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Synthetic data augmentation for surface defect detection and classification using deep learning

Published: 01 April 2022 Publication History


Deep learning techniques, especially Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), dominate the benchmarks for most computer vision tasks. These state-of-the-art results are typically obtained through supervised learning, for which large annotated datasets are required. However, acquiring such datasets for manufacturing applications remains a challenging proposition due to the time and costs involved in their collection. To overcome this disadvantage, a novel framework is proposed for data augmentation by creating synthetic images using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). The generator synthesizes new surface defect images from random noise which is trained over time to get realistic fakes. These synthetic images can be used further for training of classification algorithms. Three GAN architectures are trained, and the entire data augmentation pipeline is implemented for the Northeastern University (China) Classification (NEU-CLS) dataset for hot-rolled steel strips from NEU Surface Defect Database. The classification accuracy of a simple CNN architecture is measured on synthetic augmented data and further it is compared with similar state-of-the-arts. It is observed that the proposed GANs-based augmentation scheme significantly improves the performance of CNN for classification of surface defects. The classically augmented CNN yields sensitivity and specificity of 90.28% and 98.06% respectively. In contrast, the synthetically augmented CNN yields better results, with sensitivity and specificity of 95.33% and 99.16% respectively. Also, the use of GANs is demonstrated to disentangle the representation space and to add additional domain knowledge through synthetic augmentation that can be difficult to replicate through classic augmentation. The proposed framework demonstrates high generalization capability. It may be applied to other supervised surface inspection tasks, and thus facilitate the development of advanced vision-based inspection instruments for manufacturing applications.


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Published In

cover image Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing  Volume 33, Issue 4
Apr 2022
272 pages



Berlin, Heidelberg

Publication History

Published: 01 April 2022
Accepted: 29 October 2020
Received: 29 October 2019

Author Tags

  1. Surface defects
  2. Classification
  3. Convolutional neural network
  4. Generative adversarial network
  5. Deep learning


  • Research-article


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