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Numerical modelling of the surface plasmon modes of a circular cylindrical three-layer graphene waveguide

Published: 05 December 2024 Publication History


In this paper, the characteristics of the fundamental mode of surface plasmons in a circular cylindrical three-layer graphene waveguide structure are investigated. By using Maxwell equations in the cylindrical coordinate system and applying the boundary conditions, the dispersion relation has been derived for the fundamental mode. In the proposed model, along with the electric field distribution in the waveguide, the effect of different model parameters on the dispersion curve has also been investigated. For instance, the effect of chemical potential, temperature and the separation between the first-second and second-third layers of the graphene has been shown and discussed in detail. Furthermore, the effect of chemical potential, temperature and separation between the first-second and second-third layers of the graphene on the propagation length and phase speed is also discussed.


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Information & Contributors


Published In

cover image Journal of Computational Electronics
Journal of Computational Electronics  Volume 24, Issue 1
Feb 2025
523 pages



Berlin, Heidelberg

Publication History

Published: 05 December 2024
Accepted: 22 October 2024
Received: 03 November 2023

Author Tags

  1. Graphene
  2. Chemical potential
  3. Circular cylindrical waveguide
  4. Surface plasmon polariton


  • Research-article


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