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Investigating the affective quality of interactivity by motion feedback in mobile touchscreen user interfaces

Published: 01 December 2011 Publication History


Emotion is a key aspect of user experience. To design a user interface for positive emotional experience, the affective quality of the user interface needs to be carefully considered. A major factor of affective quality in today's user interface for digital media is interactivity, in which motion feedback plays a significant role as an element. This role of motion feedback is particularly evident in touchscreen user interfaces that have been adopted rapidly in mobile devices. This paper presents two empirical studies performed to increase our understanding of motion feedback in terms of affective quality in mobile touchscreen user interfaces. In the first study, the relationships between three general motion properties and a selected set of affective qualities are examined. The results of this study provide a guideline for the design of motion feedback in existing mobile touchscreen user interfaces. The second study explores a new dimension of interactivity that is the Weight factor of Laban's Effort system. To experiment the Weight factor in a mobile touchscreen user interface, a pressure sensitive prototype was developed to recognize the amount of force applied by the user's finger action. With this prototype, the effects of implementing pressure requirements on four different types of user interfaces were examined. Results show that implementing the Weight factor can significantly influence the affective quality and complement the physical feel of a user interface. The issues to consider for effective implementation are also discussed.


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  1. Investigating the affective quality of interactivity by motion feedback in mobile touchscreen user interfaces



    Information & Contributors


    Published In

    cover image International Journal of Human-Computer Studies
    International Journal of Human-Computer Studies  Volume 69, Issue 12
    December, 2011
    98 pages


    Academic Press, Inc.

    United States

    Publication History

    Published: 01 December 2011

    Author Tags

    1. Affective quality
    2. Interactivity
    3. Mobile touchscreen user interface
    4. Motion feedback
    5. User experience


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