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Alternately denoising and reconstructing unoriented point sets

Published: 01 November 2023 Publication History


We propose a new strategy to bridge point cloud denoising and surface reconstruction by alternately updating the denoised point clouds and the reconstructed surfaces. In Poisson surface reconstruction, the implicit function is generated by a set of smooth basis functions centered at the octnodes. When the octree depth is properly selected, the reconstructed surface is a good smooth approximation of the noisy point set. Our method projects the noisy points onto the surface and alternately reconstructs and projects the point set. We use the iterative Poisson surface reconstruction (iPSR) to support unoriented surface reconstruction. Our method iteratively performs iPSR and acts as an outer loop of iPSR. Considering that the octree depth significantly affects the reconstruction results, we propose an adaptive depth selection strategy to ensure an appropriate depth choice. To manage the oversmoothing phenomenon near the sharp features, we propose a λ-projection method, which means to project the noisy points onto the surface with an individual control coefficient λ i for each point. The coefficients are determined through a Voronoi-based feature detection method. Experimental results show that our method achieves high performance in point cloud denoising and unoriented surface reconstruction within different noise scales, and exhibits well-rounded performance in various types of inputs. The source code is available at https://github.com/Submanifold/AlterUpdate.


We propose a new strategy to alternately updating the denoised point clouds and the reconstructed surfaces.
We use an adaptive octree depth selection strategy for iPSR.
We propose a λ-projection method to manage the oversmoothing of the sharp edges.
Our method achieves high performance in various situations.

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Published In

cover image Computers and Graphics
Computers and Graphics  Volume 116, Issue C
Nov 2023
518 pages


Pergamon Press, Inc.

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 November 2023

Author Tags

  1. Point cloud denoising
  2. Poisson surface reconstruction
  3. Projection-based denoising


  • Research-article


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