. Mihara, Mitsuhiro Koyama, Mitsuko Tsubamoto, M. Maeda, Kiyonari Inamura, Hironobu Nakamura, Keiichi Fujiwara, H. Saki:
Time study of computer aided diagnosis - a preliminary results on temporal subtraction. CARS 2001: 599-604 - Hotaka Takizawa, Shinji Yamamoto, Toru Matsumoto, Yukio Tateno, Takeshi Iinuma, Mitsuomi Matsumoto:
Recognition of lung nodules from X-ray CT images using 3D MRF models. CARS 2001: 605-614 - Mitsuru Kubo, Tokunori Yamamoto, Yoshiki Kawata, Noboru Niki, Kenji Eguchi, Hironobu Ohmatsu, Ryutaro Kakinuma, Masahiro Kaneko, Masahiko Kusumoto, Noriyuki Moriyama, Kensaku Mori, Hiroyuki Nishiyama:
CAD system to support comparative reading for lung cancer based on helical CT images. CARS 2001: 615-620 - Maryellen L. Giger, Samuel G. Armato III:
Current status and future direction of computer-aided diagnosis in chest CT. CARS 2001: 621-630 - Noboru Niki, Yoshiki Kawata, Mitsuru Kubo:
A CAD system for lung cancer based on CT image. CARS 2001: 631-638 - Carol L. Novak, Li Fan, Jian Zhong Qian, Gerhard Kohl, David P. Naidich:
An interactive system for CT lung nodule identification and examination. CARS 2001: 639-645 - Shinji Yamamoto, Hotaka Takizawa, Hao Jiang, Tohru Nakagawa, Toru Matsumoto, Yukio Tateno, Takeshi Iinuma, Mitsuomi Matsumoto:
A CAD system for lung cancer screening test by X-ray CT. CARS 2001: 646-652 - Rafael Wiemker, André Zwartkruis:
Optimal thresholding for 3D segmentation of pulmonary nodules in high resolution CT. CARS 2001: 653-658 - Yasushi Hirano, Jun-ichi Hasegawa, Jun-ichiro Toriwaki, Hironobu Ohmatsu, Kenji Eguchi:
Extraction of tumor regions keeping boundary shape information from chest X-ray CT images and benign/malignant discrimination. CARS 2001: 659-664 - Ingmar Bitter, Arie E. Kaufman, Mark Wax:
Fully automatic extraction of the colon centerline and its impact on a virtual colonoscopy system. CARS 2001: 665-668 - Ronald M. Summers, Anna K. Jerebko, Marek Franaszek, James D. Malley:
An integrated system for computer-aided diagnosis in CT colonography: work in progress. CARS 2001: 669-675 - Janne Näppi, Abraham H. Dachman, P. M. MacEneaney, Hiroyuki Yoshida:
Computer-aided detection of polyps in CT colonography: evaluation of volumetric features in differentiating polyps from false positives. CARS 2001: 676-681 - Tilo Gockel, Tobias Salb, Tim Weyrich, Oliver Burgert, Rüdiger Dillmann:
Interactive simulation of teeth cleaning. CARS 2001: 682-688 - B. Kordaß, Ch. Gärtner:
The virtual articulator-concept and development of VR-tools to analyse the dysfunction of dental occlusion. CARS 2001: 689-694 - Allan G. Farman, James P. Scheetz, P. D. Eleazer, M. J. Edge, L. Gettleman, R. D. Morant, S. Limrachtamorn, K. Yamamoto:
Tuned-aperture computed tomography accuracy in tomosynthetic assessment for dental procedures. CARS 2001: 695-699 - Predrag Sukovic, Sharon Brooks, Luis Perez, Neal H. Clinthorne:
DentoCAT - a novel design of a cone-beam CT scanner for dentomaxillofacial imaging: introduction and preliminary results. CARS 2001: 700-705 - Shinobu Befu, Hitoshi Tsunashima, Yoshinori Arai:
A study on the three-dimensional image processing method for 3DX Multi Image Micro CT. CARS 2001: 706-712 - Yoshinori Arai, Kazuya Honda, Kazuo Iwai, Koji Shinoda:
Practical model "3DX" of limited cone-beam X-ray CT for dental use. CARS 2001: 713-718 - H. Umar:
A Markov process in clinical dentistry: the prosthodontic cycle. CARS 2001: 719-725 - Matthias Schneider, Uwe Eckelt, G. Lauer, Volker Hietschold:
Frameless intraoperative navigation and referencing in maxillofacial surgery - advances and limitations. CARS 2001: 726-732 - S. van Foreest-Timp:
Iso-surface volume rendering for implant surgery. CARS 2001: 733-738 - Jakob Brief, Stefan Haßfeld, U. Sonnenfeld, N. Persky, Robert Krempien, Martina Treiber, Joachim Mühling:
Computer-guided insertion of dental implants - a clinical evaluation. CARS 2001: 739-747 - Olaf Schermeier, D. Hildebrand, Tim C. Lüth, Andreas Hein, Daniel Szymanski, Jürgen Bier:
Accuracy of an image-guided system for oral implantology. CARS 2001: 748-752 - Heinz Wörn, Joachim Mühling:
Computer- and robot-based operation theatre of the future in cranio-facial surgery. CARS 2001: 753-759 - Brent J. Liu, Fei Cao, Jianguo Zhang, H. K. Huang, Michael Z. Zhou, Gregory Mogel:
Fault-tolerant PACS server design and evaluation. CARS 2001: 760-766 - T. Kauppinen, Hanna Pohjonen, R. Laakkonen, Outi Sipilä, Päivi Nikkinen, I. Sippo-Tujunen, Petteri Välimäki, Mika Kortesniemi, Sauli Savolainen, J. Kinnunen:
PACS: a prerequisite for image fusion in nuclear medicine. CARS 2001: 767-772 - Tzong-Jer Chen, Keh-Shih Chuang:
A new image compression method using noise bit removal. CARS 2001: 773-778 - F. Verhelle, K. Vanneste, R. Van den Broeck, C. Goossens, Michel Osteaux:
DVD-storage technology for PACS: report on 2 years of experience. CARS 2001: 779-784 - Hiroshi Kondoh, Hiromu Nishitani, Takeshi Washiashi:
Users' behavior and performance of general-purpose color CRT monitors of PACS in the wards. CARS 2001: 785-790 - R. Van den Broeck, F. Verhelle, R. Van de Velde, Michel Osteaux:
Integrated use of the DICOM fields information within HIS-RIS: an added value by PACS in hospital wide patient management. CARS 2001: 791-794 - Jörg Riesmeier, Marco Eichelberg, Klaus Kleber, Herman Oosterwijk, S. von Gehlen, Dietrich H. W. Grönemeyer, Peter Jensch:
DICOM Structured Reporting - a prototype implementation. CARS 2001: 795-800 - Jarmo Reponen, Jaakko Niinimäki, T. Leinonen, J. Korpelainen, J. Oikarinen, E. Vierimaa:
Linking a web based electronic patient record with a DICOM PACS. CARS 2001: 801-804 - Michel Feron, Erwin Bellon, Mark Vanautgaerden, Tom Deprez, Herman Pauwels, Willy Reviers, Brigitte Draelants, Swa Ghys, André De Deurwaerder, Werner Aerts, Paul Suetens, Guy Marchal, Bart Van den Bosch:
Practical aspects of HIS/PACS integration with emphasis on radiological workflow. CARS 2001: 805-811 - Erwin Bellon, Michel Feron, Mark Vanautgaerden, Werner Aerts, Paul Suetens, Guy Marchal, Bart Van den Bosch:
Tight integration of a commercial PACS viewer as a component within a multimedia clinical viewing station. CARS 2001: 812-819 - O. Baujard, Jean-Christophe Staub, D. Blot, David Bandon, Yves Ligier:
DICOM and XML: union makes strength. CARS 2001: 820-823 - Kevin M. McNeill, Gail P. Barker, Judy McElroy:
Experience using an ASP model to expand a state-initiated telemedicine program. CARS 2001: 824-829 - Jonas Punys, Vytenis Punys, Jurate Puniene, Marco Eichelberg, Jörg Riesmeier, Peter Jensch, Didier Lemoine, Nandor Balogh:
X-ray angio cineloop processing and tele-distribution. CARS 2001: 830-836 - Kiyofumi Haneda, Tokuo Umeda, Tadashi Koyama, Hajime Harauchi, Kiyonari Inamura:
Methodology development for quantitative optimization of security enhancement in medical information system - case study in RIS and multi-institutional radiotherapy database. CARS 2001: 837-843 - Uwe Engelmann, Andre Schröter, Erik Borälv, Tilman Schweitzer, Hans-Peter Meinzer:
Mobile teleradiology: all images everywhere. CARS 2001: 844-850 - Robert Sigal, P. Petrow, A. Loshkajian, C. Dromain, M. Elkhoury, F. Khalfaoui, A. Bisdorff, A. S. Hennebique, V. Berkane, M. Albiter, M. Sabatini, A. Jaw:
The use of a PACS in an electronic publication. CARS 2001: 851-854 - Rainer Wedekind, Regina Rösler:
The SaxTeleMed model programme - requirements and goals from the standpoint of the Ministry of Health of Saxony. CARS 2001: 855-860 - H. Heuser, G. Gerlach, T. Pollack, W. Niederlag:
Technology basis supporting regional cooperation of hospitals and medical centers. CARS 2001: 861-866 - A. Schurig, H. Heuser, Rainer Wedekind:
Introduction of the health professional card into the SAXTELEMED-Project. CARS 2001: 867-871 - G. Haroske, J. Hensel, W. Niederlag, S. Hummel, K. Brauchli, M. Oberholzer:
Point-to-point versus web-based telepathology in intra-operative diagnostics. CARS 2001: 872-878 - Michel Osteaux:
Reengineering image distribution to requesting physician for a digital environment. CARS 2001: 879-883 - J. Beier, U. Golze, T. Stach, T. Tesche, D. Cosic:
An XML-based meta-language for dynamical generation of clinical documents within hospital information systems. CARS 2001: 884-888 - Ingeborg Schramm, Volker Weber:
Incremental EHR introduction considering the situation in health care and the current standards under development. CARS 2001: 889-894 - Steffen Märkle, Kai Köchy, René Tschirley, Heinz U. Lemke:
The PREPaRe system - patient-oriented access to the "personal electronic medical record". CARS 2001: 895-901 - Milan Sonka:
Cardiovascular image analysis: past, present and future. CARS 2001: 902-908 - Joeri Christiaens, Rik Van de Walle, P. Gheeraert, Yves Taeymans, Ignace Lemahieu:
Determination of optimal angiographic viewing angles for QCA. CARS 2001: 909-915 - Jouke Dijkstra, Gerhard Koning, Joan C. Tuinenburg, Pranobe V. Oemrawsingh, Clemens von Birgelen, Johan H. C. Reiber:
Automatic border detection in IntraVascular UltraSound images for quantitative measurements of the vessel, lumen and stent parameters. CARS 2001: 916-922 - Andreas Wahle, Steven C. Mitchell, Sharan D. Ramaswamy, Krishnan B. Chandran, Milan Sonka:
Visualization of human coronary arteries with quantification results from 3-D and 4-D computational hemodynamics based upon virtual endoscopy. CARS 2001: 923-929 - W.-R. Dix, T. Dill, W. Kupper, M. Lohmann, B. Reime, R. Ventura:
Intravenous coronary angiography with synchrotron radiation. CARS 2001: 930-935 - Oliver Ziermann, Thorsten Klein, Dietrich Meyer-Ebrecht:
Tracking of active contours in echocardiographic sequences using motion features. CARS 2001: 936-940 - Hans G. Bosch, Steven C. Mitchell, Boudewijn P. F. Lelieveldt, Francisca Nijland, Otto Kamp, Milan Sonka, Johan H. C. Reiber:
Active Appearance - Motion Models for fully automated endocardial contour detection in time sequences of echocardiograms. CARS 2001: 941-947 - Ivo Wolf, Raffaele De Simone, Gerald-P. Glombitza, Hans-Peter Meinzer:
EchoAnalyzer - a system for three-dimensional echocardiographic visualization and quantification. CARS 2001: 948-953 - Cyril F. Allouche, Shérif Makram-Ebeid, Matthias Stuber, Nicholas Ayache, Herve Delingette:
New methods and algorithms for the accurate, real-time motion analysis of the left ventricle with MRI-tagging. CARS 2001: 954-960 - Boudewijn P. F. Lelieveldt, Steven C. Mitchell, Rob J. van der Geest, Hans G. Bosch, Milan Sonka, Johan H. C. Reiber:
Time continuous segmentation of cardiac MR images using Active Appearance Motion Models. CARS 2001: 961-966 - Marcel Breeuwer, Marcel J. Quist, Luuk J. Spreeuwers, Ingo Paetsch, N. Al-Saadi, Eike Nagel:
Towards automatic quantitative analysis of cardiac MR perfusion images. CARS 2001: 967-973 - Jorrit A. Schaap, Patrick J. H. de Koning, Rob J. van der Geest, Johan H. C. Reiber:
3D Quantification and visualization of MRA. CARS 2001: 974-980 - R. Guzman, Helmut Oswald, A. Barth, Patrick J. H. de Koning, Luca Remonda, Karl-Olof Lövblad, Gerhard Schroth:
Clinical validation of quantitative carotid MRA. CARS 2001: 981-985 - Robert G. Belleman, Peter M. A. Sloot:
Simulated vascular reconstruction in a virtual operating theatre. CARS 2001: 986-992 - Guido P. M. Prause, Dirk Selle, Heinz-Otto Peitgen:
Morphometric and structural analysis of vasculature in volumetric images. CARS 2001: 993-999 - Hugo G. Bogren, Michael H. Buonocore:
Four-D blood flow patterns in the thoracic aorta in patients with CAD compared to age-matched normal subjects. CARS 2001: 1000-1004 - Dirk Bartz, Özlem Gürvit, Martina Lanzendörfer, Andreas Kopp, Andreas Küttner, Wolfgang Straßer:
Virtual endoscopy for cardio vascular exploration. CARS 2001: 1005-1009 - Dietrich G. W. Onnasch, F.-K. Schmiel, H.-H. Kramer:
Problems in quantitative evaluations of biplane X-ray angiocardiograms. CARS 2001: 1010-1016 - Paul Swain:
Endoscopic gastroplasty for the treatment of GERD. CARS 2001: 1017-1019 - A. Austad, Ole Jakob Elle, Jan Sigurd Røtnes:
Computer-aided planning of trocar placement and robot settings in robot-assisted surgery. CARS 2001: 1020-1026 - Heike Raestrup, K. Roth, K. Manncke, Gerhard F. Buess:
Advanced phantoms for training in minimally invasive surgery. CARS 2001: 1027-1031 - Jan Sigurd Røtnes, Johannes Kaasa, Geir Westgaard, Eivind Myrold Eriksen, Per Øyvind Hvidsten, Kyrre Strøm, Vidar Sørhus, Yvon Halbwachs, Ole Jakob Elle, Erik Fosse:
Realism in surgical simulators with free-form geometric modeling. CARS 2001: 1032-1037 - S. Dobrosavljevic, R. Welter:
TeleMEDiana - telesurgery and telemedicine via satellite networks. CARS 2001: 1038-1043 - Joachim Gross, Gerhard F. Buess:
VR models for surgical training with realistic biophysical properties. CARS 2001: 1044-1051 - W. Kunert, T. Kees, Heike Raestrup, Gerhard F. Buess:
The shadow telescope vs. 3-D video system - evaluation in standardised tasks. CARS 2001: 1052-1055 - Markus George, Heike Raestrup, Ludger Schnieder, Gerhard F. Buess:
Optical coherence microscopy for columnar and squamous epithelium discrimination: potential and clinical applicability. CARS 2001: 1056-1063 - Michael Bock, Steffen Volz, Sven Zühlsdorff, Hans-Joachim Zabel, Reiner Umathum, Wolfhard Semmler:
Optimised real time catheter tracking on a conventional MR Scanner. CARS 2001: 1064-1069 - Piero Rossi, Francesco M. Danza, V. M. Stolfi, Nicola Di Lorenzo, Giorgio Coscarella, A. Manzelli, A. Arturi, F. De Lisa, L. A. Prisco, Enrico Bock, Achille L. Gaspari:
Radio frequency interstitial thermal ablation of metastatic liver tumours. CARS 2001: 1070-1075 - P. Gross, Richard Kitney, S. Claesen, James M. Halls:
MR-compatible endoscopy and tracking for image-guided surgery. CARS 2001: 1076-1082 - Francesco M. Danza, Antonio De Franco, Vincenza Marino, Loris Fasanelli, Giorgio Coscarella, Piero Rossi, Enrico Bock:
Percutaneous sclerosis of giant cavernous hepatic hemangioma: preliminary report of two cases. CARS 2001: 1083-1087 - Th. Bertsch, A. Melzer, W. Zylka, G. Schäfers, M. Busch:
A prototype of an expandable active MRI stent (aMRIs). CARS 2001: 1088-1093 - G. Schäfers, W. Zylka, M. Busch, A. Melzer:
Wireless application of an intravascular resonator within the Vena Cava for MRI. CARS 2001: 1094-1099 - Pedro Ballester, Yatin Jain, Kevin R. Haylett, Rory F. McCloy:
Comparison of task performance of robotic camera holders EndoAssist and Aesop. CARS 2001: 1100-1103 - Fabrizio Panaro, Paolo Torelli, Marco Casaccia, Davide Cavaliere, Umberto Valente:
Physiological hiatoplasty for hiatal hernia: "C"-shaped mesh. CARS 2001: 1104-1110 - A. V. Maloshtan, A. M. Tischenko, R. M. Smachylo:
Intestinal motility monitoring in patients who underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy. CARS 2001: 1111-1116 - Ute von Jan, Heinrich M. Overhoff, Stefan Maas, Djordje Lazovic, Herbert K. Matthies:
Segmentation and 3-D visualization of ultrasound volumes of the newborn's hip joint for educational and diagnostic purposes. CARS 2001: 1117-1118 - Katarzyna J. Macura, Sheila Sheth, Ulrike M. Hamper, Robert T. Macura, Tomasz J. Macura:
Are you ready for call? Radiology intelligent learning environment design and implementation: ultrasonography module. CARS 2001: 1119-1120 - Jin Seo Park, Min Suk Chung, Yi Suk Kim, Woo Sup Hwang, Jae-Hyun Cho:
Visible Korean Human: another trial for making serially sectioned images. CARS 2001: 1121-1122 - Robert Krempien, Sascha Däuber, Harald Hoppe, Martina Treiber, Juergen Debus, Wolfgang Harms, Jakob Brief, Jörg Raczkowsky, Heinz Wörn, Michael Wannenmacher:
Daily patient set-up control in radiation therapy by structural light projection. CARS 2001: 1123-1124 - Hiroko Kou, Hajime Harauchi, Akihiro Takemura, M. Iinuma, T. Kondou, Kiyonari Inamura, Hodaka Numasaki, Y. Kumazaki, M. Isibasi:
The method of acquiring optimal discrete-valued attribute by dividing and grouping continuous-valued attribute in multi-institutional radiation oncology database. CARS 2001: 1125-1126 - Nemoto Masaaki, Nobuo Sugo, Mitou Akitosi, Seiki Yosikatu, Iekado Shibata:
Changes in the peritumoral hypoperfusion area immediately after radiosurgery in metastatic brain tumor. Analysis using 3D-SPECT. CARS 2001: 1127-1129 - Akihiro Takemura, Hajime Harauchi, Tokuo Umeda, Kiyonari Inamura, Masayuki Suzuki, M. Iinuma:
Automatic searching of the anatomically same slice from follow-up CT images with a slice at the time of dose distribution planning in radiotherapy. CARS 2001: 1130-1131 - Masahiro Endo, Takanori Tsunoo, Susumu Kandatsu, Shuzi Tanada, Hiroshi Aradate, Yasuo Saito:
Four-dimensional computed tomography (4D CT) - its concepts and design. CARS 2001: 1132-1133 - Shuji Yamamoto, Seiki Hamada, Hiroaki Naito, Takeshi Johkoh, Kazunari Takahei, Takashi Matsumoto, Yuji Ogata, Shohzoh Nakanishi, Hironobu Nakamura:
Evaluation of ECG-synchronized technique on a half-second multi-slice CT. CARS 2001: 1134-1135 - Kozo Sato, Nobuyuki Shiraga, Yuji Yuasa, Eiichi Kohda, Sachio Kuribayashi:
Multislice CT angiography in surgical planning for renal cell carcinoma: visualization of tumor vessels compared with DSA. CARS 2001: 1136-1137 - Nobuyuki Shiraga, Yoshinori Sugino, Eiichi Kohda, Kozo Sato, Seiji Kobayashi, Yuji Yuasa, Sachio Kuribayashi:
Two-dimensional and three-dimensional MDCT diagnosis of early gastric cancer. CARS 2001: 1138-1139 - Friedrich Wanninger, Oliver Treiber, W. Panzer, D. Regulla, G. Winkler:
Simulation of image degradation in low-dose X-ray mammography. CARS 2001: 1140-1141 - Reiner Koppe, Erhard Klotz, John Op de Beek:
Digital TomoSynthesis on a rotating C-arm system. CARS 2001: 1142-1143 - Richard Kitney, S. Claesen, R. Bickram:
A comprehensive web-enabled patient information environment. CARS 2001: 1144-1145 - V. K. Ivanov, A. F. Tsyb, M. A. Maksioutov, V. A. Matiash, S. V. Sapunov:
Computerised system for registration of cancer among residents of territories of Russia contaminated with radionuclides as a result of the Chernobyl accident. CARS 2001: 1146-1147 - G. Hamilton, S. R. Watt-Smith, D. Dobson, T. R. Bowles, S. J. Golding:
Visual evaluation of 3D images: how important is image rotation?. CARS 2001: 1148-1149 - Takeshi Johkoh, Mitsuko Tsubamoto, Takenori Kozuka, Noriyuki Tomiyama, Seiki Hamada, Osamu Honda, Mitsuhiro Koyama, Hironobu Nakamura, Keiichi Fujiwara:
Temporal subtraction for the detection of ground-glass shadow on chest radiographs: evaluation of the first commercially available robustic computer-aided diagnostic system. CARS 2001: 1150-1151 - Reza Aghaeizadeh Zoroofi, Toshihiko Sasama, Nobuhiko Sugano, Takashi Nishii, Yoshinobu Sato, Kazuo Yonenobu, Hideki Yoshikawa, Shinichi Tamura, Takahiro Ochi:
Segmentation of pelvis and femur from 3D CT images. CARS 2001: 1152-1153 - Nobuhiro Tsukamoto, Hideo Kumagai, Kiichiro Saitoh, Masahiko Monma, Yutaka Ando, Masayuki Kitamura, Osamu Kawaguchi:
Computer-aided volumetric evaluation method for gray matter in the brain and the spinal cord by T1-weighted inversion recovery MRI. CARS 2001: 1154-1155 - Andreas Alexander Albrecht, Eike Hein, Daniela Melzer, Kathleen Steinhöfel, Matthias Taupitz, Chak-Kuen Wong:
Liver tissue classification by bounded-depth threshold circuits. CARS 2001: 1156-1157 - Hoen-oh Shin, Michael Galanski:
PC-based interactive volume rendering of multidetector CT examinations - preliminary results. CARS 2001: 1158-1159 - Takayuki Kitasaka, Kensaku Mori, Jun-ichi Hasegawa, Jun-ichiro Toriwaki, Kazuhiro Katada:
Automated extraction of the aorta and the pulmonary artery in the mediastinum from 3D chest X-ray CT images using the medial line model. CARS 2001: 1160-1161 - Youichi Yamazaki, Kenya Murase, Y. Tuduki, Y. Nishimura, T. Kitada, Masaaki Shinohara, S. Iwamoto, Y. Ueno, Sotoshi Yamada, Keiichi Kikuchi:
Development of automated seeded region growing algorithm for extraction of cerebral blood vessels from magnetic resonance angiography. CARS 2001: 1162-1163 - Masaaki Shinohara, Kenya Murase, T. Kitada, Y. Nishimura, Youichi Yamazaki, S. Iwamoto, Y. Ueno, Sotoshi Yamada, Keiichi Kikuchi, H. Miki, Junpei Ikezoe:
Usefulness of fuzzy clustering for automated extraction of arterial input function for quantification of cerebral blood flow with dynamic susceptibility contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging. CARS 2001: 1164-1165 - Yutaka Ando, Masayuki Kitamura, Nobuhiro Tsukamoto, Eiichi Kohda, Atsushi Kubo, Toshikazu Sakano, Tatsuya Fujii, Isao Furukawa, Sadayasu Ono:
Evaluation of a full color flat panel Liquid Crystal Display vs. CRT display. CARS 2001: 1166-1167 - Martin Wawro, Andreas Roth:
In vivo quantification and densitometry of the MCP joint tissue on patients with rheumatoid arthritis. CARS 2001: 1168-1169 - Karl-Hans Englmeier, Markus Siebert, Tobias Stammberger, Felix Eckstein, S. Faber, Christian Glaser, Maximilian Reiser:
Quantitative image analysis of the cartilage of the knee joint. CARS 2001: 1170-1171 - M. A. Gariba, Richard Kitney:
Combining low- and high-resolution volume data for use in MR tracking. CARS 2001: 1172-1173 - Radim Chrástek, Matthias Wolf, Klaus Donath, Georg Michelson, Heinrich Niemann:
Automatic optic disc segmentation for analysis of the optic nerve head. CARS 2001: 1174-1175 - Robert T. Macura, Edward Staab, James Vucich, Katarzyna J. Macura, Chein-I Chang, Tomasz J. Macura:
Medical Imaging 2001; Haystack is here, but how to find a (relevant) needle? A survey of existing content-based image retrieval systems. CARS 2001: 1176-1177 - Volker Hietschold, T. Kittner, S. Appold, Antje Hauer:
Dynamic magnetic resonance imaging: advantages and disadvantages of postprocessing steps. CARS 2001: 1178-1179 - Christoph M. Krick, B. Schmitz, W. Reith:
Removing MRT-caused artifacts from electrooculographic signal by subtraction of the average artifact pattern. CARS 2001: 1180-1181 - Kenya Murase, T. Kitada, Y. Nishimura, Youichi Yamazaki, Masaaki Shinohara, S. Iwamoto, Y. Ueno, Sotoshi Yamada, Keiichi Kikuchi, H. Miki, Junpei Ikezoe:
Development of three-dimensional simulation maps for analysis of tissue contrast in magnetic resonance images with various pulse sequences. CARS 2001: 1182-1183 - Keiji Igase, Yoshihisa Oka, Katsusuke Kusunoki, Ichiro Nochide, Hironobu Harada, Kazuhiko Sadamoto:
Evaluation of hemodynamics and proliferative activity of meningioma by dynamic MR imaging. CARS 2001: 1184-1185 - Thomas Lange, Waldemar Wlodarczyk, Arnd Weider, Stephan Venz, Peter Wust:
Automatic detection of arterial input functions for quantification of perfusion. CARS 2001: 1186-1187 - Junhai Wen, Sixiang Nie, David Y. Y. Yun:
3D image reconstruction by optical back projection. CARS 2001: 1188-1189 - T. Kitada, Kenya Murase, Y. Nishimura, Youichi Yamazaki, Masaaki Shinohara, S. Iwamoto, Y. Ueno, Sotoshi Yamada, J. Yoshioka, D. Nakatani:
Noninvasive determination of arterial input function using fuzzy clustering for quantification of myocardial blood flow with nitrogen-13-ammonia and PET: comparison with factor analysis and independent component analysis. CARS 2001: 1190-1191 - Hiroshi Emoto, Tetsuya Fujii, Toshihiko Kobayashi, Shuji Sato, Nobuo Sugou, Toshiaki Mito, Iekado Shibata:
A virtual environment for medical collaboration by integrating 3D image and network. CARS 2001: 1192-1194 - Kouji Yamashita, Tetsuo Kawamura, Hiromasa Ishiwatari, Akio Okano, Kouzo Fujisawa, Tohru Nagasawa, Kenji Terao:
Development of tele-rehabilitation support system - qualitative measurement of trials for range of motion. CARS 2001: 1195-1196 - Masayuki Kitamura, Yutaka Ando, Nobuhiro Tsukamoto, Eiichi Kohda, Atsushi Kubo, Toshikazu Sakano, Tatsuya Fujii, Isao Furukawa, Sadayasu Ono:
Radiation consultation system using high-resolution CRT and video-conference device. CARS 2001: 1197-1198 - Guofang Xiao, Michael Brady, J. Alison Noble, Michael Burcher, Ruth E. English:
Non-rigid registration in 3D free-hand ultrasound imaging of the breast. CARS 2001: 1199-1200 - Jinwoo Hwang, June Sic Kim, Jae Seok Kim, In-Young Kim, Sun I. Kim:
Interactive navigation system for virtual endoscopy on personal computer. CARS 2001: 1201-1202 - M. Caliani, M. Falletti, C. Guercia, F. Mariotti, M. Merli, S. Rossolini, S. Venezia, L. Baffoni, E. Borello, P. Conti, D. Piuri:
First implementation of a RIS/PACS project at provincial level in Italy: planning methodology and expected results. CARS 2001: 1203-1204 - P. Stefani, L. Baffoni, E. Borello, P. Conti, D. Piuri:
Filmless and paperless management of a radiology department: a new work process and control system. CARS 2001: 1205-1206 - Wolfgang Birkfellner, Eva Schwameis, Friedrich Vorbeck, Rudolf Hanel, Wolfgang Greimel, Johann Hummel, Michael Figl, Franz Kainberger, Herwig Imhof, Rainer Kotz, Helmar Bergmann:
Fusion of MR and CT scans of the pelvis in cases of malignant bone tumors. CARS 2001: 1207-1208 - Cristian T. Badea, Zoi Kolitsi, Nicolas Pallikarakis:
A 3D imaging system for in-theatre orthopedic applications based on Digital Tomosynthesis. CARS 2001: 1209-1210 - N. W. L. Schep, Rogier K. J. Simmermacher, E. J. M. Verleisdonk, Ivo A. M. J. Broeders, Chr. van der Werken:
Treatment of Brodie's abscess with image-guided surgery. CARS 2001: 1211-1212 - Veerle Pattijn, Ignace Samson, Jos Vander Sloten, Remi Van Audekercke, B. Swaelens, V. De Buck:
Medical image-based, personalized foil-type implants for bone reconstruction: design study and first clinical experience. CARS 2001: 1213-1214 - Kevin Cleary, Sheng Xu, Gabor Fichtinger, Neil D. Glossop:
Automatic registration for percutaneous vertebral body tracking. CARS 2001: 1215-1216 - Tobias Salb, Jakob Brief, Oliver Burgert, Tilo Gockel, Stefan Haßfeld, Joachim Mühling, Rüdiger Dillmann:
INPRES - INtraoperative PRESentation of surgical planning and simulation results. CARS 2001: 1217-1218 - Yoshihiro Muragaki, Hiroshi Iseki, Takashi Maruyama, Kosaku Amano, Takakazu Kawamata, Madoka Sugiura, Osami Kubo, Kintomo Takakura, Tomokatsu Hori:
New system of glioma removal using intraoperative MRI combined with functional mapping. CARS 2001: 1219-1221 - Kosaku Amano, Yoshihiro Muragaki, Hiroshi Iseki, Takashi Maruyama, Madoka Sugiura, Masayuki Yamato, Ryuuiti Matida, Tomokatsu Hori, Kintomo Takakura:
Intra-operative "real-time" navigation system updated with open MRI. CARS 2001: 1222-1223 - Russell J. Andrews, Robert W. Mah, Stefanie S. Jeffrey, A. Aghevli, K. Freitas, M. Guerrero, Richard Papasin, C. Reed:
Multisensor tissue identification: the NASA smart probe project. CARS 2001: 1224-1225 - Hans-Gerd Lipinski, Kai Annacker, K. Brauer, Kay Melzer, Dietrich H. W. Grönemeyer:
A computerized training neuronavigator for functional neurosurgery. CARS 2001: 1226-1227 - Madoka Sugiura, Hiroshi Iseki, Yoshihiro Muragaki, Masayuki Yamato, Kouji Tamura, Miki Tachibana, Kaori Kitta, Hiroshi Shirakawa, Toshiyuki Kuginuki, Hiroshi Takeuchi:
The development of the intelligent operating theatre having an open MRI system. CARS 2001: 1228-1229 - Jakob Brief, Stefan Haßfeld, C. Haag, Jan Münchenberg, Oliver Schorr, S. Daueber, Dirk Engel, Robert Krempien, Martina Treiber, Heinz Wörn, Joachim Mühling:
Clinical evaluation of an operation planning system in the field of cranio-maxillo-facial surgery. CARS 2001: 1230-1231 - Harald Eufinger, Martin Scholz, Michael Wehmöller:
Craniofacial growth disturbances after frontobasal trauma and craniotomy at the age of 4 years - implications for the timing of CAD/CAM-cranioplasties. CARS 2001: 1232-1233 - Yasushi Yamauchi, Makoto Suzuki, Masaaki Mochimaru, Juli Yamashita, Osamu Morikawa, Yukio Fukui, Hiroshi Uno, Kazunori Yokoyama:
A training system for endoscopic sinus surgery with skill evaluation. CARS 2001: 1234-1235 - Hamid Reza Abbasi, Robert P. Grzeszczuk, Shao Chin, Hilary J. Holz, Salim Hariri, Rana Badr, Daniel H. Kim, John R. Adler Jr., Ramin Shahidi:
Development of fluoroscopic registration in spinal neuronavigation. CARS 2001: 1236-1238 - Alexander Schramm, Nils-Claudius Gellrich, M. Nilus, Ralf Schön, Ronald Schimming, Ralf Gutwald, Rainer Schmelzeisen:
Intraoperative accuracy of non-invasive registration in computer assisted cranio-maxillofacial surgery. CARS 2001: 1239-1240 - Harald Hoppe, Jakob Brief, Sascha Däuber, Stefan Haßfeld, Jörg Raczkowsky, Heinz Wörn:
Projector-based augmented reality in cranio-maxillo-facial surgery. CARS 2001: 1241-1242 - Florence Denis, H. Gautier, Atilla Baskurt:
Navigation system for pedicle screw insertion. CARS 2001: 1243-1244 - J. Nerney Welch, Jeremy A. Johnson, Rana Badr, Michael R. Bax, S. K. S. So, Thomas M. Krummel, Ramin Shahidi:
Quantifiable real-time 3D ultrasound data acquisition and visualization. CARS 2001: 1245-1246 - Hiroyuki Kataoka:
Analysis of needle deflection using bi-plane X-ray images. CARS 2001: 1247-1248 - Ken Masamune, Takafumi Inagaki, Nobuharu Takai, Ichiro Sakuma, Takeyoshi Dohi:
MRI compatible manipulator: image distortion estimation and correction method. CARS 2001: 1249-1250 - Bernhard Preim, Wolf Spindler, Karl J. Oldhafer, Michael Galanski, Heinz-Otto Peitgen:
Visualization and analysis techniques for liver surgery planning. CARS 2001: 1251-1252 - Hiroshi Takeda, Yasushi Matsumura, Shigeki Kuwata, Hirohiko Nakano, Hironobu Nakamura, Hikaru Kawasaki, Shinichi Tamura, Takahiro Ochi:
Functional requirements for an interactive telesurgery system with open MRI via a broadband ISDN. CARS 2001: 1253-1254 - Kenta Hori, Hiroshi Oyama, Yasuhiko Ozaki, Takeshi Tsuda, Takatoshi Suenaga, Tomohiro Kuroda, Mikio Suga, Masaru Komori, Osamu Oshiro, Kotaro Minato:
Surgical cockpit system and effectiveness of its immersive environment. CARS 2001: 1255-1256 - Oliver Schorr, Jan Münchenberg, Jörg Raczkowsky, Heinz Wörn:
KasOp - A generic system for pre- and intraoperative surgical assistance and operation planning. CARS 2001: 1257-1258 - Peter Hassenpflug, Marcus Vetter, Carlos E. Cárdenas S., Matthias Thorn, Hans-Peter Meinzer:
Navigation in liver surgery - results of a requirement analysis. CARS 2001: 1259-1260 - Andrea Ripoli, Mattia Glauber, Vincenzo Positano, Sergio Berti, Massimo Lombardi, Stefano Bevilacqua, Marco Solinas:
From pressure-volume loops and magnetic resonance imaging to mathematical models for cardiac surgery simulation. CARS 2001: 1261-1262 - Morimasa Tomikawa, Etsuko Kobayashi, F. Nakamura, Ichiro Sakuma, Makoto Hashizume, Mitsuo Shimada, N. Gotoh, Kozo Konishi, Takeyoshi Dohi, Keizo Sugimachi:
Usefulness of a newly developed laparoscope manipulator during laparoscopic splenectomy. CARS 2001: 1263-1264 - Gerald Pärtan, St. Newerkla, T. Mahdi, Hans Mosser, L. Pichler, Walter Hruby:
Subjective image quality of digital lumbar spine radiographs acquired with a new flat-panel dedicated chest system versus computed radiography in supine patients. CARS 2001: 1265-1266 - Manolis Tsiknakis, Catherine E. Chronaki, Stavros Kostomanolakis, Stelios C. Orphanoudakis:
Teleradiology services within the context of an integrated regional network. CARS 2001: 1267-1268 - Werner Aerts, Michel Feron, Erwin Bellon, Mark Vanautgaerden, André De Deurwaerder, Paul Suetens, Bart Van den Bosch:
Web-based access to a multimedia medical record. CARS 2001: 1269-1270 - M. Echeverria, David Bandon, A. Parrott, Jean-Paul Vallée:
eMEDIBOX: a secure DICOM communication based on internet plug-in. CARS 2001: 1271-1272 - H. K. Huang, Fei Cao, Yu Fan, Gregory Mogel:
Preliminary experience of testbeds connecting to Internet2 in teleradiology application. CARS 2001: 1273-1274 - Serena La Manna, Darya Majidi, Antonina Starita, Davide Caramella, A. Cilotti:
Magnetic resonance in mammography: a tool for the automatic detection of the regions of interest in contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance of the breast. CARS 2001: 1275-1276 - Paolo Stefani, Palmino Sacco, Enzo Pozzebon, Maria A. Mazzei, P. Barberini, E. Borello, L. Baffoni, P. Conti, D. Piuri:
Implementation of PACS and informatics in the Department of Radiology of Siena University: a cost/benefit analysis. CARS 2001: 1277-1278 - Xudong Lu, Huilong Duan:
IHE-compatible Radiology Information System. CARS 2001: 1279-1280 - Hideya Takeo, Kazuo Shimura, Kazuhiro Hishinuma, Kaushal Shastri:
High-performance wavelet compression for enterprise PACS. CARS 2001: 1281-1282 - D. Ronda Betancourt, O. Ferrer Borges, N. Alvarez Roca:
Using DICOM and electronic mail protocols for PACS development and image transmission. CARS 2001: 1283-1284 - Takuya Fujiwara, Tsuyoshi Kume, Isamu Mano:
Web report system: a new reporting system for teleradiology. CARS 2001: 1285-1286 - Paul-Georg Jost-Brinkmann, A. Bartels, A. Gunawan, A. Böhme:
CAD/CAM in lingual orthodontics. CARS 2001: 1287-1288 - Akihiro Satoh, Hisanori Nakahama, Rieko Yamato, Yasuhiko Okumura:
Analysis of image quality of digital panoramic tomography using "PANOURA 15 DIGIPAN". CARS 2001: 1289-1290 - C. Scheifele, M. Hadjizadeh, U. Thole, A. Wree, W. Hopfenmüller:
Subjective image quality in digital panoramic radiography in relation to patient exposure. CARS 2001: 1291-1292 - Tankred Roderik Warnke, M. Path, Christoph P. E. Zollikofer, T. Franze, Axel P. Zimmermann, P. Stucki, Hermann F. Sailer:
Reducing artifacts in CT data used for building stereolithography models: clinical evaluation. CARS 2001: 1293-1294 - Toshiyuki Kawazu, Kazuyuki Araki, Shigenobu Kanda:
Application of neural networks to the prediction of lymph node metastasis in oral cancer. CARS 2001: 1295-1296 - Yoshiki Kawata, Noboru Niki, Hironobu Ohmatsu, Masahiko Kusumoto, Ryutaro Kakinuma, Kensaku Mori, Hiroyuki Nishiyama, Kenji Eguchi, Masahiro Kaneko, Noriyuki Moriyama:
Computer-aided classification of benign and malignant pulmonary nodules in three-dimensional thoracic CT images based on a hybrid classifier. CARS 2001: 1297-1298 - Zhan Zhang, Abraham H. Dachman, Kenneth R. Hoffmann:
Two-dimensional display of CT colon data for rapid polyp detection. CARS 2001: 1299-1300 - Toru Matsumoto, Nobuo Fukuda, Megumu Tsuchikawa, Kaori Fujimura, Yuichi Fujino, Hiroshi Takagi, Nobuyuki Yoshihara, Akiira Furukawa, Toru Nakagawa, Syusuke Sone:
Observer performance study for CT-image reading of one slice or multislice by the cine display mode of CRT system - an application of the diagnostic-dynamic characteristic model. CARS 2001: 1301-1302 - Fei Cao, H. K. Huang, Ewa Pietka, Vicente Gilsanz:
Digital hand atlas and web-based CAD server for bone age assessment. CARS 2001: 1303-1304 - Kazuhiro Minami, Yoshiki Kawata, Noboru Niki, Kensaku Mori, Hironobu Ohmatsu, Ryutaro Kakinuma, Kenji Eguchi, Masahiko Kusumoto, Masahiro Kaneko, Noriyuki Moriyama:
Patterns for classifying pulmonary nodules based on dynamic CT images. CARS 2001: 1305-1306 - Yoshiki Kawata, Noboru Niki, Hironobu Ohmatsu, Masahiko Kusumoto, Ryutaro Kakinuma, Kensaku Mori, Hiroyuki Nishiyama, Kenji Eguchi, Masahiro Kaneko, Noriyuki Moriyama:
Analysis of evolving processes in pulmonary nodules using a sequence of three-dimensional thoracic images. CARS 2001: 1307-1308 - Volodymyr Sulyma, Volodymyr Gaponov, Vitaly Kravchenko:
A new surgical method - insuture of anal anastomosis for the prevention of permanent colostoma. CARS 2001: 1309-1310 - B. Kappeler, T. Kees, W. Kunert, Heike Raestrup, Gerhard F. Buess:
Evaluation of a laparoscopic overview telescope. CARS 2001: 1311-1312 - Michael Kroll, Hans-Gerd Lipinski, Dietrich H. W. Grönemeyer:
Deep brain EEG processing by palm connected organizers. CARS 2001: 1313-1314

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