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Knowledge Graph and Deep Learning-based Text-to-GraphQL Model for Intelligent Medical Consultation Chatbot

Published: 06 July 2022 Publication History


Text-to-GraphQL (Text2GraphQL) is a task that converts the user's questions into Graph + QL (Query Language) when a graph database is given. That is a task of semantic parsing that transforms natural language problems into logical expressions, which will bring more efficient direct communication between humans and machines. The existing related work mainly focuses on Text-to-SQL tasks, and there is no available semantic parsing method and data set for the graph database. In order to fill the gaps in this field to serve the medical Human–Robot Interactions (HRI) better, we propose this task and a pipeline solution for the Text2GraphQL task. This solution uses the Adapter pre-trained by “the linking of GraphQL schemas and the corresponding utterances” as an external knowledge introduction plug-in. By inserting the Adapter into the language model, the mapping between logical language and natural language can be introduced faster and more directly to better realize the end-to-end human–machine language translation task. In the study, the proposed Text2GraphQL task model is mainly constructed based on an improved pipeline composed of a Language Model, Pre-trained Adapter plug-in, and Pointer Network. This enables the model to copy objects' tokens from utterances, generate corresponding GraphQL statements for graph database retrieval, and builds an adjustment mechanism to improve the final output. And the experiments have proved that our proposed method has certain competitiveness on the counterpart datasets (Spider, ATIS, GeoQuery, and 39.net) converted from the Text2SQL task, and the proposed method is also practical in medical scenarios.


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  1. Knowledge Graph and Deep Learning-based Text-to-GraphQL Model for Intelligent Medical Consultation Chatbot
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            cover image Information Systems Frontiers
            Information Systems Frontiers  Volume 26, Issue 1
            Feb 2024
            358 pages


            Kluwer Academic Publishers

            United States

            Publication History

            Published: 06 July 2022
            Accepted: 10 May 2022

            Author Tags

            1. Text-to-GraphQL
            2. Semantic parsing
            3. Knowledge graph
            4. Natural language processing
            5. Deep learning
            6. Health informatics


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            • (2024)Intelligent recruitment decision support combining Transformer model and knowledge graphProceedings of the 2024 International Conference on Machine Intelligence and Digital Applications10.1145/3662739.3672315(596-601)Online publication date: 30-May-2024
            • (2024)Social Robotics Business and ComputingInformation Systems Frontiers10.1007/s10796-023-10413-626:1(1-8)Online publication date: 1-Feb-2024

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