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How hand gestures influence the enjoyment in gamified mobile marketing

Published: 01 July 2019 Publication History
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    Two types of hand gestures—surface vs. motion gesture are investigated.
    Effects of gestures on enjoyment of marketing games are contingent on object visual presentation and reward setting.
    Surface gesture fits better with product picture and affects the enjoyment through mental simulation.
    Motion gesture interacts with reward uncertainty to impact the enjoyment through perceived control.


    With the rapid development of mobile technologies, gamification has been deployed pervasively on mobile platforms as an effective marketing tool. In this study, we focus on how mobile gesture technology influences consumer enjoyment of mobile marketing games by examining two types of hand gestures: surface and motion gestures. Considering the characteristics of hand gestures and embodied cognition theories, we propose that hand gestures influence the enjoyment of mobile marketing games with two other game elements: object visual presentation and reward setting. Specifically, the interaction between surface gesture (vs. motion gesture) and the object visual presentation of a real product picture (vs. symbolic brand logo image) leads to greater enjoyment of marketing games through mental simulation. Similarly, the interaction between motion gesture (vs. surface gesture) and reward setting of uncertainty (vs. certainty) leads to greater enjoyment of marketing games through perceived control. Three online experiments are conducted to support the proposed hypotheses. Results provide implications for marketing practitioners that hand gesture design should be aligned with congruent object visual presentation and reward setting in order to enhance consumer enjoyment of mobile marketing games. This study contributes to the extant literature of gamification, as well as human-computer interaction.


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          Published In

          cover image International Journal of Human-Computer Studies
          International Journal of Human-Computer Studies  Volume 127, Issue C
          Jul 2019
          225 pages


          Academic Press, Inc.

          United States

          Publication History

          Published: 01 July 2019

          Author Tags

          1. Gesture interaction
          2. Mental simulation
          3. Perceived control
          4. Enjoyment
          5. Game design


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