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Comparing shapes through multi-scale approximations of the matching distance

Published: 01 April 2014 Publication History


Two of the main ingredients of topological persistence for shape comparison are persistence diagrams and the matching distance. Persistence diagrams are signatures capturing meaningful properties of shapes, while the matching distance can be used to stably compare them. From the application viewpoint, one drawback of these tools is the computational cost for evaluating the matching distance. In this paper we introduce a new framework for the matching distance estimation: It preserves the reliability of the entire approach in comparing shapes, extremely reducing the computational cost. Theoretical results are supported by experiments on 3D-models.


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Published In

cover image Computer Vision and Image Understanding
Computer Vision and Image Understanding  Volume 121, Issue
April, 2014
119 pages


Elsevier Science Inc.

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 April 2014

Author Tags

  1. Bottleneck distance
  2. Dissimilarity criterion
  3. Persistence diagram
  4. Shape analysis


  • Article


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