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Application Specific Transaction Management in MultidatabaseSystems

Published: 01 October 1997 Publication History


We present a transaction model for multidatabase systems with autonomous component systems, coined heterogeneous 3-level transactions. It has become evident that in such a system the requirements of guaranteeing full ACID properties and full local autonomy can not be reconciled. In the heterogeneous 3-level transaction model, semantics of actions and specific properties of the architecture of multidatabase systems and of applications are utilized to define application specific compromises between these competing goals. We consider different definitions of conflicts between actions together with application specific sets of allowed (autonomous) local transactions and global subtransactions. A formal model for serializability is given. It is proven that heterogeneous 3-level transactions guarantee all consistency constraints that are ensured in serial executions. In contrast to most other models, we do not require data to be partitioned into global and local data. In particular, heterogeneous 3-level transactions even allow the same data to be updated by local and global transactions in parallel, if these updates are found to be semantically non-conflicting.
Recovery is handled by inverse actions. We present a formal framework for this approach which is fully integrated into serializability theory by considering inverse actions as ordinary actions. This has an important impact on the relationship of concurrency control and recovery in our model: By changing the definition of conflicts between actions in order to tailor the model according to application needs, recovery is implicitly affected and no further explicit adaptation of recovery algorithms is necessary.
The heterogeneous 3-level transaction model assumes component database systems to support ACID transaction properties. Further properties of local transactions or interfaces of the component database systems are not required. We describe a prototype implementation of heterogeneous 3-level transactions in the object-oriented database system VODAK.


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  • (2001)Transactional Information SystemsundefinedOnline publication date: 30-May-2001

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    cover image Distributed and Parallel Databases
    Distributed and Parallel Databases  Volume 5, Issue 4
    Oct. 1997
    110 pages
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    Kluwer Academic Publishers

    United States

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    Published: 01 October 1997

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    1. Multidatabases
    2. autonomy
    3. transaction management


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