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Using machine learning to optimize parallelism in big data applications

Published: 01 September 2018 Publication History


In-memory cluster computing platforms have gained momentum in the last years, due to their ability to analyse big amounts of data in parallel. These platforms are complex and difficult-to-manage environments. In addition, there is a lack of tools to better understand and optimize such platforms that consequently form the backbone of big data infrastructure and technologies. This directly leads to underutilization of available resources and application failures in such environment. One of the key aspects that can address this problem is optimization of the task parallelism of application in such environments. In this paper, we propose a machine learning based method that recommends optimal parameters for task parallelization in big data workloads. By monitoring and gathering metrics at system and application level, we are able to find statistical correlations that allow us to characterize and predict the effect of different parallelism settings on performance. These predictions are used to recommend an optimal configuration to users before launching their workloads in the cluster, avoiding possible failures, performance degradation and wastage of resources. We evaluate our method with a benchmark of 15 Spark applications on the Grid5000 testbed. We observe up to a 51% gain on performance when using the recommended parallelism settings. The model is also interpretable and can give insights to the user into how different metrics and parameters affect the performance.


We train a machine learning model to predict the duration of Big Data workloads.
We leverage these predictions to recommend an optimal task configuration.
We evaluate our method with an Apache Spark benchmark on a testbed.
We observe up to a 51% gain on performance with these recommendations.
The model is also user-interpretable.


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      Published In

      cover image Future Generation Computer Systems
      Future Generation Computer Systems  Volume 86, Issue C
      Sep 2018
      1535 pages


      Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.


      Publication History

      Published: 01 September 2018

      Author Tags

      1. Machine learning
      2. Spark
      3. Parallelism
      4. Big data


      • Research-article


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