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Exploring the impact of augmented reality on student academic self-efficacy in higher education

Published: 01 December 2023 Publication History


This study develops and empirically tests a conceptual model comprising eight hypotheses that focus on the impact of Augmented Reality (AR) on student academic self-efficacy. A controlled experiment was conducted, followed by an online questionnaire with 65 students. Partial Least Square (PLS) Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) is used to assess and test the model. The results show that student cognitive strategies impact student perception and engagement with technology and learning tasks, with AR positively impacting student academic self-efficacy in higher education. Interestingly, neither the learning space nor the students' perception of task value was shown to impact their intention to use AR. Instead, it was the characteristics of the technology itself which encouraged adoption. The study's findings reinforce the need to (1) teach and facilitate effective cognitive strategies among third level students and (2) identify and overcome negative cognitive strategies that harm student self-efficacy and engagement.


Empirically tested conceptual model focusing on Augmented Reality (AR) and Student Academic Self-Efficacy
The characteristics of the AR application enticed the students to use it.
The learning environment nor the value students placed on the AR based activity influenced their intention to use AR.
The strategies the students used to learn influenced their confidence in their abilities and their view of the technology.
AR was also shown to increase students' academic confidence.


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        Published In

        cover image Computers in Human Behavior
        Computers in Human Behavior  Volume 149, Issue C
        Dec 2023
        493 pages


        Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.


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        Published: 01 December 2023

        Author Tags

        1. Academic self-efficacy
        2. Augmented reality
        3. Conceptual model
        4. Cognitive strategies
        5. Learning space


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