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  • Daw A and Yom-Tov G. (2024). Asymmetries of Service: Interdependence and Synchronicity. SSRN Electronic Journal. 10.2139/ssrn.4736977.


  • Parnass G, Levtzion-Korach O, Peres R, Assaf M and Kuo Y. (2023). Estimating emergency department crowding with stochastic population models. PLOS ONE. 10.1371/journal.pone.0295130. 18:12. (e0295130).


  • Somashekar G, Delasay M and Gandhi A. (2023). Efficient and accurate Lyapunov function-based truncation technique for multi-dimensional Markov chains with applications to discriminatory processor sharing and priority queues. Performance Evaluation. 162:C. Online publication date: 1-Nov-2023.


  • Li Y, Zhai X, Wang R, Zhu J and Yao C. (2023). Accumulating Priority Queue for Charging of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Cognitive Radio Networks 2023 6th International Symposium on Autonomous Systems (ISAS). 10.1109/ISAS59543.2023.10164390. 979-8-3503-1615-5. (1-6).


  • Quadri C, Ceselli A and Rossi G. (2023). Multi-user edge service orchestration based on Deep Reinforcement Learning. Computer Communications. 203:C. (30-47). Online publication date: 1-Apr-2023.


  • Nambiar S, Mayorga M and Liu Y. (2022). Routing and staffing in emergency departments: A multiclass queueing model with workload dependent service times. IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering. 10.1080/24725579.2022.2100522. 13:1. (46-61). Online publication date: 2-Jan-2023.


  • Islam F, Petriu D and Woodside M. (2022). Focused Layered Performance Modelling by Aggregation. ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems. 7:2-4. (1-23). Online publication date: 31-Dec-2022.


  • Somashekar G, Delasay M and Gandhi A. (2022). Truncating Multi-Dimensional Markov Chains With Accuracy Guarantee 2022 30th International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS). 10.1109/MASCOTS56607.2022.00024. 978-1-6654-5580-0. (121-128).


  • Borkar V and Pattathil S. (2017). Whittle indexability in egalitarian processor sharing systems. Annals of Operations Research. 10.1007/s10479-017-2622-0. 317:2. (417-437). Online publication date: 1-Oct-2022.


  • Bermejo B and Juiz C. (2022). A general method for evaluating the overhead when consolidating servers: performance degradation in virtual machines and containers. The Journal of Supercomputing. 78:9. (11345-11372). Online publication date: 1-Jun-2022.


  • Haviv M and Kerner Y. (2022). Queueing with priorities and standard service: Stoppable and unstoppable servers. Stochastic Models. 10.1080/15326349.2022.2066130. (1-12).


  • Pender J and Zhang E. Uniting simulation and machine learning for response time prediction in processor sharing queues. Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference. (1-12).


  • Pender J and Zhang E. (2021). Uniting Simulation and Machine Learning For Response Time Prediction In Processor Sharing Queues 2021 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC). 10.1109/WSC52266.2021.9715461. 978-1-6654-3311-2. (1-12).


  • Ahmadi M, Golkarifard M, Movaghar A and Yousefi H. Processor Sharing Queues With Impatient Customers and State-Dependent Rates. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. 10.1109/TNET.2021.3091189. 29:6. (2467-2477).


  • Ayimba C, Casari P and Mancuso V. SQLR: Short-Term Memory Q-Learning for Elastic Provisioning. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management. 10.1109/TNSM.2021.3075619. 18:2. (1850-1869).


  • Goldstein B and Fitsov V. (2021). Dual Mathematical Model for Calculating of Deep Packet Inspection 2021 28th Conference of Open Innovations Association (FRUCT). 10.23919/FRUCT50888.2021.9347547. 978-9-5269-2444-1. (127-133).


  • Spinelli F and Mancuso V. Toward Enabled Industrial Verticals in 5G: A Survey on MEC-Based Approaches to Provisioning and Flexibility. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials. 10.1109/COMST.2020.3037674. 23:1. (596-630).


  • Ravi G, Miguel J and Lipasti M. (2020). SHASTA. ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization. 17:4. (1-26). Online publication date: 31-Dec-2021.


  • Dai J and Harrison J. (2020). Processing Networks


  • Montes J, Thomaszewski B, Mudur S and Popa T. (2020). Computational design of skintight clothing. ACM Transactions on Graphics. 39:4. (105:1-105:12). Online publication date: 31-Aug-2020.


  • Mehta D, Sotnychenko O, Mueller F, Xu W, Elgharib M, Fua P, Seidel H, Rhodin H, Pons-Moll G and Theobalt C. (2020). XNect. ACM Transactions on Graphics. 39:4. (82:1-82:17). Online publication date: 31-Aug-2020.


  • Ye H, Kwan K, Su W and Fu H. (2020). ARAnimator. ACM Transactions on Graphics. 39:4. (83:1-83:12). Online publication date: 31-Aug-2020.


  • Guo H, Liu X, Yan D and Liu Y. (2020). Cut-enhanced PolyCube-maps for feature-aware all-hex meshing. ACM Transactions on Graphics. 39:4. (106:1-106:14). Online publication date: 31-Aug-2020.


  • Scully Z, Harchol-Balter M and Scheller-Wolf A. (2020). Simple Near-Optimal Scheduling for the M/G/1. Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems. 4:1. (1-29). Online publication date: 27-May-2020.


  • Torres-Jr P, García-Martínez A, Bagnulo M and Parente Ribeiro E. (2020). Bartolomeu. Computer Networks: The International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking. 169:C. Online publication date: 14-Mar-2020.


  • Vis P, Bekker R, van der Mei R and Núñez-Queija R. (2020). Heavy-traffic limits for Discriminatory Processor Sharing models with joint batch arrivals. Operations Research Letters. 48:2. (136-141). Online publication date: 1-Mar-2020.


  • Guillemin F and Rodriguez V. (2020). On the sojourn of an arbitrary customer in an M/M/1 Processor Sharing Queue. Stochastic Models. 10.1080/15326349.2020.1730191. (1-23).


  • Marin A, Rossi S and Sottana M. (2020). Dynamic Resource Allocation in Fork-Join Queues. ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems. 5:1. (1-28). Online publication date: 7-Feb-2020.


  • Zhu L, Casale G and Perez I. (2020). Fluid approximation of closed queueing networks with discriminatory processor sharing. Performance Evaluation. 10.1016/j.peva.2020.102094. (102094). Online publication date: 1-Feb-2020.


  • Goldstein B and Fitsov V. (2020). The Mathematical Model for Calculating Physical Entity of DPI Analyser. Distributed Computer and Communication Networks: Control, Computation, Communications. 10.1007/978-3-030-66242-4_30. (382-393).


  • Somashekar G, Delasay M and Gandhi A. (2019). Tighter Lyapunov Truncation for Multi-Dimensional Continuous Time Markov Chains with Known Moments. ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review. 47:2. (33-35). Online publication date: 4-Dec-2019.


  • Gardner K and Stephens C. (2019). Smart Dispatching in Heterogeneous Systems. ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review. 47:2. (12-14). Online publication date: 4-Dec-2019.


  • Fooladivanda D and Rosenberg C. (2019). Joint User Association and Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Cellular Networks: Comparison of Two Modeling Approaches 2019 31st International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 31). 10.1109/ITC31.2019.00018. 978-0-9883045-7-4. (66-74).


  • Vikhrova O, Pizzi S, Sinitsyn I, Molinaro A, Iera A, Samuylov K and Araniti G. An Analytic Approach for Resource Allocation of IoT Multicast Traffic. Proceedings of the ACM MobiHoc Workshop on Pervasive Systems in the IoT Era. (25-30).


  • Robert P and Véber A. (2019). A scaling analysis of a star network with logarithmic weights. Stochastic Processes and their Applications. 10.1016/j.spa.2018.06.002. 129:5. (1749-1781). Online publication date: 1-May-2019.


  • Abdulshakoor A, Elmesalawy M and Khalaf G. (2019). Proportional Traffic Splitting for Efficient LTE-WLAN Aggregation in Multi-RAT Heterogeneous Networks 2019 36th National Radio Science Conference (NRSC). 10.1109/NRSC.2019.8734576. 978-1-7281-0753-0. (242-248).


  • Mehta A, Lakew E, Tordsson J and Elmroth E. (2018). Utility-based Allocation of Industrial IoT Applications in Mobile Edge Clouds 2018 IEEE 37th International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC). 10.1109/PCCC.2018.8711075. 978-1-5386-6808-5. (1-10).


  • Vasantam T, Mukhopadhyay A and Mazumdar R. (2018). The mean-field behavior of processor sharing systems with general job lengths under the SQ( ) policy . Performance Evaluation. 10.1016/j.peva.2018.09.010. Online publication date: 1-Oct-2018.


  • Lakew E, Birke R, Perez J, Elmroth E and Chen L. (2018). SmallTail: Scaling Cores and Probabilistic Cloning Requests for Web Systems 2018 IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC). 10.1109/ICAC.2018.00013. 978-1-5386-5139-1. (31-40).


  • Avrachenkov K and Bodas T. (2018). On the equivalence between multiclass processor sharing and random order scheduling policies. ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review. 45:4. (2-6). Online publication date: 28-Aug-2018.


  • Kim S. (2017). Approximate sojourn time distribution of a discriminatory processor sharing queue with impatient customers. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research. 10.1007/s00186-017-0623-z. 87:3. (411-430). Online publication date: 1-Jun-2018.


  • Scully Z, Harchol-Balter M and Scheller-Wolf A. (2018). SOAP. Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems. 2:1. (1-30). Online publication date: 3-Apr-2018.


  • Guillemin F and Slim F. (2018). Sojourn time in an M / M /1 processor sharing queue with permanent customers . Stochastic Models. 10.1080/15326349.2017.1392868. 34:1. (115-137). Online publication date: 2-Jan-2018.


  • Sacoto-Cabrera E, Sanchis-Cano A, Guijarro L, Vidal J, Pla V and Marsa-Maestre I. (2018). Strategic Interaction between Operators in the Context of Spectrum Sharing for 5G Networks. Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing. 2018. Online publication date: 1-Jan-2018.


  • Marin A, Rossi S and Sottana M. (2018). Biased Processor Sharing in Fork-Join Queues. Quantitative Evaluation of Systems. 10.1007/978-3-319-99154-2_17. (273-288).


  • Artail H, El Halabi A, Hachem A and Al-Akhrass L. (2017). A framework for identifying the linkability between Web servers for enhanced internet computing and E-commerce. Journal of Internet Services and Applications. 10.1186/s13174-016-0053-9. 8:1. Online publication date: 1-Dec-2017.


  • Sagkriotis S, Roumeliotis A, Papafragkakis A and Panagopoulos A. (2017). The impact of the system state on energy‐efficient transmission of multiple users' flows on the uplink. Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies. 10.1002/ett.3235. 28:12. Online publication date: 1-Dec-2017.


  • Haldar K and Mishra B. (2016). Mathematical model on vulnerability characterization and its impact on network epidemics. International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management. 10.1007/s13198-016-0441-3. 8:2. (378-392). Online publication date: 1-Jun-2017.


  • Zhen Q, van Leeuwaarden J and Knessl C. (2016). On the sojourn time distribution in a finite population Markovian processor sharing queue. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics. 10.1093/imamat/hxw006. 82:1. (33-59). Online publication date: 1-Feb-2017.


  • NIIDA S, TSUGAWA S, SUGANUMA M and WAKAMIYA N. (2017). A Survey on Modeling of Human States in Communication Behavior. IEICE Transactions on Communications. 10.1587/transcom.2016PFI0010. E100.B:9. (1538-1546).


  • Motie M and Savla K. (2016). Throughput analysis of a horizontal traffic queue under safe car following models 2016 IEEE 55th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). 10.1109/CDC.2016.7799312. 978-1-5090-1837-6. (6771-6776).


  • Li J, Agrawal K, Elnikety S, He Y, Lee I, Lu C and McKinley K. (2016). Work stealing for interactive services to meet target latency. ACM SIGPLAN Notices. 51:8. (1-13). Online publication date: 9-Nov-2016.


  • Faraci G, Lombardo A and Schembra G. (2016). An Analytical Model to Design Processor Sharing for SDN/NFV Nodes 2016 28th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 28). 10.1109/ITC-28.2016.213. 978-0-9883-0451-2. (28-34).


  • Doumiati S and Artail H. (2016). Analytical study of a service discovery system based on an LTE-A D2D implementation. Physical Communication. 19:C. (145-162). Online publication date: 1-Jun-2016.


  • Jain M, Shekhar C and Shukla S. (2016). A time-shared machine repair problem with mixed spares under N-policy. Journal of Industrial Engineering International. 10.1007/s40092-015-0136-4. 12:2. (145-157). Online publication date: 1-Jun-2016.


  • Thorsdottir H and Verloop I. (2016). Markov-modulated M/G/1-type queue in heavy traffic and its application to time-sharing disciplines. Queueing Systems: Theory and Applications. 83:1-2. (29-55). Online publication date: 1-Jun-2016.


  • Subramaniam K, Govindan K, Jaiswal S and Das Sunkada Gopinath S. (2016). Minimum complexity APP prioritization by bandwidth apportioning in smart phones 2016 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC). 10.1109/WCNC.2016.7564972. 978-1-4673-9814-5. (1-6).


  • Izagirre A, Ayesta U and Verloop I. (2016). Sojourn Time Approximations for a Discriminatory Processor Sharing Queue. ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems. 1:1. (1-31). Online publication date: 31-Mar-2016.


  • Li J, Agrawal K, Elnikety S, He Y, Lee I, Lu C and McKinley K. Work stealing for interactive services to meet target latency. Proceedings of the 21st ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming. (1-13).


  • Chis T and Harrison P. Higher response time moments for M/M/1 discriminatory processor sharing queues. Proceedings of the 9th EAI International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools. (145-148).


  • Bejan A, Gibbens R, Hancock R and Towsley D. Capacity bounds and robustness in multipath networks. Proceedings of the 9th EAI International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools. (9-16).


  • Faraci G, Lombardo A and Schembra G. (2016). A processor-sharing scheduling strategy for NFV nodes. Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering. 2016. (1-1). Online publication date: 1-Jan-2016.


  • Anselmi J and Walton N. (2016). Decentralized Proportional Load Balancing. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics. 76:1. (391-410). Online publication date: 1-Jan-2016.


  • Samouylov K, Sopin E and Gudkova I. (2016). Sojourn Time Analysis for Processor Sharing Loss Queuing System with Service Interruptions and MAP Arrivals. Distributed Computer and Communication Networks. 10.1007/978-3-319-51917-3_36. (406-417).


  • Samouylov K, Naumov V, Sopin E, Gudkova I and Shorgin S. (2016). Sojourn Time Analysis for Processor Sharing Loss System with Unreliable Server. Analytical and Stochastic Modelling Techniques and Applications. 10.1007/978-3-319-43904-4_20. (284-297).


  • Jelenković P and Skiani E. (2015). Instability of sharing systems in the presence of retransmissions. Queueing Systems: Theory and Applications. 81:2-3. (171-202). Online publication date: 1-Nov-2015.


  • Li S, Maddah-Ali M and Avestimehr A. (2015). Coded MapReduce 2015 53rd Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing (Allerton). 10.1109/ALLERTON.2015.7447112. 978-1-5090-1824-6. (964-971).


  • Izagirre A, Ayesta U and Verloop I. (2015). Interpolation approximations for the steady-state distribution in multi-class resource-sharing systems. Performance Evaluation. 91:C. (56-79). Online publication date: 1-Sep-2015.


  • Sonenberg N, Au G and Taylor P. (2015). A queueing model for the capacity planning of a multi-phase human services process. International Journal of Systems Science: Operations & Logistics. 10.1080/23302674.2015.1015660. 2:3. (156-167). Online publication date: 3-Jul-2015.


  • Wamser F, Blenk A, Seufert M, Zinner T, Kellerer W and Tran-Gia P. (2015). Modelling and performance analysis of application-aware resource management. Networks. 25:4. (223-241). Online publication date: 1-Jul-2015.


  • Lakew E, Klein C, Hernandez-Rodriguez F and Elmroth E. Performance-based service differentiation in clouds. Proceedings of the 15th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud, and Grid Computing. (505-514).


  • Chan Y, Guo J, Wong E and Zukerman M. (2015). Performance analysis for overflow loss systems of processor-sharing queues IEEE INFOCOM 2015 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications. 10.1109/INFOCOM.2015.7218518. 978-1-4799-8381-0. (1409-1417).


  • Govindan K and Azad A. (2015). End-to-end service assurance in IoT MQTT-SN 2015 12th Annual IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC). 10.1109/CCNC.2015.7157991. 978-1-4799-6390-4. (290-296).


  • Yu M, Tang Y and Wu W. (2014). Individually and socially optimal joining rules for an egalitarian processor-sharing queue under different information scenarios. Computers and Industrial Engineering. 78:C. (26-32). Online publication date: 1-Dec-2014.


  • Durango J, Dellkrantz M, Maggio M, Klein C, Papadopoulos A, Hernandez-Rodriguez F, Elmroth E and Arzen K. (2014). Control-theoretical load-balancing for cloud applications with brownout 2014 IEEE 53rd Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). 10.1109/CDC.2014.7040221. 978-1-4673-6090-6. (5320-5327).


  • Yu M, Tang Y and Wu W. (2014). Individually and socially optimal joining rules for an egalitarian processor-sharing queue under different information scenarios. Computers & Industrial Engineering. 10.1016/j.cie.2014.09.022. 78. (26-32). Online publication date: 1-Dec-2014.


  • Doncel J, Ayesta U, Brun O and Prabhu B. (2014). A resource-sharing game with relative priorities. Performance Evaluation. 10.1016/j.peva.2014.07.018. 79. (287-305). Online publication date: 1-Sep-2014.


  • Hougaard J, Moreno-Ternero J and Østerdal L. (2014). Assigning agents to a line. Games and Economic Behavior. 10.1016/j.geb.2014.02.011. 87. (539-553). Online publication date: 1-Sep-2014.


  • Jelenkovic P and Skiani E. (2014). Is sharing with retransmissions causing instabilities?. ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review. 42:1. (167-179). Online publication date: 20-Jun-2014.


  • Jelenkovic P and Skiani E. Is sharing with retransmissions causing instabilities?. The 2014 ACM international conference on Measurement and modeling of computer systems. (167-179).


  • Grani P and Bartolini S. (2014). Design Options for Optical Ring Interconnect in Future Client Devices. ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems. 10:4. (1-25). Online publication date: 1-May-2014.


  • Murray J, Lu T, Wettin P, Pande P and Shirazi B. (2014). Dual-Level DVFS-Enabled Millimeter-Wave Wireless NoC Architectures. ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems. 10:4. (1-27). Online publication date: 1-May-2014.


  • Bobba S, Zhang J, Gaillardon P, Wong H, Mitra S and Micheli G. (2014). System Level Benchmarking with Yield-Enhanced Standard Cell Library for Carbon Nanotube VLSI Circuits. ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems. 10:4. (1-19). Online publication date: 1-May-2014.


  • Izagirre A, Ayesta U and Verloop I. (2014). Sojourn time approximations in a multi-class time-sharing server IEEE INFOCOM 2014 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications. 10.1109/INFOCOM.2014.6848228. 978-1-4799-3360-0. (2786-2794).


  • Kim S. (2014). Approximate queue length distribution of a discriminatory processor sharing queue with impatient customers. Journal of the Korean Statistical Society. 10.1016/j.jkss.2013.04.001. 43:1. (105-118). Online publication date: 1-Mar-2014.


  • Cheikh H, Doncel J, Brun O and Prabhu B. Predicting Response Times of Applications in Virtualized Environments. Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE 3rd Symposium on Network Cloud Computing and Applications (ncca 2014). (83-90).


  • Shi Y and Lian Z. (2013). Equilibrium strategy of a processor-sharing system with discriminatory discipline 2013 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM). 10.1109/IEEM.2013.6962537. 978-1-4799-0986-5. (877-881).


  • Mariani G, Palermo G, Zaccaria V and Silvano C. (2013). Design-space exploration and runtime resource management for multicores. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems. 13:2. (1-27). Online publication date: 1-Sep-2013.


  • Theodoropoulos D, Kuzmanov G and Gaydadjiev G. (2013). Custom architecture for multicore audio beamforming systems. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems. 13:2. (1-26). Online publication date: 1-Sep-2013.


  • Zhang Y, Ren S, Chen S, Tan B, Lim E and Yong K. DifferCloudStor: Differentiated Quality of Service for Cloud Storage. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 10.1109/TMAG.2013.2256885. 49:6. (2451-2458).


  • Kanizo Y, Raz D and Zlotnik A. Efficient use of geographically spread cloud resources. Proceedings of the 13th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud, and Grid Computing. (450-457).


  • Zhen Q and Knessl C. (2012). On spectral properties of finite population processor shared queues. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research. 10.1007/s00186-012-0421-6. 77:2. (147-176). Online publication date: 1-Apr-2013.


  • Lee W and Wang C. (2012). CONDITIONAL SOJOURN TIMES OF PROCESSOR-SHARING QUEUES. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences. 10.1017/S0269964812000320. 27:01. (99-114). Online publication date: 1-Jan-2013.


  • Biro J, Bérczes T, Kő̈rösi A, Heszberger Z and Sztrik J. (2013). Discriminatory Processor Sharing from Optimization Point of View. Analytical and Stochastic Modeling Techniques and Applications. 10.1007/978-3-642-39408-9_6. (67-80).


  • Wu Y, Bui L and Johari R. Heavy Traffic Approximation of Equilibria in Resource Sharing Games. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications. 10.1109/JSAC.2012.121212. 30:11. (2200-2209).


  • Adams A, Jacobs D, Dolson J, Tico M, Pulli K, Talvala E, Ajdin B, Vaquero D, Lensch H, Horowitz M, Park S, Gelfand N, Baek J, Matusik W and Levoy M. (2012). The Frankencamera. Communications of the ACM. 55:11. (90-98). Online publication date: 1-Nov-2012.


  • Wegner J, Sterling A, Guha R, Bender A, Faulon J, Hastings J, O'Boyle N, Overington J, Van Vlijmen H and Willighagen E. (2012). Cheminformatics. Communications of the ACM. 55:11. (65-75). Online publication date: 1-Nov-2012.


  • Greengard S. (2012). On the digital trail. Communications of the ACM. 55:11. (19-21). Online publication date: 1-Nov-2012.


  • Geller T. (2012). Control without controllers. Communications of the ACM. 55:11. (16-18). Online publication date: 1-Nov-2012.


  • BALASUNDARAM P, RAMADOSS A and MUTHAIYA M. (2012). IE browser compatibility for web applications. ACM SIGWEB Newsletter. 2012:Autumn. (1-15). Online publication date: 1-Sep-2012.


  • Kim S, Bak J and Oh A. (2012). "Discovering emotion influence patterns in online social network conversations" by Suin Kim, JinYeong Bak, and Alice Oh, with Ching-man Au Yeung as coordinator. ACM SIGWEB Newsletter. 2012:Autumn. (1-6). Online publication date: 1-Sep-2012.


  • Agarwal P, Cheng S and Yi K. (2012). Range searching on uncertain data. ACM Transactions on Algorithms. 8:4. (1-17). Online publication date: 1-Sep-2012.


  • He M, Munro J and Satti S. (2012). Succinct ordinal trees based on tree covering. ACM Transactions on Algorithms. 8:4. (1-32). Online publication date: 1-Sep-2012.


  • Chan T. (2012). All-pairs shortest paths for unweighted undirected graphs in o(mn) time. ACM Transactions on Algorithms. 8:4. (1-17). Online publication date: 1-Sep-2012.


  • Walton N. (2012). Flow-level Convergence and Insensitivity for Multi-class Queueing Networks. Stochastic Systems. 10.1287/11-SSY025. 2:1. (115-148). Online publication date: 1-Jun-2012.


  • Eberle H and Olesinski W. (2012). Classes of service for daisy chain interconnects 2012 IEEE 13th International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR). 10.1109/HPSR.2012.6260842. 978-1-4577-0833-6. (147-153).


  • Artail H, Fawaz K and Ghandour A. (2012). A Proxy-Based Architecture for Dynamic Discovery and Invocation of Web Services from Mobile Devices. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing. 5:1. (99-115). Online publication date: 1-Jan-2012.


  • Hoshi K, Komatsu N and Takahashi Y. (2012). A Cost-Equation Analysis of General-Input General-Service Processor Sharing System. Operations Research Proceedings 2011. 10.1007/978-3-642-29210-1_82. (515-520).


  • Wu Y, Bui L and Johari R. Heavy traffic approximation of equilibria in resource sharing games. Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Internet and Network Economics. (351-362).


  • Hyytiä E, Virtamo J, Aalto S and Penttinen A. (2011). M/M/1-PS queue and size-aware task assignment. Performance Evaluation. 68:11. (1136-1148). Online publication date: 1-Nov-2011.


  • Hyytiä E, Penttinen A, Aalto S and Virtamo J. Dispatching problem with fixed size jobs and processor sharing discipline. Proceedings of the 23rd International Teletraffic Congress. (190-197).


  • Oi H and Takahashi K. Performance Modeling of a Consolidated Java Application Server. Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications. (834-838).


  • Giannoulakis I, Kontovasilis K and Mitrou N. (2011). Sojourn time distributions and time scale separation results for multiclass state-dependent processor sharing systems with a finite service pool and exponential service requirements. Performance Evaluation. 68:7. (586-613). Online publication date: 1-Jul-2011.


  • Verloop I, Ayesta U and Núòez-Queija R. (2011). Heavy-Traffic Analysis of a Multiple-Phase Network with Discriminatory Processor Sharing. Operations Research. 59:3. (648-660). Online publication date: 1-May-2011.


  • HOSHI K, SHIKATA Y, TAKAHASHI Y and KOMATSU N. (2011). Mean Approximate Formulas for GI/G/1 Processor-Sharing System. IEICE Transactions on Communications. 10.1587/transcom.E94.B.2247. E94-B:8. (2247-2253).


  • Verloop I, Ayesta U and Borst S. (2010). Monotonicity Properties for Multi-Class Queueing Systems. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems. 20:4. (473-509). Online publication date: 1-Dec-2010.


  • Albayrak S, Sivrikaya F, Toker A and Khan M. (2010). User-Centric Convergence in Telecom Networks. Fixed Mobile Convergence Handbook. 10.1201/EBK1420091700-3. (29-50). Online publication date: 13-Sep-2010.


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  • Coffman E and Mitrani I. Selecting a scheduling rule that meets pre-specified response time demands. Proceedings of the fifth ACM symposium on Operating systems principles. (187-191).


  • Coffman E and Mitrani I. (1975). Selecting a scheduling rule that meets pre-specified response time demands. ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review. 9:5. (187-191). Online publication date: 1-Nov-1975.


  • O'Donovan T. (1975). Technical Note-The Queue M/G/1 When Jobs Are Scheduled within Generations. Operations Research. 23:4. (821-824). Online publication date: 1-Aug-1975.


  • Babad J. (1975). A Generalized Multi-Entrance Time-Sharing Priority Queue. Journal of the ACM. 22:2. (231-247). Online publication date: 1-Apr-1975.


  • Peterson J and Bulgren W. Studies in Markov models of computer systems. Proceedings of the 1975 annual conference. (102-107).


  • Chua Y and Bernstein A. (1974). Analysis of a Feedback Scheduler. SIAM Journal on Computing. 3:3. (159-176). Online publication date: 1-Sep-1974.


  • Cook T. Schedule—constrained job scheduling in a multiprogrammed computer system. Proceedings of the 7th conference on Winter simulation - Volume 2. (675-685).


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  • Graham R. (1973). Performance prediction. Software Engineering. 10.1007/3-540-07168-7_83. (395-463).


  • Losapio N and Bulgren W. Simulation of dispatching algorithms in a multiprogramming environment. Proceedings of the ACM annual conference - Volume 2. (903-913).


  • Bowdon E. Network computer modeling. Proceedings of the ACM annual conference - Volume 1. (254-264).


  • Kleinrock L and Muntz R. (1972). Processor Sharing Queueing Models of Mixed Scheduling Disciplines for Time Shared System. Journal of the ACM. 19:3. (464-482). Online publication date: 1-Jul-1972.


  • Blatny J, Clark S and Rourke T. (1972). On the optimization of performance of time-sharing systems by simulation. Communications of the ACM. 15:6. (411-420). Online publication date: 1-Jun-1972.


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  • Dudick A and Pack C. Round robin scheduling in a computer communications system with finite swap time and statistically multiplexed arrivals. Proceedings of the ACM second symposium on Problems in the optimizations of data communications systems. (58-64).


  • Teichroew D. (1971). Problem Statement Languages in MIS. Management-Informationssysteme. 10.1007/978-3-663-05183-1_14. (251-282).


  • Kleinrock L, Muntz R and Rodemich E. (2006). The processor‐sharing queueing model for time‐shared systems with bulk arrivals. Networks. 10.1002/net.3230010103. 1:1. (1-13). Online publication date: 1-Jan-1971.


  • Fuchs E and Jackson P. (1970). Estimates of distributions of random variables for certain computer communications traffic models. Communications of the ACM. 13:12. (752-757). Online publication date: 1-Dec-1970.


  • Kleinrock L. (1970). Swap-Time Considerations in Time-Shared Systems. IEEE Transactions on Computers. 19:6. (534-540). Online publication date: 1-Jun-1970.


  • Kleinrock L. A contiuum of time-sharing scheduling algorithms. Proceedings of the May 5-7, 1970, spring joint computer conference. (453-458).


  • Chang W. (1970). Single-server queuing processes in computing systems. IBM Systems Journal. 9:1. (36-71). Online publication date: 1-Mar-1970.


  • Coffman E, Muntz R and Trotter H. (1970). Waiting Time Distributions for Processor-Sharing Systems. Journal of the ACM. 17:1. (123-130). Online publication date: 1-Jan-1970.


  • Gurk H and Minker J. (1970). Storage Requirements for Information Handling Centers. Journal of the ACM. 17:1. (65-77). Online publication date: 1-Jan-1970.


  • Shemer J and Heying D. Performance modeling and empirical measurements in a system designed for batch and time-sharing users. Proceedings of the November 18-20, 1969, fall joint computer conference. (17-26).


  • Fuchs E and Jackson P. Estimates of distributions of random variables for certain computer communications traffic models. Proceedings of the first ACM symposium on Problems in the optimization of data communications systems. (205-230).


  • Coffman E and Muntz R. Models of Pure time-sharing disciplines for resource allocation. Proceedings of the 1969 24th national conference. (217-228).


  • Coffman E. (2013). Markov chain analyses of multiprogrammed computer systems. Naval Research Logistics Quarterly. 10.1002/nav.3800160203. 16:2. (175-197). Online publication date: 1-Jun-1969.


  • Coffman E and Kleinrock L. (1968). Feedback Queueing Models for Time-Shared Systems. Journal of the ACM. 15:4. (549-576). Online publication date: 1-Oct-1968.


  • Iazeolla G. (1968). Sistemi a partizione-di-tempo: Sviluppo teorico di un algoritmo di servizio con priorità. Calcolo. 10.1007/BF02576110. 5:2. (251-275). Online publication date: 1-Jun-1968.


  • Coffman E and Kleinrock L. Computer scheduling methods and their countermeasures. Proceedings of the April 30--May 2, 1968, spring joint computer conference. (11-21).


  • Iazeolla G. (1968). Sulla trasformazione di un elaboratore in n elaboratori virtuali. Calcolo. 10.1007/BF02576098. 5:S1. (591-602). Online publication date: 1-Mar-1968.


  • HAAG J. (1968). A Macroscopic Model of an Interactive Computing System. Interactive Systems for Experimental Applied Mathematics. 10.1016/B978-0-12-395608-8.50032-3. (284-285).


  • Kleinrock L and Coffman E. (1967). Distribution of attained service in time-shared systems. Journal of Computer and System Sciences. 1:3. (287-298). Online publication date: 1-Oct-1967.


  • Haag J. A macroscopic model of an interactive computing system. Symposium on Interactive Systems for Experimental Applied Mathematics: Proceedings of the Association for Computing Machinery Inc. Symposium. (284-285).


  • Schulman F. Hardware measurement device for IBM system/360 time sharing evaluation. Proceedings of the 1967 22nd national conference. (103-109).


  • Estrin G and Kleinrock L. Measures, models and measurements for time-shared computer utilities. Proceedings of the 1967 22nd national conference. (85-96).
