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SimCost: cost-effective resource provision prediction and recommendation for spark workloads

Published: 22 June 2023 Publication History
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  • Abstract

    Spark is one of the most popular big data analytical platforms. To save time, achieve high resource utilization, and remain cost-effective for Spark jobs, it is challenging but imperative for data scientists to configure suitable resource portions.In this paper, we investigate the proper parameter values that meet workloads’ performance requirements with minimized resource cost and resource utilization time. We propose SimCost, a simulation-based cost model, to predict the performance of jobs accurately. We achieve low-cost training by taking advantage of simulation framework, i.e., Monte Carlo simulation, which uses a small amount of data and resources to make a reliable prediction for larger datasets and clusters. Our method’s salient feature is that it allows us to invest low training costs while obtaining an accurate prediction. Through empirical experiments with 12 benchmark workloads, we show that the cost model yields less than 5% error on average prediction accuracy, and the recommendation achieves up to 6x resource cost saving.


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    Index Terms

    1. SimCost: cost-effective resource provision prediction and recommendation for spark workloads
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            Information & Contributors


            Published In

            cover image Distributed and Parallel Databases
            Distributed and Parallel Databases  Volume 42, Issue 1
            Mar 2024
            140 pages


            Kluwer Academic Publishers

            United States

            Publication History

            Published: 22 June 2023
            Accepted: 29 May 2023

            Author Tags

            1. Parameter tuning
            2. Cost modeling
            3. Spark
            4. Resource provisioning


            • Research-article

            Funding Sources

            • Academy of Finland
            • University of Helsinki including Helsinki University Central Hospital


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